From Plat to Silver

It would be next to impossible to go from plat to silver in one night as DPS. I mean, you would need to lose like 20-30 games and the average wait time for DPS games is like what? 10 minutes if we’re talking night games give or take on average?

Basically you would need to sit in queue 4 +/- 1 hour, then you have the games themself which has an average of about 14 minutes on top of that so you would need to play for 16 hours or more kind of in order to achieve this. Doable but not in one night.

If the system thinks you belong in silver you would be able to achieve this a few hours faster but then your whole speech about having amazing stats and all that would be a lie.


Expecting people to tell the truth on the forums is like expecting Donald Trump to tell the truth on Twitter.


Yeah game is trash. Just play casually. 222 is horrible when you have trash teammates and you can’t switch roles to recoup the lack of others


No, it literally means that the difficulty is adjusted to match your play.

It means 2100 isn’t the same 2100 for everyone. It depends on your play.

Suck? Cool, here’s easier games.
Doing great? Nah, can’t have that or it’s not fair.

Seen it over and over at various ranks for three and a half years.

Blizz trying to create even matches using hidden metrics, rather than just letting 2100 be 2100 literally IS handicapping.


Dont pharah if team not helping you. Use another dps. Ps4 i went 2814 to silver with mercy so i know the feeling

You’ve “seen” it over and over for that long because you WANT to “see” it over and over as an excuse, so you have the wrong mindset for this game. You even denied that it’s possible to “boost”, claimed to have a coach when you clearly don’t, among other things.

Seriously, stick to single player or co-op non-PvP games if you can’t handle playing with other people.

Post from your actual account in question, make it public, and post a video of you playing. Then we’ll take you seriously.

Until then, you’re just bad.

Typical Quarters, accusing people of things that he’s doing himself.

Check the boosters these days, btw. They can’t guarantee a thing. Not like they used to, because the system is built to cancel it out.

Well guess what.

That’s handicapping.


Again, I have to pull this card out. These two players “see” the same thing you do. Both players clearly showed themselves to be delusional about their own gameplay and how they are intentionally given “bad teammates” as a result. How are you different than those two? I bet you that you aren’t.

If someone were to give you an account in Diamond, would you be able to keep it in Diamond? I doubt it. Same with a Plat account.


If you watch a lot of Twitch, you’ll quickly see that US 2100 is nothing like AU 2100. AU 2100 plays like US 3000 individual players, but with no teamwork whatsoever - and levels of abuse that are off the charts.


If you dropped 1000 SR in one night that’s your own damn fault lmfao. 99.9% of people will never do that.


You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that it isn’t happening. You have vague claims from Blizzard as one single entity in which they provide no actual proof whatsoever in how they are matching players - and yet millions of players report poor experiences like this. When you have millions of people reporting the same kind of negative outcomes against a single business unit with their interests at stake who provides no data, proof, or evidence in any way at all, I think we know which is the more likely reality.


This, my friend, is called a fallacy.

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amazing derank potential dude! can u provide my 25 diamond accounts to silver aswell ? pls! xD


Hahaha! MILLIONS!? Millions? Seriously? “Millions” of people, citing the exact same experience?

Look up “hyperbole”.
Now, look up “argument and populum”.
Now, look up “conspiracy”.

Good night.


So you believe the “millions” of players that are complaining that the matchmaker intentionally gives them “bad players” or “handicaps” them in some way?

The thing about role queue is you’re no longer being compared to Plat support mains trying to fill DPS in Plat, you’re being directly and strictly compared to other Plat DPS mains. Since you no longer have that negative skew working in your favor, it’s a lot harder to climb. (And yes, this holds true for all roles). So naturally, most people will fall when compared to pre-role queue.

Also, if we’re being honest, if you need a pocket Mercy to carry games out of silver, you’re probably not as good of a Pharah as you think.


If that’s the case then explain how people climb to gm? Or do you have some kind of conspiracy theory about that too?

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You are hiding your SR. If you are going to claim to carry and claim that your team is holding you back then at least make your profile public so that people can take the complaint more seriously.

If you are working with your team comp then maybe your losses are your team, but honestly, I find it hard to believe that the system works against anyone. It simply makes the most fair match it can find. Also if you dropped 400 SR then you should be so far above everyone else in the lobby that it’s impossible to lose.

Even if you were playing against a six stack, if your stats are as good as you claim then you wrecked them pretty thoroughly. It simply isn’t possible to consistently lose games where you did so much work.

Did you ask for pockets?