From THE game, to just a game

Honestly there were so many things that just didn’t feel right ? I could never put my finger on it. Thank you for this post, I can now understand why everything just didn’t feel right.


Considering that gold dps Ques were 10 minutes + at times it is something I say that we lost mostly casuals.

Because goats was a wierd period of ladder were only a select few actually played do to how team oriented and technical it was.

be it that we got balance changes to address such. And heroes like doom/mei/cassidy/soldier got supper buffed.

while rien/ ana/zen brig repeatively got nerfed.

making it a very taxing time for a lot of players do to how hard it was to deal with the upper heroes, especialy now the less technical comfort picks in the lower bunch got nerfed quite a bit.

It was a confusing period of time for a lot of players. As very few people even understood the issue, and those that did understood all these major changes were mostly for OWL.

with the format change after the fact hitting a nail on the coffin for many. Even tho it did make the game better overall, as the it fixed the community issue of not wanting to play the game in how it was balanced to be played.

And players were already strained from dive controling the meta for so long.

Be it the higher ranks had the issue of smurphs accounts taking up alot of the SR space, pushing players into lower teirs as more people fill the ladder with multiple entries.

Like one guy had like 10+ accounts in top 500 for a good moment their.

Not saying high end player didn’t leave they did. But ah lets say their was as big reason for OW2 going free to play.

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It’s still my go-to game for both solo play and with my friends. It just plays so well. Massive variety of playstyles and such. I don’t see anything else replacing it for a long time. Plus I got back into T500 this week, and high-level play is something special.

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This bugs the hell out of me when I play and get an environmental kill with no “falling icon” on the kill feed. It takes away the satisfaction, especially when it’s a multi-kill.

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OW was a golden goose unlike any other in gaming. So much so that even the average non-gamer played it. And Blizzard managed to drop the ball so bad that it’s been reduced to a niche f2p game with a dwindling playerbase. Everything that made OW so big has been steadily stripped away as Blizzard’s management delusionally chases the e-sports scene, thinking that somehow, that’s where the money and consumers are.

OW’s nosedive should be written into books on business on how not to handle a massively successful product.


I mean, the game is not finished, that is clear

Also based on today’s post, i’m guessing the “engine update” wasn’t just updating but they actually had to reimport every asset of the game, so although models and animations are done, they have to reimport them and recode them properly, which would explain why half is overwatch half is buguerwatch


Yaaa I’m hoping we will see some features come back. I’m not mad about it, not yet at least :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean, the features are there i guess, just not functional

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Yeah 100%. The lore dragged me to this game, and sometimes I forget it even has lore now

Obviously, it does, and it’s everywhere. But there’s not really been anything new — I don’t count new heroes. I mean the ACTUAL Overwatch story

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It’s always been just a game to me. A game I’ve sunk a lot of time into, but a game nonetheless. Nowadays I do find myself actually playing other things in my backlog, but I like to log on and shoot the stuff with a buddy or two when we all can.

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For me it was money. You can imagine finding out your artwork and raison d’etre was forced/rigged/faked? What a scam and waste of a lifetime.

Lawsuit worthy.

Declare it’s rigged on the box and stop cyberbullying accounts that call out bad development! AK will be encountered one day, out walking his cat. He will be made to answer.

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20 characterssssssss


Aaron needs to go. That’s about it.

Stop downvoting the truth.

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You touch on a major point that I don’t hear too often: how excitement in an IP can lead to other revenue streams. Sure, OW2 has its store and battle pass, the profitability of which is likely much easier to measure. But it invested time in these revenue streams at the expense of creating a game that’s actually engaging to the player-base.

OW1 was exciting, intriguing, more than a bit silly, and incredibly approachable for casual and competitive players alike. OW2 on the other hand is just a run-of-the-mill hero shooter, with very little to distinguish it from among its peers. Competitively, it’s too difficult to truly balance so most hardcore FPS players will forego it for more traditional shooters. And it’s no longer as fun casually as most of the changes have been made with competitive play in mind, making it much more difficult to just have fun with the game.

It tries to cater to both while delivering an experience neither really want.

As a result, people just aren’t interested. Which is why merch doesn’t sell, why OWL viewership is laughable, and why (I believe) many players who would have purchased a full price sequel a couple years ago won’t want to pay out for the PvE mode anymore.

OW2 isn’t for anyone. All it’s meant to do is cash out the little bit of goodwill the franchise has left with as little effort as possible. If the team were allowed to put as much care into it as they were back in the early days, I genuinely feel Overwatch could have recaptured the same magic. And more importantly for Blizzard, recaptured the same profit margins.


OW1 hit that point for me YEARS ago. It was only THE game in 2016/17. I have 1.6-1.7k in game hours, and the vast majority of that is in the first 2 years of OW1.

Since OW2 launched, I’ve put more hours into OW in these last 6 months, than I had in the last 3 years of OW1’s life. Outside of the terrible monetization, the game is just a lot more fun for me now, which is the main thing I look for when it comes to playing any game.

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Nope. Overwatch still most played games and the others are games I play just to complete quests/missions or for fun around 30 mins.

Quests+Fun: Valorant, Forza Horizon 5
Fun Only: Rocket League and League of Legends (one match only for LoL cos they too long)

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Not sure why your ques were 10+ min. I never had to wait longer then 2-3 min as a person who played between bronze up to plat. Depending if i wanted to actually try a little or just log in run in, kill prople and die. Maybe ur talking ranked games? The way I see it, the people playing ranked then they probably not casual. Quick Play games and FFA were never more then 3 min. As far as smurfs maybe once or twice a week? The more i think of it you must be talking ranked games.

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I’m still playing as much as ever. Yes, some aspects are worse than original OW, but it’s still my favourite game by far.

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WoW use to have that appeal towards me. I’ve changed, they’ve changed. Time marches on and now I play other games. Overwatch was never my game. Just a game to play with friends.

As you get older, you tend to value your time a little more.

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I was on the US servers west coast, and at the end of OW1 life span ques even in QP for dps around 10:00 am and 7:00 when I would normally play would sky rocket to between 8 to 10 minutes. For OW1 specifically, and that was QP.

these days 3 minutes is long time for dps. Sorry if I didn’t specify

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