Fortnite vs OW. WHich community is treated better?

Just pick one.
Its a simple question really.
Which community is treated better by the creators?

And yes I am aware they are two different types of games. That has nothing to do with this question.

Even though I don’t play Fortnite that often and when I do the experience is okay but I will admit I feel the devs in that game listen to the players more, okay maybe I’m still salty that we got no new modes for the past 3 events, but anyways I feel like the OW devs need to pay more attention to fans than the OW League because its hurting the game, I mean look at the forums its filled with criticism and negativity, not saying it isn’t bad, but something has to be done.


Fortnight, but I like the game of Overwatch better.
To be fair Fortnight is a much simpler game.


Fortnite, it’s not even a contest. If the community largely agrees something is overpowered, Epic will immediatly respond and fix the problem swiftly. The perfect example is the recently added Infinity Blade.

Fortnite also is constantly updated with new content and modes.


Fortnite, Fortnite is still popular, the players seem to be enjoying it. Yatta yatta


Here is the thing with Fortnite developers:

>introduce game-breaking weapon into game
>community rages, claim they’ll leave, and that Fortnite is dead
>developers nerf/remove said weapon
>community praises Epic Games and congratulates them as if nothing ever happened


I’d have to go with Fortnite here.

Although blizz does listen,it does take them a while to do it which gets frustrating


This has happened like… twice. Maybe three times.

Also, Blizzard has done the same lol


That is 3 times too many. At this point, they’re doing it for the praise that comes in the aftermath and know this because of the same exact statement they use when they take action (yet never learn their lesson).

Is that at all a good strategy? No, its manipulative and narcissistic if anything and other companies don’t do it for the gain that follows the chaos.

Trying to compare Fortnite and Overwatch communities to figure out which is “treated better” by the devs?

It’s really not that easy. Something worth pointing out is the Overwatch team has listened to people crying about “balance” instead of going off of actual mechanics…

To my knowledge Epic never did that, they knew how to balance a game by themselves. I never played Fortnite but I was an avid player of Paragon (the shutdown of which is why I started playing Overwatch).


I find it rather difficult to believe they’re intentionally trying to break the game so they can get praise for it.


If the praise nullifies (in the case that their apology got over 40k upvotes, several golds and with majority of comments praising their decision) and has a larger impact than the initial outcry then I fail to see why they’d stop said tactic.

Fortnite is younger… but from observation it would seem that they have stood the test of time thus far being over a year old. Overwatch has been on a decline since 2017. No content, slow QoL updates, and seemingly no clear response to feedback.


Besides the community, fortnite treats its content creators extremely well. To the point where they get exposure and money from the company simply because they are fortnite content creators. They also treat their good player better since basically anyone can join their tournaments and win money if they are good enough. While in overwatch ıf you are a content creator literally anything is held against you, you get basically no support from the company unless you are a popular streamer, blizzard monitors your stream 24/7 and the moment you snap and say something mildly offensive you get marked as a homophobe and fined 4k dollars while the stream snipers that have been sniping your games for 7 months get a free pass. It took them how long? Like 5 months to perma ban the most popular smurf of all time? Then they wonder why their twitch numbers fall to trash and get less views than minecraft. Besides blizzard doesnt give a junkrat’s butt about their t500 players unless they are OWL players so they have to resort to boosting to make ends meet. Terrible company.


Blizzard is way to enclosed and entitled. Really. You can see that by the fact that the playerbase / fan base can’t contribute nothing . It it wasnt the case we would already have tools to be able to build stuff for the game, all kinda events to make art for the game and the best one will be used and added into the game. Map editors ,etc and so on.

We are seen like wallets that’s all.


Important to add that they did it within 24 hours.
For OW devs it would take like 6-9 months.

I love OW more than Fortnite because I was a dedicated TF2 player and I don’t really enjoy battle royales.
But OW devs are incredibly slow and lazy. They always say that they are working on something and have a lot of secret stuff for future, but in reality majority of their promises are not worth of time they spend to do it and time we wait for it.



But to be fair its much easier to nerf/remove a weapon than a complete hero or map.

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Is it even a fair comparison?

Fortnite wins by a HUGE margin.

If something is OP, Epic games will fix it. If something is OP in Overwatch, it will take approx 3-8 months to “fix”, which is usually just nerfing the hero into oblivion or adding crap to their kit that makes them worse.


How about Epics other game Paragon vs OW

Oh… wait a minute. That’s right!

baffles me that a free game gets more content than a full price game does.