Forced to lose games @3.4

im not the one claiming i cant post replay codes, im not the one complaining about being unable to climb, im not the one who thinks the game is rigged, im not the one suing blizzard for unfair competition…

im not the droid you are looking for


why are u here then?

u can’t show how u deserve ur rank.
u can’t show how it’s not rigged.
u seem to not care they are facing lawsuits for unfair practices.


theres generally good threads, some crazy ones, and some are people venting which is fine
i can show its not rigged by climbing on multiple accounts
why would i care if some people want to sue a company on grounds not proven in court?


No he’s dead serious….

That’s receipts new account FYI….

Have a head ache yet?


its the same non-sense over and over, from this guy. apparently has masters accounts but cant climb out of bronze/silver…it just too much


that’s not what i said lul
u still have homework2do. read patents thx.



I get that there are unwinnable games, but what makes you think that you’re being “forced to lose?” :thinking:


I don’t know man, I don’t think reading a wikipedia is as fun as actually playing. How you manage to enjoy that is beyond me

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I remember when you managed to throw an open que game on my alt

Didnt even know youre that bad but you legit managed to run it down mid on 3k

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One more thing.

On defense, you let your Zarya die, the moment she got hooked I would have began walking forward to give her cover. She survived for 7 seconds before dying! and even then it was because of the anti-heal which you could have blocked.

As I said before subscribe to Flats, he is a GM main tank, one of the best Reins you’ll see on ladder, but what makes him great to watch is how vocal he is, he will say openly what went wrong or why he is switching etc.


It’s true that Zarya survived longer than I expected them to but I usually follow a personal rule which is that I never cover for bad positioning of my teammates. If I allow them to get punished they usually play better later on in the game.

I might check him out.

I was fortunate to receive a video review from a Master tank player.

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I see he mentions some of what I covered above, such as pushing payload on second point, he was surprised because you didn’t take the highground.

I don’t think he bothered to mention the line of sighting your Ana on first point, something to always keep in mind.


You are right, it is difficult to fix stupid, you can’t heal stupid either lol, but in that scenario you would have been able to keep the Zarya alive, which would have been pivotal to holding that first point.


I knew I would die there. I was just playing for ultimate charge.

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Everyone should be watching streamers, you learn so much.

There has been a power creep amongst the DPS and as such tanks sometimes die in under a second, it’s funny to see when Flats plays as he always remarks on how he just exploded.

Doesn’t matter how good you are, with the damage currently in this game it sometimes happens when a Reinhardt explodes on impact lol.

Anyway, it’s just good to have that reassurance that it may not have been anything you did wrong.


I like to watch the overwatch league players.

Yea 3.4 is a mmr threshold mark.

I’m struggling at 2200, which is another one.


You are kidding right???


I find you learn less watching the league as they are playing as a very coordinated 6 stack, which isn’t what happens in competitive :slight_smile:


I…. Yeah….