Projectiles compensates with larger hitbox size but yeah, they should also deal more damage too.
If aiming was so easy everyone would be playing Widow.
And heroes like junkrat and pharah would not dominate lower ranks.
easy fix for this wouldbe to add shield dmg multiplier to either hitscan and/or projectile so they do mroe or less vs shields specifically.
would be pretty simple to adjust for that (similar to how dmg to armor work) and give teams a reason to go for both types and nto just stack 1 type.
Hitscan require constant aim, with a less forgiving hitbox than projectiles (eg a widow player has to land exactly on the body whereas pharah can land next to the enemy). Both require similar skill. and before someones goes “whaaaaaa I need to predict my shots”, yes you do but you have a more forgiving hitbox. have the ability to spam a choke nonstop. Theres a dps in t10 who one tricks pharah. Saying hitscan is just “clicking on the body”, is the same as saying projectile is just “clicking next to the body”.
I know a game, where they’ve just buffed projectiles a little and they’ve reached perfect balance and every weapon to be viable.
The difference is that in OW you can damage boost pocket.
I am trying to make sense of all this “drama” about Hitscans vs Projectile now in a game that is going to be FIVE years old now … with the SAME mechanics. Like really? are we going to complain about something that is been happening for almost FIVE years now?
Projectile heroes on average do more damage per shot, have favor of the shooter (yes, you can dodge in your screen and STILL get hit in the server) and the hitbox is way way way way bigger (hitscan has to be pixel perfect).
Do any of the players here think they are going to change a basic mechanic like this one now? I am genuinely curious
PS: Is the balance so good that we are past the buff/nerf specific heroes now?
yeah hitscan is dominating the game for so long tbh and with mercy pocket it just becomes cancerous i think hit scan damage should be reworked meaning widow and ashe in the first place
Can’t see how projectiles are harder to aim than Hitscans tho?
Hitscans have no travel time but are pin point in exchange.
Projectiles have a travel time but they are wider allowing them to hit even if u over shoot a bit.
Feels like both have equal difficulty.
I think the strength of projectile is revealed up close. It is much easier to hit with a Projectile, and to HS with projectile, when up close. And the reward is insane. Hanzo for example, one shots. And in DM where I can actually get near people, Its just free headshots galore. Problem is Hanzo has to snipe a lot. He’s not a “more skillful reaper”
People confuse skill with consistency, or just being better. Its not that HS requires less skill, among controllable factors HS is harder. Smaller bullets, very few “oh I missed but still hit something” moments as there is no hang time for the bullets.
The thing that make you think projectiles are hard actually isn’t a matter of skill. If a target is super far away, you are guessing. No matter how on point your aim is, the target could move in a way NO ONE predicted and dodge the shot or throw the shot off. You aren’t aiming more than a HS. You are aiming similar amounts, maybe less because the area you have to hit is slightly bigger. The difference is a matter of consistency. That has nothing to do with mechanics or skill. You’re simply worse, but rewarded more heavily for hits, which isn’t a good enough reward right now.
Right now specifically I’d say it’s just impossible to overcome Ashe and Soldiers consistency. And they should fix that. But It’s not because “Oh my gosh Hanzo just requires skill and hitscan is just bang bang…” No, it’s just that projectile is bad.
You wouldn’t say bastion is harder than Widow, just because bastion is worse. It isn’t a matter of skill. It’s a matter of power scaling.
I agree, that projectiles in the past had advantages, and still have the vestiges of that in some cases. Such as powerful kits, more ammo, or more damage. But damage for projectiles and their kits were nerfed. Hitscan heroes like Ashe and Soldier, and McCree always, Have insane ammo. And honestly I don’t see Projectile kits ever competing with Sprint, with flash, with scopes, again, and projectiles left clicks used to be competitive but were then nerfed to combat power creep…
Is there anything universal to do? Do we generally want projectile damage to be high? Do we want to give these hero’s insane abilities, like old storm arrow? Multiple concussive blasts? More dash damage? I know a lot of Hanzo mains simply want their old arrow speed back.
You’re right, that’s kinda my point, heroes aren’t defined by just one part of their kit. Projectile heroes have more than just their projectile weapon. So when someone says “projectile heroes will never be as good as hitscan” it’s like, what do you mean? We’ve had multiple metas without hitscan in them at all. This isn’t as simple as hitscan > projectile
There is more to a hero than their weapon
All strong heroes imo, and not Hitscan
that is a single hero (who is extremely powercrept) out of many who are left in a dumpster
Projectile shots have very big hitboxes and Projectile Hereos also shoot a lot foaster or do more damage to compensate this.
After years of Hitscan being trash they are now stronger then Projectiles adn everybody complains, its not like we have no projectile Hereos viable
the hitscan reticle has the same size as genji’s shirukens
the hitscan size is 0.2 which is the same as genji’s and suprisingly hanzo’s arrows (hanzo arrow is more of a football shaped projectile so it is a bit bigger
I love when people say that it’s easier to hit with Projectile because the hitboxes are bigger.
As if everyone is picking Mei to counter Pharah cause her icicle’s hitboxes are so generous.
{Citation Needed} I’m pretty sure that hitscan bullets have no size because they aren’t projectiles. A projectile can miss the target slightly and still hit it. The trade off is that they have travel time and hitscans don’t so you have to lead the target with projectiles which requires different mechanics than hitscan.
Also, if I’m not mistaken the Genji shuriken is the smallest projectile in the game.
As I said, there’s trade-offs. Hitscans and projectile heroes have different challenges. I don’t think I would consider one easier than the other though. But they do require different aim training. The one thing that is easier with hitscans is that the aim from one to the next doesn’t require as much adjustment. Going from Hanzo to Mei requires a lot more aim adjustment than going from McCree to Ashe.
Correction: projectile shots are only as big as the projectile models, and most projectile heroes either have damage or firerate or neither. Remember when they dumpstered Genji’s close-range?
would be nice if it were so, but unfortunately it is not so. You just have to look at the character hit boxes. Some are reasonably accurate, but unfortunately many others are not. (Mcree, Winston, Ashe, Widow, Echo, …) Fun fact: Hammond has the most accurate hitbox in its ball form.
It will be similar with projectiles. Some are accurate, some are not. (The hitbox of Junks Bear Trap (not a projectile, I know) is 2-3 times as high as the model where Zen cannot float over it.)
For my part, it’s very strange how simple headshots with DVas or Mercy’s pistol are.
Time to stop wondering and start knowing, then. They’re all reasonably accurate.
In which world do you live? Where is that reasonably accurat please?
Brigitte, Roadhog hook, Ashe dynamite, Baps Secondary: 0.0m yes, of course!
Mercy and D.Va: 0.5m. Ana Nade or Sleepdart: 0.4m.
Where does that correspond to the models, please?
Mercys or D.Vas bullets are approximately 0.04m in diameter and the Sleepdart should be 0.02-0.03m in diameter (dimensions of the model).
And the description of Hanzo’s arrows as a trunk is pretty accurate. Before the first snowfall I sawed a few small trees and they were also about 0.2m in diameter.
Since this is the US forum: 0.2 m (meters) = 20 cm (centimeters) = 7.8 in (inches).
Grab a ruler, measure this length and then tell me how it goes with an arrow that is 1cm in diameter and a tip of about 3-4cm. Mercys or D.Vas are 50cm / 19.6 in 2/3 of my screen (27in).
I am well aware that projectiles with their real sizes would be more at a disadvantage compared to Hitscan than they already are, but some are just ridiculously large compared to the model.
0.3 is borderline, but those in the 0.4-0.6 range are mostly simply too big.