Forum users have such obvious favoritism

Supports get buffed :
Supports and Tanks are far too strong making DPS completely useless in higher elo :
DPS get buffed to compensate for their low-nonexistent playrate in higher elo :


I mean, supports have a long record of being nerfed and it’s rare they get buffs

If you’re talking about GOATS, everyone hated it
If not, that isnt true because DPS in the current meta aren’t useless

All well and good until the buffs make a hero OP



You must be new here.

You don’t remember the amount of people upset about moth meta, brig’s release state, moira’s ease of use, and etc.


The problem isnt “dps” getting buffed. The problem is that they dont buff those who need it, at least not in the right way so it actually makes a difference, while they completely brake Genji which was always a viable average performing hero.


Because they’re mostly hovering around silver to plat here.

For them, the concept of brigitte being the hero that destroyed the game makes no sense. Genji is too OP. Healers need a buff and tanks need to be tankier. Dps are the most influencing role of them all and supports are victims of being the most important but least appreciated.

As for the genji situation, It’s an effort from blizzard to balance the game in a way that doesn’t make all these people angry about constant healer nerfs. They realized that the healers in this game are beyond normal powerful levels. And nerfing them over and over still doesn’t help because the problem comes from the way the new healers specially, are designed. So instead of toning everything down, they’re slowly pushing the dps back up to compensate.

Which results in a lot of one shotting abilities being in this game.

Genji at this point might be a bit stronger than balanced, but the game has a lot more broken characters anyways.

  1. Tell me when was the last impactful bufffor a tank or a support
  2. Tell me when was the last impactful nerf for a DPS
  3. I say it all the time: GOATS became Meta because it was able to survive Double Sniper (and Grav-Dragon spam).

Its almost like people forget that the forums is a collection of people and not a hive mind. Someone will always be there to complain as no change will please everyone.



The only bias here is from the devs who decide that some heroes should be strong and some shouldn’t


The only supports needing a buff is Zen and Bap though?

because they’re always the most overpowered

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That doesn’t give them the one way ticket to the trash can tho…

Also by ‘overpowered’, do you mean ‘able to keep their team alive from the absurd amount of damage from the much more OP damage heroes?’


10 million houses got 5% discount. no one bats an eye.

500k house got 5% discount. everyone hype.

i wonder why?


Zen possibly, but Bap probably not. Bap can be pretty strong.

Looking at pick-rate versus win-rate, Bap needs it more than Zen does. Bap has the lowest winrate out of any support in the game.

Don’t you know? This forum is just a support hive mind who likes their braindead Brig and Moira strong while the skillful DPS are oppressed!

Really hope I don’t have to put the /s at the end


You missed out the part where a small handful of dps are so overtuned in comparison to the other dps that picking anything else is considered borderline throwing.

Blizz even looks in the direction of these heroes: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MUH SKILL


Welcome to the first era of Dive. When mobility reigned supreme, flankers were overtuned and even pros begged for Blizzard to make a new support that can stun to keep mobility in check.


Which ones have been buffed in recent times? Zen needed his discord reverted and Mercy needed that partial healing revert.
Brig nerfed, Moira nerfed, Ana nerfed, Baptiste nerfed, Lucio unchanged.
Mercy is weaker than her past, Zen is weaker, Lucio is weaker, Moira/Bap/Brig much weaker, and Ana is a bit stronger. How dare supports be happy to see a buff? lol

Yeah who? Genji? The (what was it) 8th most picked DPS with an average winrate in GM? The one Blizzard revealed (based off stats we cannot see) was performing very well and middle-of-the-pack? But they gave him 4 buffs.
TTK is at an all time low.
Shields get shredded making doubleshield a necessity. Most people choose two main supports these days rather than off-supports for more healing.
I agree AOE healing needs to be toned down but saying DPS were ‘useless’ is a joke.

People only said this about Genji and Ashe buffs. Who were buffed multiple times in multiple ways, doublign their previous strengths and who are now overperforming and dominating DPS winrates and pickrates. Genji has officially become a meta-driver and the meta’s forming around him. Partially Ashe too.

The DPS who truly need buffs/reworks are bastion, sym, pharah, etc


uh… the forced composition sorta mandates that Damage-role heroes have to be chosen.

You clearly don’t use the forums often enough.

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