Forum shows that Tank is the most misunderstood role

Forum shows that Tank is the most misunderstood role

Many tank mains: Yay
Many non-tank player: The end is nigh

Many arguments boils down to: I can’t stand in the choke and go afk anymore, that’s bad.
My DPS have to get a pick even faster so I can engage

3-4 years into the game and people still don’t know that Tanks are the ones who engage and dictate the pace of the fight


get melted by the powercreep of DPS in the game now.


Actually the pace of the fight is dictated by whichever Doom facerolls their keyboard to get a kill first.


Which is gonna get faaaster :slight_smile:

Pretty much. I will put here that aggressive main tank mains are happy, passive main tank mains are not. Aggressive is the way main tanks should be played though, so I love the changes


Okay you got a laugh out me. Well played sir.


Thats exactly what i been saying as i ranked from gold to plat i has ond game where we lost and are rine was behind my healers and the other tank deva and im like no wonder it felt difficult for dps. Tanks and healers are the carry of a game a genji cant get a 6man dragon blade without the help and support from his healers and a tank to give him the space to compete

Exactly. Sometimes, Us Reins get picked, and no-one waits for us. wait for me guys. Wait for, ya’know, your shield?

Spoiler alert: No one on these forums knows what they are talking about.


As someone who enjoy Reinhardt and Winston, I personally like the changes as it speeds up the engagement. The movement speed is so nice, you no longer have to shield hop to reserve your shield health in order to close the distance.

Add Lucio’s speed amp, and you find how fast the tanks move now, even for Orisa, it’s really nice.

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yes sir

I’m literally plat (30ish sr from diamond) bumper, if you watch owl

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A more fast paced game will also reduce the overall idle time at below diamond (the poking around, having time for weird flanks etc)
It will be more demanding for everyone, less room for mistakes.
I hope it will force people to understand what tanking, space really mean

As a support, especially as an Ana main, I’m looking forward. Timing and cd management will be a crucial skill again.

BTW: I believe that the statement “Tanks are boring” comes from the misunderstanding that tanks are glorified shield bots and don’t understand the role at all


facts, with the barrier Nerf fights are going to be a lot more intense.

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The forum is playing a completely different game. Honestly I would never want to play the game they’re playing.

As a tank main the best part of these changes is that I can finally do more for myself and not have to cater to what the team needs of me in order to get value. Up until now tanks have been more support than anyone.

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dafran doesn’t even know what power creep is and is rank 1 combined

i feel like people who use the word power creep are anti-vaxxers

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thank christ someone else gets it you’re telling me I get to go back to were armor wasn’t just mustered stained health and actually goes back to being good sign me up

orisa has 250 base armor so shes has 450 health so thats pretty bloody amazing whilst at the same time making the game more fast by lowering the slow downs of everyone(except rip) in exchange for what? barriers?

since orisa has her old cooldown of 8sec on barrier i don’t really care and I’ve said it seems like a attempt to speed the game up which imo is great!

people have been whinning about barriers for so long this is exactly what overwatch
but it’s not without it a few flaws yeah she needs something cause about the only the that justifies picking her is her dm and if she get consistent kills with her ult

2.Sigma barrier feels terrible they need to remove the 1second cooldown if it’s gonna be that low cause it’s very clunkly to use atm

My impression is that those who climbed just by hiding behind a shield, are the ones who are complaining the most. They’re up in arms about Hanzo melting barriers while completely sticking their fingers into their ears about the compensation buffs. Like those buffs don’t even exist.

Be mad, I guess.


You know even if i would reinstall Overwatch i will play passively because i can

That is your choice, you can do that if you want. Once these changes come to live, it will be a lot less viable though