Forced to lose games @3.4

Replay: MYAEKG

Enemy team has a god-like Widowmaker what am I supposed to do?

Looks like it’s the 3.4 “barrier games”.


Smurfing or hacking?

You are in that grey area where you’re likely to see it.


I, too, was stuck at 3450 for a long time. You will break out of it. Don’t let it get to you and take a break when that happens. It’s the statistic that matters. Wait until when the good games arrive and do your best. There’s nothing you can do about smurfs but keeping this mindset will help you get there faster or at least prevent you from tilt-queueing.


I’ve noticed the boarder between ranks is super difficult, I guess people are trying harder?

When I play Reinhardt I always try and position so I can deny the widow any value; blocking her shots and giving my supports a place to heal that is not in her line of sights.

I will watch your replay later and give you my thoughts.


On tank you can try using to dive a Widow.

Id also recommend staying with the payload more. At the end of the day that is how you win and the most important thing, to progress the payload. Kills are nice, but progressing payload is better. Play around the payload hammer anyone that gets near, pretty much do the same thing to the enemies payload too.

Your a bit too everywhere imo.

Its cool that you know to retreat though. Thats something that even gold/silver player rarely know to do.


He doesn’t ever swap.

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While I do think you could have played better in many scenarios, I don’t think the loss was necessarily your fault.

Can’t win em all.


Yeah, definitely a forced loss on your teammates. Jeff is forcing a 3.4 main tank out of comms in a 3.7k game. Unlucky gg go next.


nothing, this literally makes me quit ranked.
even masters can’t do a simple rotation from point A (gate) to point B (behind a pillar)
WITHOUT shooting, just walking inside.

its in every single game , they just dont come to new position


idk, counter her?

Its not like you were doing anything on rein anyway, barely shielded your team, and did absolutely nothing second point attack. Should have gone ball long time ago


ppl have posted replays of cheaters in bronze
(do forum search). ofc those codes don’t work now since latest patch.
they’re everywhere, like smurfs, or we have ourselves a DDA problem
(dda being a hitbox/assist type of rigging, see one of the patents).

let’s not pretend u have evidence that says cheaters are likely up there and just not likely down where.

hey coach when is ur isp going to be fixed so we can see a list of 10 of your games in a row, so we know what to aspire to and why ur on the top and we’re all on the bot?


Homie, as I have already told you 5 times in the last 2 days: I will be switching ISP of my packet loss isn’t fixed in soon

Don’t you patience?


Never have I ever. :rofl:

It’s like everything you say makes less and less sense.


Obviously they rank up pretty fast and are in low elo for just a few games. No way you are serious lmfao.


not necessarily. that’s a conjecture. no hard evidence.

so where is ur proof they bother to rank up with their aimbots?

some cheaters i run into are spawncamping teams and refusing to cap. they want to lose or let u win so they won’t be ranking up.

cheaters exist at every rank just like smurfs. the difference is more people can drop down and smurf in lower ranks than higher ranks, because of how skill dist pdf works. cheaters aren’t necessarily likely to be playing in higher ranks just because u run into them there lol


Can you give us a replay code of one of them? Those are probably bored smurfs not aimbotters.


sure will next time it happens. current codes won’t work bcuz latest patch.
but i get them once a week or so (for the cheatstack).
people have posted about it in the past. they exist lul.

also i encourage u to read the patent on aim rigging.
a lot of modern cheats look like aim-assist.
and the engine itself rigs people’s hitboxes and aim-assist for engagement, through a process called dda. it’s more pronounced in lower ranks because that’s where they’re trying to help make things accessible diverse and inclusive.

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Hefe Jeffe has left…

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where have i heard this before…


waiting on ur 10 codes bby
do it b4 next patch.
show us ur rank.
pls just reply with some excuse lmao