Forum shows that Tank is the most misunderstood role



(Just being a little sarcastic.)

Thank you, I so totally agree with you!

As a support main, Mercy, I welcome this patch so much (especially the Moira nerfs)!

I played PTR the whole evening yesterday because the game is so much fun again! The teamfights are amazingly intense, I feel all tanks (except Sigma, that patch killed him) and all supports are so super viable! Mercy can keep up with healing now that Moira is toned down a lot, and it makes me really happy not to stand at a choke anymore and spam endless shields!

I think people are upset because a) they didn’t actually try the PTR or b) they do not understand how to play main tank properly; you push in strategically, not stand around with your shield up and hope for a pick by your DPS.

I live on the PTR now, until this hits live!

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I‘m not a tank main, but a support main who flexes tanks and I‘m looking forward to faster pacing. I‘m also afraid of snipers and burst damage getting easier when shields burn down faster. I just hope it gets better to dive with Dva with the armor changes and the… „buff“ she got tho. I love playing aggressively with tanks, just really worried that snipers gonna have it easier.

I mean, I’m kinda used to tanks getting shafted ever since they ruined Hog

heading to the PTR tonight after work… I just had to get my mercy challenges done yesterday. I’m excited to play again :smiley:

Ya i try to play agressive and all i do is die whats the point of playing aggressive tank where i am always running back from spawn

I’ve been an aggressive tank main since season 5. Passive tank mains aren’t tank players, they’ve usually converted from something else.

None of this patch addressed the obnoxious levels of CC that make maintanking hell. So I wasn’t happy. Especially because they nerfed the only main tank that could hold up against said obnoxious CC

Are these comments referring to the tank changes? Because for the tank mains these changes are getting mixed reaction. Some love it and this these changes will balance tanks out more and some tank players like myself believe that Dive tanks will still suck and they broke the MT’s and buffed the living hell out of Rein.

For the most part I have seen a ton of approval from dps mains. I can understand why but I think lower elos are going to find out just how much they dependent on those barriers lol.

Also in those lower ranks where supports don’t actually heal well no one will want to play any tank other then like Hog and Rein (cuz he OP now)

If rein is meta outside of goats, then what’s really meta is Winston. Winston just counters rein so hard if the healing isn’t broken

Of course neither will be meta because mei is still mei

Na, you see because Winston is much squishier and is harder to heal, deals less damage, and his Ult isn’t a instant team wipe Ult.

Also 400 off a barrier is a joke… That wont make much of a difference. I’ve seen people claim his barrier melts now as if they couldn’t dish out 400 hp extra damage in half a second if they actually focused barriers before.

My favorite part of huge patchs like this is making predictions. I usually am pretty spot on with my prediction. This last double barrier thing blindsided me a little but as a WB main I didn’t really struggle in it (actually my WB win % went up by like 8 points)

I’m telling you Rein+ (tank he will carry) will be meta for the majority of ranks while Rein+Zarya will be a must pick for G+GM.

Winston has so much more map control than rein. Outside of a pure OP sustain deathball where tanking has no value, Winston just dominates him. He isolates him, cuts the team in half, kites him, dances around him, systematically killing his team while rein stands around like an idiot

Maybe it has something to do with this patch basically trading the tanks’ ability to protect their team for their own personal beefiness?

I have numerous reasons to dislike the change, but chief among them is that is how it’ll affect me as a DPS or Support, since it means there will be substantially greater opportunities for a stray Hanzo arrow or quick Widow pick to bip me. With the damage creep in the game, it’s hard to think that it won’t become a total chore playing Support at the very least, if not DPS as well depending on who your enemies choose.

While I don’t really advocate forcing tank to shield bot… really, most good tanks weren’t. This is plainly intended to combat double barrier and perhaps enliven the tank queue, but I feel like there were better options to take than forcing a meta shift (which has gone so great in the past, right?) by fundamentally altering how several tanks play (which has also been so well-received in the past, right?).

Also it doesn’t really fix the issue with rampant CC making tanking super unfun. The Rein change helps a tiny bit, the Orisa buff to Fortify helps a tiny bit, but the weaker barriers (more so for Orisa and Sigma) mean the enemy will have greater opportunities to make you eat stuns, boops, slows, etc etc. I feel like the thrill of having more personal durability will wear off fairly quickly when people realize that it’s still super easy to just FB + FtH or freeze or do whatever else to a tank, except now you don’t have as strong a barrier to dance around (not that Rein really did) to help mitigate those issues… also, not a CC issue, but Reaper. That’s a problem, because he honestly loses very little from the armor buff (like 10 damage per shot… oh no, he can only do 130 as opposed to 140, whatever will he do?)