Friendly reminder that

Puts himself in more danger, but is much easier to hit than landing a headshot.

It’s easier to dodge than widow’s or hanzo’s

Fair enough, still a much higher % of rocket punch result in kills than shots from widow or hanzo.

Where was this? I’m curious now

Depends what rank you’re at

The last reddit AMA.

A link would certainly be helpful. I’m guessing this isn’t a very straightforward interview if this is on reddit

I can look if i find it again.

Ok no worries. I’ll look for it

Here, Wyoming shared every question + answer.

Widows one shot is fair for the most part, hanzos arrow shouldn’t be just pointless spam because that is neither fair to the player or player against. Doomfist is just disliked but he shouldn’t be nerfed just for that reason because…well where’s the fairness in that lol