Frustrating MM leading to player base decline

I am too aggressive to but I manage to diff mercy’s heals and the tanks k/d so I wouldn’t take it too harshly

I play him because he’s fun. I know I’m bad, but I’m not going to improve on him by swapping. So I just ignore the flame.

Fun over winning anyway… open queue Lucio is good… he can slay tanks and nobody goes support so massive W. Try that maybe?

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I always end up on tanks in OQ, so maybe I’ll give it a shot. A playground to practice in

Last night I was just mowing people down as Orissa in OQ.

Not what it says on my profile.

I don’t think they checked play times.

Or they did and decided being completely disingenuous was the was to go…

Neither is a good look

What would a top 500 player, who has been playing with the same very small circle of people for years at this point, say about a matchmaker that has kept them at top 500 :confused: - sounds like a bit of a weird reason to moan

Tanks aren’t as important in oq unless you have hog but Lucio can stomp tanks in oq… i recently started oq and I’m stomping on support

The Overwatch 2 profile browser is completely outdated.
Overbuff is also not as accurate, but way more updated.

Yeah. Other than a few minutes ago, I’ve not been on overbuff in about a year. It was so inaccurate.

Natural selection insinuates those remaining will propagate and increase. Your numbers are only dwindling. Take the hint.

From Blizzard’s own 2nd Quarter Financial Reports:
" Blizzard continued to engage the Overwatch ® and Warcraft ® communities with live operations in the second quarter. While engagement and player investment in Overwatch 2 declined sequentially in the quarter, the Overwatch team is looking forward to the August 10 release of Overwatch 2: Invasion."

The devs admitted that the hero progression piece of the PVE was already cancelled before OW2 even launched, yet they blatantly lied and told people it was still on the table well beyond the release of OW2.

But you do care, because you’re the one who brought skill in the equation. You said, “People who aren’t good enough and keep complaining about MM, quit. People who are good and/or keep improving keep playing.”

This goes back to the first moment I told you were cropping this individually to better fit your narrative. And you still are, because since you’re being immature in this regard, you’re unable to admit it’s a term that fits quite well.

And what happen after the patch? How is it rapidly decaying? Keep hating all you want; the game won’t die and will continue without you.

Yes and now you’ve repeated what I said. What you’re wrong about is saying they have been “lying day in and out”, like all they do is lie, which is false.

No, you see, I really don’t care, as for now I haven’t checked anything at all. You’re twisting words around to — again, fit your own narrative.
I’m mentioning the inability to admit you’re not good and then blaming the matchmaking is one of the reason you quit. Because again, if you weren’t twisting my words, you were able to see I’m just telling you the MM is fine and is not the reason why people quit, but realistically, because they aren’t improving and aren’t self-accountable for it. You, then, brought up the fact you were Masters. Congratulations; you should have kept going, but apparentely you didn’t and you quitted and as you mentioned you were complaining about the MM earlier, which means you fit the criteria of the whole natural selection anology. So yeah, in a way I sort of bring up skill, but you were the one who end up making a bigger deal out of it. Hard to argue with someone who doesn’t get anologies and only seeks the literal meaning of words/terms when it’s needed to better support their own logical fallacies.

Because they have encountered people who clearly aren’t t500 / GM when it comes to skill/game sense so their match quality has decreased as well.

It’s a very common one tbf.

It wasn’t directed to you , so don’t worry about it

Oops sorry my bad guys.

The funny thing is you get paid actors who say everything is fine, and you need to ged gud,

I went from bronze 5 to plat 3 and less than 45 days, with incredible aim and worked a lot in my game sense and guess what: it’s the same S, I yet don’t know what looks like a plat game, because it is the same S, there are even player worse than what I saw down there(bronze).

A lot of new accounts, deranking or boosting a duo, it is same S like it was before, you stomp or get stomped, there is no fun about it.

Everything is fine, and you are getting long queue, because cleaver ppl are leaving, And I am in line to go away, they will buy themselves their battle pass.

Is that what the issue is? I played tank that season and went from plat 4 to diamond 3 in one rank up, but didn’t play much more past that. Ever since then I can barely move any of my ranks at all and a decent number of my lower rank games are clearly against people who don’t belong in the rank. I swear you’re stuck playing against the same caliber of players no matter your rank. I’m playing snipers with 40% crit accuracy. I even had 30-40% crit accuracy in some games on hanzo just to beat them (even though their positioning is very good). These aren’t silver dps, but we’re all in silver.

That makes me feel less crazy. I could’ve sworn it was easier to rank up than this. The last time I played a silver account I went from silver to plat in 11 games, so struggling to get out of silver is weird for me.

might wanna go look again

You might want to just not play that card.