Friendly reminder that

Doomfist only has 1 one shot ability :slight_smile:
and it’s arguably more fair than hanzo and widow’s


You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime


Soooo, rocket punch :facepunch:


Its not really the punch people complain about

its more so his combos, and the fact he can sometimes come out of no where


Bad players*
Noob stomper heroes will do what they do best


You know that the amount of cc paired with his tankiness paired with a one shot is what people hate about doom, or?

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You know that he needs these to function right?


It’s the grunting. It’s not his kit. It’s the grunts. He’s on the lower half of tilting characters to play against for me, but he’s #1 when it comes to grunt noises. Imagine if Ashe had to grunt every time she did anything. It would be terrible. Well that’s DF, a grunting Ashe. Stick Bob’s arm on hers and they’re mirror images. Besides the grunting.

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Don’t care about one-shot. A modest skill with other heroes’ combos can essentially do the same. What makes doom frustrating is that he comes out of nowhere and essentially removes you from the game, even if he doesn’t kill you. In fact it’s more frustrating if he doesn’t kill you. Someone else is throwing your hero around and you just have to take it until doom is dead and you can resume playing the game.

At least with McCree’;s stun I’m not going anywhere I didn’t intend. Lucio’s boop I’m going somewhere predictable, and I can even tell where I am well enough to fire while I’m in the air. Orisa’s hold is good for only a short distance. Dying to Widow is no fun, but it’s over as soon as it happens.

Doom’s punch? Where tf am I now?

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Doesn’t compare to rocket noises. When there’s a Pharah I just want her dead so the noise will stop.

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Also, I think there is something wrong with Doom’s health meter. I shoot at him and I’m pretty sure I’m hitting but his health meter isn’t moving. And then…poof!..he’s dead and I get a skull. I guess I killed him, but I had no indicator of progress until he was dead. And my pew pew doesn’t do one-shots.

Well it doesnt matter

The only way he is getting buffed is if he loses things

This CC mess needs a rework

Never thought his doom fist was unfair. I always love to see a Doom on the enemy team.


I think if they added sounds when people glide across roofs that can’t be stood on, then less people would complain about doom imo.


175hp and under heroes should be the only thing a “sniper” can one-shot

200hp heroes should only be allowed to be one-shot combo’d.

250hp heroes should die if combo’d when their escape tool is on cooldown

It’s actually a two shot cause ya need a wall to combo that damage enough to kill.

And even then your game can roll a 1 to have some interaction glitch or bug to happen.

I just want them to undo his uppercut self CC nerf. That’s as dumb an interaction as Sombra acting like the Riddler with the need to snitch on herself when she comes out of stealth.

Are we talking about punch/uppercut off a cliff, or his ultimate when people are afk? Rofl.

He also has the ability to limit the control of the player he uppercuts

Friendly reminder that saying he crushes noobs only is not a good reason for him to be buffed lol

There are sounds, you can go to custom games and see for yourself.

The devs will rework him :man_shrugging:

They said either he is a tank or a “less annoying” dps.