Forced loss streaks - It has to stop!

I mean, seriously. I am trying so hard, but I dont know what more I can do in my games.

I was really hoping something will change after my last streak in season 18, but no, it continued after 1 game in season 19, and now I am already like 800 SR far from where I started last season.

Where the hell is the forced loss streak, it should happen several games before and I am still climbing, higher than I ever was with tanks, what is going on? Where is my forced loss strak already, this is not fair, I hate this rigged matchmaker who gives me way too easy games and bad enemy teams.

Here I recorded this horrible thing happening to me. Replay system show only 10 games, I had 3 more of these below.



My friend back in S13 went from 3.1k to 3483 game before masters back in S13 then he dropped all the way down to 2.8k after an EXTREMELY long losing streak and he pretty much stopped playing the game after that, I rarely see him on anymore.

He was always around, the season after that he got up to 3.3k and dropped down to 2.9k lol

And this person played so much competitive and they are really good at their hero pool.

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here’s what it would take to have a team of 10-15 people that you play with on a regular basis. Overwatch is a game for six friends not six strangers.

and here is my solution for throwers… You must let people reduce their SR by simply clicking a button. Currently I am 1900sr, I should be allowed to drop my SR down to <500sr. If people were allowed to do this, it would get rid of the derankers/griefers/trolls overnight. Because they would all just go down to the lowest ranks, and not bother people actually trying to climb.

First, you are not having the big loss streak because this is new account and has no anchor stat. On account that is not new it is working like this:

After you are you losing your next match, it may trigger the losses and you will be on a simple loss streak that will look something as this:

LLLWLL - at which point then you may receive fair match. The matches you lose will very unbalance.

As I understand your previous account has not been in diamond very much (i may be wrong), yet you should ask yourself why you are so easily able to rank to diamond on this account? It is because it does not have anchor stat. Can you see how easy it is to get to diamond on this new account?

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Show how it is forced

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Hello, yes, MHz, my friend, I have a question for you since you are so knowledgeable on this subject. This account has been played since season 4 and has much anchor stats. Why have I been able to escape the clutches of forced loss streaks? In season 4 it was ranked 1800, and as of last season was over 3500 in two roles - that is more than 2x the SR it was!



Anchor stats? I just messed around and finished in mid gold in role q season where I played 75 comp games and I played 226 comp games in season 18. Account has lvl 92 so its really not that new account.

I could pick any account from bronze to gold, old as you want, stuck all seasons in these ranks and I would climb it exactly the same to high plat, eventualy to diamond, but thats my peak so it would be grind to diamond again. Anchor stats keeping you somewhere is just a myth.

We will see.

Who said it was easy? It was a lot of grind, hard work and learning, improving, watching top 500 player(Cyx) so I can see how they play hog and to see if I can improve my gameplay somehow. I climbed because I improved, not because account doesnt have some kind of anchor stats.

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Everybody knows that when you lose it’s Blizzard’s fault and when you win it’s because you carried.


Of course it’s forced.
Try to rank down, you will see how hard the system tries to push you back to the rank where you “belong” to.

Blizzard has no interest in you ranking up, the try to force the players equaly in all tiers, so they are populated enough to give you a reasonable queue time.

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Honestly that is a REALLY bad idea. That will allow smurfing to be as easy as eating cake and people can easily drop down to lowest ranks to troll new/bad players


Well, now you’ve done it - you’ve disagreed with him. He only wants echo chamber participants.

Prepare to be invited to talk with him about how wrong you are over “voice comms”.


here, read the whole thing and let me know what you think How matchmaker should work (imho)

You know, in my spare time I paint miniatures, build little dioramas for them, it’s a fun, relaxing past time. You should try it, or any hobby that isn’t posting mindnumbingly bad ideas on the Overwatch forums.


currently you can boost yourself from 1100sr to 2350sr just by purchasing a new account. What do you think about that?

Waste of money as someone can boost your account for same amount or even free :smiley: and faster in less time, new account is 16 hours Âą

But its waste in both way as placing new acc or boosting will not make you a better player.



not if you’re hardstuck 1100sr

exactly, so for $14.99, you get to play in high ranks that you don’t belong in

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Its not a clean system. There are noise factors that people overlook. Every discussion about matchmaking breaks down because of ladder noise/corruption. Its a nonlinear experience multilpied by skill differentials, that is exacerbated by what time of day/week you play, what meta you run, whether you solo or group, etc.

Because of this, even in a ‘clean’ system - the SR speaks more about how you reverse-engineer the ladder experience, rather than raw talent. And we actually live in a very noisy system.

In a ‘clean’ system, you don’t get tired-out fighting through noisy matches, falling asleep in queues, dealing with friction, and hoping for long-run averages to balance out - with you being the only constant. You just hop on, play, get an efficient win %, and rank up.

If you’re plat you can rank up out of noisy bronze with some efficiency. Even in a ‘clean’ system, a plat ranking up from bronze would have some mobility issues - throttled by queue times and win rates. A 60% win ratio (readily achievable by a plat in bronze) is still 40 hours work for 1000sr. So thats 80 hours of having the Overwatch client on, waiting to nonstop tryhard, to go from bronze to plat, asuming a clean system.

Thats just not worth it for most people, meaning less try and snowballing of ladder corruption/noise.

But this all goes out the window because its a noisy system. A true silver player would have a horrendous time trying to rank up out of bronze, netting probably a 51-52% win ratio, meaning entire seasons to get back to where you properly belong, because your signal is buried within the noise.

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im so concerned that there are diamond players who still think forced loss streaks are a thing


You clearly didnt get the joke, watch my video in first post and then read the text :wink:


i can FEEL the kappa coming from this thread! xD