I see, best of wishes homie!
Wait, they think I am one of those “rigged matchmaking” people?
I’m sad not the anthphoglical (IDK THE WORD ANYMORE LOL) MATCHMAKING goodbye
my account dropped to 2.4k because I stacked with my friend and his very bad friends, which I acknowledged multiple times, but I said that when I played solo I could feel the difference between the tanks whether it was my own team tanks or the enemy tanks, I guess I’m accusing it of rigged matchmaking instead of just people are different skill levels in the same rank lol. I was just annoyed that I was stuck around 2480 for 4-5 games lol cause of the differences
He glossed over a couple points you were making which is why he was riding you.
Or so I surmise.
SuperNinja really only goes after those kinds of people.
ah okay makes sense, I was wondering why this person was attacking me… lol. Guess I replied at the wrong time in the thread and maybe could have improved my wording a bit.
ty ty <3 and you as well if you play any comp tonight/tomorrow
It’s kinda like when kids A and B are playing at kid As house and kid A finds his dads gun and shoots kid B by accident.
I have to say something about uhm OQ though, I truly think that OP should play RQ, not sure if it was just my own personal experience as a Moira main, maybe it’s completely different for him, cause lets be real this latter OQ is a lot worse than the one prior to goats/RQ as most tanks/supports are playing RQ.
I played I think 3 OQ games by myself prior to playing with OP and in 2 of those matches it was 5 DPS of them and of course 5 DPS being spread out all over the place is in no way good for Moira, absolutely useless in fact, and the 3rd match was of the matches was 3 DPS/Road/Ana and then me on Moira.
Honestly this is some of the worst matches I’ve ever played in 5 years of Overwatch and this is coming from someone who used to solo heal a lot prior to goats/RQ.
I then later queue with OP and I think we played 2 or 3 OQ games, the matches improved significantly now we have basically a 2-2-2 set up just because he was picking tank and I was a healer, not sure if things go that way when he’s by himself, but just us duoing the OQ game was a ton better experience, it encouraged someone else to also go healer and someone to also go tank (even if it was roadhog lol) we lost both those games even though they were not stomps and pretty close. OP is also a pretty good tank and I feel it’s wasted on those 4 DPS on OQ.
So from my experience (and I never did finish those placements) OQ has to be one of the worst modes ever, kudos to anyone who actually enjoys playing that, but as a Moira player it’s a big nope for me unless I can get a tank duo going for me lol. That is no fault of the matchmaker though, I knew what I was going into as I heard about it before about the 5 DPS if you solo queue, I was warned multiple times lol.
Thank you! But I sadly can’t play Comp here on my account (GM) because my ISP is currently suffering 33% Packet Loss rate, which makes Online Gaming extremely laggy and unsmooth =[
So right now I mostly play with friends at a bit of a lower rank (Around Plat/Diamond) or just casual, since there is no way for me to actually compete against similar skilled opponents in GM while having people teleport around, noregs, rubber banding just general unresponsible gaming =[
I really do hope my ISP can fix the issue soon
Also you seem like a really cool and chill person, Moira, so if you are interested to play some games let me know =]
We can’t queue anyway if you are GM I am much lower and GM has 250 SR limit (or is it 400? well either way I am too low lol). Also Moira is in a terrible state rn so playing would be just setting up to lose honestly. I’m a Moira OTP and it enrages everyone
yes I’m a hardstuck 3.5 cause I’m bad lol, honestly, I’m expecting to drop to 3.3-3.4 next season cause this ult nerf really hurt me lol
Oh wait, I just misread the whole thing uhm maybe, but I think it sound a little mean to be honest LOL, like unless it’s a 6 stack because then you’ll probably have ppl on alts on the enemy team as well, idk I just really feel bad about that type of stuff lol cause I’ve been on teams where there have been smurfs who stomped my team and there was nothing I could do LOL
While I do have a couple of alts around Diamond and Masters, we can still play QP if you are interested. I have a couple of friends that prefer to play Comp alone so they can feel they are doing their best and not getting helped by a higher ranked player, so I usually play Casual with these friends.
Well, with the diminished player base and most of the competitors moving on, maybe you can hit T500
Good players would have actually hit it, but they don’t never miss. In your case a good player would have hit that.
Not an argument.
Look on the top 500 leaderboard. Need I say more? No I don’t think so.
“Look on the top 500 leaderboards”
That doesn’t explain how it is a casual player’s “training wheels mode”. Someone who has just over 3000 SR in role queue, is also top 500 in Open queue.
Stop this. You’re nowhere near the top % of players, stop looking at open queue. You seriously need to open your eyes.
It does, because the only time you are ever in the top 10% of players is in open queue, not role queue.
How do you get passed all the rigging?
It’s unbelievable? I don’t understand.
You’re just jealous. Hulks going to reach top 500 and prove everyone wrong!
It comes down to grind. You have to grind a ridiculous amount.
From Platinum to diamond I found the most effective way to defeat the algorithmic handicapping was to group up with one other person.
I still have no idea what “that” is referring to.
Maybe you should provide a timecode.
However it seems strange to focus so much on a single error of this sort.
Nor was what you said. You made a completely unfounded claim. Games are never won or lost on hero select.
I’ve already examined profiles in my games and provided video evidence of such.
Yes, top 500 does not start at 3000 SR.
I’ve explained to you exactly why it is. No further elaboration should be required.
I looked at the stats Blizzard provided for rank distribution.
According to those stats Diamond = top 14%.
Who said anything about open queue?
Nope not at all.
It’s always been my dream
The awful Rein shatter you missed.
I pointed out multiple, you just chose to focus in on the Rein shatter.
They are when you get 5 DPS and 1 tank.
Your game doesn’t represent the entire leaderboard. Low Diamond players are able to be on the top 500 leaderboard in OQ, if you keep denying this simple fact then idk what more I can say.
3100-3200, it’s not that big of a difference. Certainly not what it is in role queue either.
And Plat players are in the top 25% of players? As if that’s something to be proud of? Top 14% is nowhere near the top even with Overwatch’s declining playerbase. Being in the top 14% is not as good as it sounds.
I missed plenty but it doesn’t really matter to demonstrating overall proficiency.
You certainly didn’t provide any time code for when they occurred.
This is only an issue if you lack adaptability to different kinds of compositions. 1-5-0 is one of my favourite compositions.
I provided video evidence and you haven’t.
You only get the top 500 icon depending on what you finish at.
You have to finish at Master in my region to qualify for top 500.
Which I did.
But again not really relevant to the current discussion.
Also it’s a different skill set so again not comparable.
If a person is good at playing different all kinds of heroes from the three roles competently and this enables them to contribute more then they will of course rank higher in open queue than in role queue.
Yes, next time be accurate. In my region it is actually higher than that though.
It’s similar to role q combined which is more comparable.
No that would be top 39%. So yes still above average and something a player can be proud of.
Top 14% is top 14%. Nothing more nothing less.
Obviously that is well above average.
So to call someone in that percentile a “bad” player as you called me is statistically inaccurate.
Like you and the guy in the video, you were both punished by it so it does matter if you’re looking for a win.
If you don’t believe me you can rewatch your own videos.
I highly doubt that, but either way it’s got a low chance of winning.
Again, my evidence is the entire leaderboard.
What region? Pretty sure all or most regions have 3100 Diamond players who have top 500 logos in OQ.
It’s essentially quick play classic. It is not a different skill set to the point where people are being called top 500 with 3000 SR.
Where are you finding this, it was 25% before Jeff left and that was including all platforms.
I can be top 3% in a game but I still might not even be remotely close to the top.