Forum game: True or False

Hey guys this is just a fun forum game, so if your bored, feel free to play along, anyone’s invited to play! (though no hero discussion allowed).

Please read the rules!
You have to ask a question that is answered with true or false.

Rule 1:
If you KNOW the persons wrong, you post a dead meme then insult their name, then finally explain why they were wrong (with evidence
For example:
Player 1: Genji has 200 health true or false
Player 2: False
Player 1: HAHA UR NAME IS SO UNORIGINAL (posts dead meme), your wrong because Genji - Overwatch Wiki

Rule 2:
Player 1: Mercy needs a rework true or false, this is NOT allowed :slight_smile:

Rule 3: No questions that require more than a true or false answer, For example:
Player 1: How many players does overwatch have? Instead you would do, Overwatch has 40 million players true or false (false because that isn’t exact lol)

Rule 4: The topic MUST be overwatch related, For example:
Humans have 2 legs true or false, this ISN’T allowed.

Rule 5: If you reply to someone above, but someone has beaten you to it, you have to edit your post to insult your name and post a dead meme.
For example:
Person 1: Genji dash does 50 dmg true or false
Person 2: True
Person 3: True
Person 3: edits post while insulting his own name and posting a dead meme

Rule 6: NO TOXICITY :sunny:

If anyone disobeys these rules, everyone must gang up on them by insulting everything about them, then post the most dead insult/meme of all time (e.g what you say is what you are) however no rank shaming :slight_smile:

Thanks and enjoy the game!
I’ll start:

Reinhardt has 500 health:
True or false?

False, he has 300 hp and 200 armor

The mercy rework happened in patch 1.15
True or false?

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True the mercy rework happened in patch 1.15
Widow scoped shot base damage increased from 15 to 12 damage in patch 1.0.4. True or false?

False 15 can’t increase to 12, other than that, true.

True or false, landing with Winston’s jump pack ability will allow him to reset his melee animation, letting him melee, land, and melee in rapid succession.

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True, i would know since i’ve pulled it off in the past.

True or false, winston’s barrier projector can negate/protect against mei’s blizzard if placed outside of snowball but within the blizzard.

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True Zenkai Barrier - Overwatch Wiki

True or false
There are 6 bells on the dorado map

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I know that’s false because i’m always messing around on maps in customs games, there’s about 8 bells in the attackers spawn alone.

True or false, can somewhat negative the effect of boop abilities directed at her.

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True, by shooting she gets knocked back less.

True or False: Mei’s wall has more hp than any character’s barrier.


False because of Symmetra’s barrier which is a ton more than Mei’s wall. If Symmetra’s barrier is stronger than Mei’s wall, and you compare Mei to Trump, then let’s hire the Vishkar Corporation to build the wall in the US, not the Mexicans. (Sombra)

True or false: Junkrat’s trap can trap people who jump, or floating players.


Which is lower than Sym’s Ult. Making their statement false.

Zenyatta floats and his trap still catches him, so, true.

True or false:

Baby Dva/Tracer have the least HP in the game.


False. Zenyatta has the lowest HP, he has shields that make up the rest
(and I didn’t know Sym’s ult had a healthbar)

True or False: The attackers on Payload and Hybrid maps are always the good guys.


False: Junkrat mentions bringing bombs to blow up robots while attacking on King’s Row. Also delivering a payload with explosives on Junkertown.

True or False: Lucio’s primary fire uses 4 ammo per shot.

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Oh lol I completely forgot about Symmetra. I never see anyone play her anymore so it’s almost like she doesn’t exist for me.

The funny thing is most people don’t shoot Mei’s wall, but always happen to shoot Symmetra’s barrier.


True as there are four shots fired.

Frue or Tralse, rein is best daddy. Uwu.

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I don’t think it really does lol. No one ever destroys the barrier. Not even with Bastion and Junkrat (Yes I’ve tried, and with literally everyone shooting it, it doesn’t get destroyed)

TRALSE because TOBLERONE gets that title. @PanPan

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False. Rein has not been confirmed to have children. Torbjorn is best (and only) in game daddy.

True or False - Bastion in sentry form has no hitboxes for headshots.

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FALSE because he has that weird little cube thing behind him that is his critical box.


Lúcio can wallride backwards.


True, there are videos of people wallriding backwards and getting mad hops with it.

True or False, Mercy is the healer with the highest base DPS without using any abilities and if all all shots land and are body shots.

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False. Zenyatta has a higher DPS.

True or false, Hanzo and Genji were once supposed to be one hero.

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True :^) Hanzo and genji were once going to be the same person.

True or false, Ashe takes 3 headshots to kill a 200 healthed enemy.