Fortnite vs OW. WHich community is treated better?

That’s rude but true at the same time.

Fortnite. It’s a pretty unanimous vote.

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Well… Blizzards idea of balancing: First make a few heroes op af sor 2 seasons and 2nd make every new hero brokenly op.

Thats not something i would consider balancing.

Remember Mercy meta and Hanzo spam dragon into grav.

I 100% feel like fortnite is treated better. Look at overwatch it has a huge community and for over half the games life people have been criticizing the whole dev team. That’s not normal for any game. There are games people love to hate and then when an entire community seems against the devs that is unhealthy. Plus you can tell overwatch is dipping in fun. People don’t play as much and no one is entertained by it as much anymore with its viewers and content creators going elsewhere for entertainment purposes.

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I think Fortnite specifically has better community interaction…I don’t know if that counts as being treated better. Overwatch certainly has one of the longer developer silence periods of any of the games I actively follow.

Epic games had a lot poorer interaction before Fortnite. Fortnite blew up way harder than they anticipated so to take care of their golden goose they diverted literally every bit of resources they could possible spare toward the game.

Paragon and the Unreal communities were left with a cold shoulder as Epic threw everything at Fortnite. Eventually diverting so many resources they cancelled both those projects.

I like Overwatch far more than Fortnite but it does feel like we get these massive gaps in communication, especially when they hit crunch time to get a patch out.

I kinda wish they would hire a guy who just walked around the office taking notes on everything that got done then wrote out a list minus the secret stuff and just posted what was being worked on and what failed to make it to live.
He could answer questions more frequently than the devs and I assume they must do some internal testing without the next heros, they could get him to record a game and go through the changes and the reason it never made it live - Then we’d never have a feeling of no communication and anything they didn’t use could go in a Blizzcon panel.

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Fornite by far is treated better simply because Epic Games can say “hey we made a mistake”.

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It is interesting to note that when Paragon shutdown all players got a FULL REFUND for every purchase they had made in the game.

They also released all the assets used in the game for free.

Epic games by far treats it’s community and games better then most.


I’m jealous when I see how much work the devs put into Fortnite (did you saw that Creative Mode :o) such a shame I hate the building mecanic of the game otherwise I’d probably love that game.

XQC is that you?


i just dont find “ur bad” offensive/ban worthy.

Epic Games treats their community 100x BETTER than blizzard ever will. No arguments

Who do they listen to? We report bugs that have been in game since beginning and they are still there. Now I wouldn’t expect blizz to listen to every player, however it would be nice if they listened to players other than the ones on OWL.

Fortnite: adds broken weapon to the game
Players complain and it gets removed + devs give an apology just days later
Overwatch: Players complain about game breaking character/not enough content for months and nothing is done
Its pretty obvious

ive heard fortnite is downright toxic af.

No where near as toxic as overwatch