See people like to bring up how amazing “free” is. I’d rather spend $74 to have full access. Then get a free game where everything is locked behind a paywall. Free isn’t normally a good thing for me. So my review wouldn’t see free in a positive light.
what is locked behind a paywall? im curious cause i play for free and i have the same game as ppl who pay for it. except skins
Cosmetics of course. That thing that allowed the game have a soul. That thing that made people want to keep playing over and over. There is no real rewards to playing this game. Unless you are good enough for top 500. I’m a player that enjoys unlocking cosmetics in a game. But Overwatch locked those behind a battlepass that now adds up to $120 in battle passes already and game hasn’t been out yet officially until two days ago. I’ve missed many cosmetics I’ve because they’re $19-$40. There is no mature justification to get cosmetics anymore. So the game is literally play game, then play another, and that’s it. There is no real goal oriented gameplay. Which is boring to me.
You seem to care a lot in this post.
Reviews are important for the devs and for the community to see what’s the overall feeling about the game, when you see a game with only 1 point, you know that is bad in the first place, you can always forge your own opinion but this tells a lot about something, if there are 70k negative reviews, where are the happy ones in this mess? they don’t exist because people in general are not happy
i personally could not care less about the cosmetics i dont even see my own hero… i also get many for free. i get a free battle pass every 2 seasons. you can also just pay the 10$ and get like 8 skins. thats very good value.
we are in season 6 so there was 6 battle passes which mean 60$ not sure how you get your math for 120? you also can farm currency to get said battle passes. so far i bought 3 of them with tokens so if you played the game and had all battle passes you would have spent 30$ over what 1 year? thats about 60+ skins for 30-60$ including 6 mythic ones its not that bad imo
You’re right it’s only $60. But that’s still a $10 purchase for partial access skins for 2 months with a timer for how long you have to unlock.
that is true there is a time limit to get them which is something im not a fan of. but i really think the $10 for the battle pass is VERY GOOD VALUE. i think the mythic skin alone is worth the 10 bucks. they also try to help with double xp weekends and double xp at end of season. what i think is a ripoff is the cash shop skins!! they are barely worth 5 bucks imo and are sometime like $30 thats quite riddiculous. but i just dont buy them personally
EDIT: i also think their bundle tactic is a scummy tactic. i should be able to buy just a skin and not a bundle
Why are you americans so obsessed with where people are from and stereotyping said people?
So you think your average troll goes to the length of downloading a quite big game just to “review bomb” it?
Then why do you even care about this whole argument?
So I did the exoprimal battle pass for $10. I walked away with 20 skins. 10 legendary and ten epic 2 for each character. Overwatch has 11. And that’s including the 3 mythic as separate skins.
im not american! so why you assume i am?
i 100% do yes!
its calling debating i do get to have an opinion too even if you dont like it!
All nations do this. Don’t kid yourself.
Y’all are really trying your best to sugarcoat review bombing as if it isn’t completely scummy and not genuine.
Funnily enough this isn’t even an Overwatch or Blizzard exclusive thing. People who take the time to review bomb films and games are truly the worst of the worst. They have no hope in their side being the “majority” so they feel the need to artificially inflate it. It’s so pathetic.
dont try too hard or they will call you a fascist like they did for me! loool
I do want to say as a whole I wouldn’t rate OW2 as a 1/10. It’s probably a 6/10. Maybe a 5/10. Because if including the PvP it’s a good PvP. It just sucks because 4 years was taken off so we could get this PvE. It’s a huge letdown.
Yeah, you better don’t ask for opinions when you already know your project is not delivering. And they were avoiding that for many years. That is what happen when you try to sit on two chairs pleasing casuals for money and aim for proplay at the same time.
no i agree but i think the reviews are too harsh. i dont see the game as 1/10. like that other guy said maybe 5-6 out of 10 is more fair. the game is not unplayable garbage like some reviews seem to claim.
thats now how it work really. people dont voice their opinions that much when they are happy about something. but they do when they are mad. i can guarentee you that for each person unhappy with the game who left a review there is one happy with the game who could not be bothered to go write a review. i like the game the pvp at least and i did not write a review.
The game is wonderful, but when you have devs that do not play the game, cater to low elo for income and make balance with marketing stand point, that is what you get. The game has unmeasurable potential, but they are so greedy, so they are blind to make actual money of making the game perfect for those who are dedicated players, those who are engine and free advertisement through streaming services. Cheese mechanics, hard counters, no room for individual play, abilities > aim, matchmaker handicapping stacking baddies with goodies and so on. The game is 10/10 with some Riot devs imo, those were playing in top ranks at least for a while to understand game breaking points.
Lmao no one is trying hard lil bro
The game came, got busted by players that are unhappy with the game and situation for long period of time. It just exploded.
It was the only way for players to express themselves because there IS no alternative.
How is that artificial? You’re the pathetic one claiming things like that
This will put some pressure to blizzard, who am i kidding, they don’t even care if their s*** sells they’re all good.
Baldurs gate 3 has had a massive good reviews why arent you b**ching about it?
Who the heck said that lmao, no one has called you that in this conversation. Now they are inventing stories because of out of arguments
That’s a lie, baldurs gate 3 prove you wrong.
what was that then???