Frustrating MM leading to player base decline

I don’t think they were fine. So many complaints about the game for the lack of updates. People also criticized MM back then. And will continue to criticize in this game and all the others.

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It’s a garbage system. Anyone defending it should post 10 replay codes and explain why they see things as “fine”.

This company has several patents that remove any sense of legitimate rankings and actual fairplay competition:

ft. in-game gatcha shop and 150k negative reviews.


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Why assume the others don’t deserve GM, yet your friends do? The matches aren’t bad. Your friends are just unable to admit their flaws and it’s easier to blame MM and teammates. Oh man, you’d be suprised how often this happens with some Top500 and streamers, who I will not mention here for obvious reasons.

But you did. You insinuated the usage of that term was incorrect and I’m correcting you on that regard, because it does make sense.

A rapidly decaying game is not factual. Give me evidence to support this.

“Devs lying day in and day out.” Another false claim. They failed to deliver some aspects of PvE. And they are and have been rectifying that mistake.

Not only I am not going to check your profile – I also don’t care about it. You could be bottom 500 or Top100 and it still wouldn’t change the point. I’ve found few players in Top250-500 who also complain all the time, yet they are making like 10 mistakes per minute. Your rank is irrelevant, your attitude towards the game is what’s being discussed. You blame a system that doesn’t deserve to be blamed and that’s the topic. You blamed your teammates because you assumed they didn’t know what they were doing, but stop and think for a minute that those same teammates thought the same thing about you. That made you uninstall. You easily give up – unironically, leads back to what I said: Natural selection. See how it makes some sense?

If I can find them sure. I play a lot so the games might have already been bumped off the list

TBH I think his “overwatch” is actually the forums.

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man you are silver…please be quiet

Roku sniffing for match maker threads :japanese_goblin: “where argue - it doesnt!”


No. I couldn’t disagree more I feel that your opinion here is incorrect

Ahoy there again person

Wrong. I left due to the matchmaker and ONLY the matchmaker.

I would like to play the game. I love the heroes, the core gameplay. I will not play it, because this is the worst matchmaker of all time, no question.

They could literally turn their algorithm OFF, and make matches with 10 random players based on Rank, and it would be leagues better than this fake, rigged matchmaker created in BAD FAITH that is designed only to up frustration in hopes of getting people hooked.

It’s criminal, and Blizz deserves a dead game. They should fire everyone involved with the matchmaker, and build a new one if they want to save their game.

I’d go as far as to say that the head of this company should go to prison for their scheme to play with people’s mental health through with this fake, rigged, scam of a system. Prison.


Furthermore his profile is private. Only weak players hide their profiles.

I’d agree. If it wasn’t the default option

Fair. So the match maker, or your perception of what it was doing burnt you out.

Speaking of profiles… who is everyone’s most played hero and with how many hours?

Ball. More that double the time of any other hero

(Except this season which is Ana atm)

What are the hours if you don’t mind me asking? I just want to know if me having 40 hours on Lucio as a Genji main (30 hours) is weird.

40 this season??

I think I’m on about 6-8 on ana, somewhere about there.

Not had much chance to “grind” yet.

How you finding the Lucio buff??

Nononono 40 overall… loving the buff tbh I don’t read the patch notes but I am dominating on him easier so I will take it as a plus

I’ve probably got more hours on Ball than I care to remember. Probably closer to 100, maybe even a lot more.

I play Lucio a fair bit, but I’m far too aggressive for my team. So usually I get flamed a lot lol