Fortnite vs OW. WHich community is treated better?

Fortnite, hands down. Then again, that game has more people working on it than Overwatch ever has or will.

Still, I wish they (Epic) didn’t kill Paragon so soon, but I see why they did so. It looked like something I would have liked to play.

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It’s very easy. OW dev’s treat their playerbase like hot garbage.

What kind of question is that, Fortnite removed weapons from community backlash and apologized, added cross play, cross progression, have decent events, even just looking from consoles perspective Hi-Rez Studios / Evil Mojo Games respect us more, again, cross play, cross progression and just recently added motion aiming, you can’t even aim properly on PS4 / Xbox Ow after more than 2 years.

Blizzard hasn’t bothered to reply on this thread with more than 1.5k post.

They also practically said “we don’t care about what you think regarding balance on PTR”, they have a beta realm yet they never go crazy on it, it’s sole purpose is to have people checking bugs for free. Remember how fun was Ironclad at first? everyone knew how bad it would be, and better yet, on consoles we had to put up with that crap for more than a month, or so.


I think an equally interesting question is how the communities treat the devs

And by equally interesting I mean neither is really that interesting…I don’t know about you but how fortnite does things has nothing to do with how overwatch does things imo…

It would be like me asking us to compare overwatch to smash bros communities…

Fortnite pays their streamers… Ow bans theirs :slightly_smiling_face:

Fortnite actually cares about their game tho too.


That has everything to do with the question.

It is MUCH ,MUCH easier to simply change a few stats on a weapon ,or outright remove one than it is to balance content in overwatch.

It is much easier to add new skins ,weapons and parts of a map to fortnite than it is to make a new heroes ,maps and events in overwatch.

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It’s Fortnite and not even close. Faster updates, better support, and hip to the times. Ow still plays like it did in 2017.

And simple things OW could have copied to keep up the pace like add Owl skins to lootbox pool, add weekly challenges, map editor, and so much more.

You can’t treat an FPS with crawl speed paced content release. Audience will get bored.

If we got cross-platform it would be blizz.

Fortnite by a hundred miles

I couldn’t get into the game myself, but I’m amazed how how much high quality content the devs keep putting out. More updates, more often, with more content in them, still high quality, with cross play/progression. Their game is so enticing I tried to force myself to like it, but the genre just isn’t for me.

So all in all OW is being lazy toward updates and such and we are being completely let down and somewhat loosely taken for granted? Makes sense.


Fortnite. Epic listens to the community, admits when they mess up, and fix things in a timely manner. I don’t play Fortnite because I don’t enjoy it but I wish Epic owned Overwatch. Seriously

The fortnite devs bend over backwards for their community

OW used to be praised for its dev communication but since 2017 theyve done a bad job with that

Hip with the times

Yay memes!

Do you think Fornite wouldn’t ban streamers who make offensive comments?

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Never play it, but I know how much they add into Fortnite. But they dont have to balance around players and competetive and stuff like that. So I get why it takes Blizzard longer to do something

Does competitive seem balanced or is it just Dive and Goats?

I really don’t think you can compare the too.

The companies have very different goals for their games.

Overwatch is trying to apply a bunch of hero in a tight competitive environment.

Fortnite is just dumping toys into a sand box. It way easier for fortnite to just pump out content.

Like overwatch could easliy start adding cars and planes but i highly doubt it would make overwatch a better game

fortnite simply gets more content so fortnite is treated better

Well Fortnite obviously.

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Fortnite this christmas is making 14 new gamemodes this christmas for a limited time 14 BRAND NEW MODES which is awesome and they update the map every season and add cool easter eggs and they make new skins everyday like every patch there are about 10 skins in the patch and fortnite updates every 2 weeks and they also apologize if they messed up and they vault things they shouldn’t have. This is why i transfered to fortnite

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