Forum users have such obvious favoritism

I’m all for balancing around high ranks exclusively, but the way they buffed Genji is just… not right. All they needed is to redistribute the power in his kit, he’s trash in general, but once he gets his ult he’s OP in high ranks.

That’s why Blizzard uses more metrics than pick/win rate to determine if a hero needs buffs. Baptiste is still broken, and doesn’t need any buffs. He’s hard to get value from if you can’t aim and/or you use his abilities incorrectly, and that’s why his win rate is so low.

The Genji buffs are more annoying because there were no external-facing metrics indicating Genji needed any love, but they still threw a bunch of buffs on him.

In low elos, it’s because people are stupid and try to see how many bullets they can fit in their mouths. In high elos, it’s because Baptiste is busted and lamp can dramatically change a team fight on command; you pick Brig or Ana depending if you want Rally or Nano as your utility skill.

Blizzard doesnt buff tanks. They get ignored.
Blizzard doesnt buff supports - they get nerfed.
Blizzard doesnt buff DPS. They choose someone who was in a bad to decent state and then overbuff them. Or they completely ignore them like Symm or Bastion :clown_face:

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Wait, so there wasn’t 50 “nErF mOiRa!!1!!” Or “DeLeTe BrIg!!!” Posts???


And you know why double sniper was a thing in the first place?

Because it could oneshot which basically bypassed all the healing this game had. Other dps heroes had zero chance of killing things because everything healed too damn much.

As for dragon grav combo, back then you could damage boost it with a mercy and even zen’s ultimate couldn’t outheal the dps. Which was broken and they nerfed it.

The goats was designed because it countered everything and everyone. Not to counter snipers specifically. If anything, of all the possible solution to goats, snipers had the highest chance of success due to their long range damaging ability. While other close and personal choices had ZERO.

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There are a ton of damage characters that can one-shot supports or just completely shred tanks. All Genji smurfs do in the lower ranks is hide in corners like rats and just alt-fire, dash, and there you go, the enemy Mercy has been killed in less than a second. Plus, high Elo players makeup 5% of the total player base. And even then, if there’s a type of player that should be able to outmaneuver tanks/supports, it’s the Masters, GM’s, and OWL players.

Maybe the reason you feel that damage characters are useless is because you hit a brick wall in the comp ladder. I’ve accepted I’ll never get passed Platinum due to having to use an Xbox controller on PC, but it seems that salty Genji mains can’t deal with having to work for wins in Diamond and up, so they buy alt-accounts to live out their dream of being able to run rampant stomping on supports, then play Reaper to stomp on tanks. Yeah, DPS are so horribly oppressed… (sarcasm) :roll_eyes:


Double sniper was a thing because of the overtuned rework hanzo had. Sigh…

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Have you SEEN the numerous “Nerf Ana”/“Nerf Anti-Nade” posts? At least 50 nerf Ana posts are created everyday.

LOL what, there has literally always been a whipping boy support which gets blamed in at least 10 threads lately for ruining the game by being too strong and/or too braindead easy.


Alot of supports just need major/minor changes in my eyes, not really buffs or nerfs, just changes.

Mercy: her problem was that she couldn’t heal Tanks well at all, which is why she doesn’t fit 222 composition, If the Devs are balancing around 222 composition, then 60 hp/s on Tanks and 50 hp/s on DPS/Supports would fix the issue, and no this wouldn’t be a “i’m going to only pocket my Tanks” thing because 6-10 seconds is still a pretty lengthy time for healing, maybe give her some type of Jugglar type of mechanic, but overrall i don’t see pocketing Tanks happening much if this were to happen, i don’t want her to be ridiculously overpowered but 7-11 seconds for healing Tanks is way too long, especially with the damage being so high right now.

Brigitte: In my eyes they went totally lazy with the nerf changes to Repair Packs, they could’ve done a multitude of things to fix Armor being “oppressive”. Armor scaling, change Temp Armor reduction to -3, Make it so Repair Pack stacking doesn’t increase the armor timer, also revert the shield changes, they are basically not healthy for Brigitte at all, and just dumb down her gameplay.

Moira: I think she just needs her beam to be more precise instead of having that hitbox correction thing with it, reward precise aiming.

Zenyatta: just give him a escape ability, that’s it.

Yeah, tell me about that… especially the love Moira gets in this forum, and Brigitte too, such warth and positivity!


specify. imo widowmaker was a stupid character before they buffed genji since the only counterplay to her is to NOT have dps (goats) or to just straight up play another widow

From what I conclude, the forum is made up of just Tank/Support players who’s got a long hard day from getting their butt served onto themselves all day by Genji/DF or just DPS in general.

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  • Brig killed ow!
  • Mercy is brooooooken. Boosted bronze hero
  • Moira is a no skill brain dead hero
  • Baptiste takes no skill! Aoe spam bot!
  • anti nade is a broken ability that is an ez clap


Who is this?

Is it…

  • symm? …no
  • torb?.. No
  • bastion???.. No
  • sombra? Wtf is a sombra?

Oh…genji. the mercy of dps. Highly popular and stated by the devs as literally in the middle of the pack… Which isn’t low or underpowered .



It could be worse and this could be reddit where everyone has to have the same opinion.

They buffed genji, why did they not buff Sym, Bast, Somb? That’s a start for why people are upset.


If that were the case, then why does he still have the lowest win-rate of any support even in GM, where you can find the “best aim”, and people who can get value from him? Obviously there are more factors than just the statistics, but they are the major indicator of a hero needing changes, and Bap clearly needs love, becaeuse when the top people can’t use him effectively, the bottom surely can’t as well, meaning he needs buffs.

The real issue in why dps are seen as in the pits is there simply are so many of them its hard for a dps not to be in the dumpster. Its hard to keep a role with as much numbers in a spot where they all look good without destroying other classes.

I mean, that’s how it’ll be. Your average forum goer is a Gold-Plat solo queue Support main. I spend most of my time on Overwatch scrimming with a Master team that I’ve been with for 7 months, no roster changes. Of course our experiences will be vastly different, and I don’t blame them for wanting to enjoy the game at their level, I want the same for myself, after all.

You have over 1k posts and still say that…maybe you like trolling… or choose to be blind when you want.