Forum game: True or False

My team sucks, true or false?
Mwahaha, got you, it was a trick question! :stuck_out_tongue:

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False, she can do it in 2 (depending on the distance)

True or false, the mercy changes went live on September 23, 2017

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False the mercy changes went live on September 19th 2017

True or false
There is only 1 roller coaster in blizzard world.

True, you can also look at the map

True or false
The boot process of computers in Ecopoint: Antarctica is heavily inspired to Linux and HP/UX boot sequence


This was surely a tough one, but after doing some research, I think it’s False
The computers in ecopoint don’t look like their boot sequence at all, probably wrong though lol

True or false
The game being played in one spawn of ecopoint Antarctica (from when it was first released) is Table Tennis

Behave Yourself, unfortunally for you that’s true: A geek curiosity from Rise and Shine
I’ve taken some screenshots and i found a photo of an HP 9000 booting HP/UX, and for some parts (the green check signs, and the diagnosis list) looks heavily inspired to Linux and HP/UX

True, there is the hologram of the ball

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Nope it’s false Overwatch | NEW MAP GAMEPLAY! - Ecopoint: Antarctica (Arcade Gamemode) - YouTube
The game is ping pong, which is very similar to table tennis, but still not table tennis. :stuck_out_tongue:
Urban Dictionary: Strikernaut
Be careful when dealing with a strikernaut, they will DESTROY your world

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Dammit I thought it was the 23rd. Man I’m so stupid, maybe I’m just getting old now.

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Wowe, i never knew there was a definition for my nickname.

I confuse these 2 games because in italian are the same thing, but technically are two similar but different games

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True or false
Reapers falloff range starts at 10m