Forced Losing Streaks are Real

Brotha I dropped more than a thousand SR in like, four days.

Hahaha, what? Ranks have nothing to do with forced losing streaks. BTW when I started playing this game i was ranked at 1300, I’m mid gold now which ain’t great but eh I’m pretty sure that’s a bigger SR difference than -+ 250
The matchmaking in this game is total poo. A gold encrusted turd. It’s either I stomp the enemy team or they stomp me. Rarely is there ever any middle ground.
To add insult to injury this company actively punishes people… because one of their teammates left the match. You end up losing more SR than if you had just lost a 6v6. It’s mind-boggling and backwards until you put the pieces together. First, I think it was Jeff Kaplan, who said that the system was “working as intended.” Put it together in your head: they intentionally designed this system to make every match either a close to guaranteed win or close to guaranteed loss, from the system’s own calculations. The reasons why they do this? Who knows. Maybe because it keeps people playing longer, desperately hooked to the idea that they’re gonna make it, which bolsters their active player count. Competitive in this game is absolute rubbish. It amazes and astounds me that anybody takes Overwatch League remotely seriously with the overall state of the matchmaker and the META. I love the game itself, you know; without the terrible matchmaking this game is a work of art. Fun, engaging, every match is going to be different in some way. Sometimes you’re going to lose. But sorry, you’re not going to even out to a 50/50 winrate over the course of time. I’ve played and dominated far too many other games to know that your winrate is going to reflect your skill; it doesn’t actually do that in this game, making it an absolutely pointless statistic to track in the first place, or even try to enforce.

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I have been on 8 game win streaks etc then a week later on 14 game win streaks. The biggest I had was 20. This is in oce high master games. I’m not sure if it’s because big smurfs or not enough players in higher ranks or just the crappy gaming system.

Then I get insane lose streaks like 10-20 games.

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i totally agree with you when i was in gold people told me i was a crappy hard stuck gold .This simply wasnt the case at all .Then i decided to play for a good two days straight about 4hrs a day and i climbed from gold to diamond .Did i suddently get better in two days definatly not it was just that i played alot of games .This is how stupid some people are in these forums they put you down because your in a lower league but people dont want to have to play for hrs and hrs just to rank up into thier rightful league because you have to account for all the throwers and leavers and frustrating games your going to have .


Well these people aren’t stupid. Just like every other thing that you do in life, if you want to get better you have to spend time in it. The more you do something, the better you get.

Yeah very likely you became better since you’ve put more time in than before.

yes there is just saying

Telling people to ‘get gud’ is gas lighting. Competitive Play is handicapped by Match Making Rating, which is a handicapping system. It’s designed to make Overwatch addictive, rather than objective or fair.


After hours upon hours and multiple friends and others online having the same experiences I’m convinced this is right. I played games at 2800 and they weren’t bad. People talked and genuinely tried to win. At 2500 they don’t talk don’t aim, don’t use strats. They don’t even try to win half the time they just complain in chat or leave. It’s rigged.

They exist. In currently in one of 16+ games. Got to mid Plat and Im already back to mid gold. Nobody just loses a rank worth of skill in two need to really quit for a while for your skills to go away.

How long ago?

I mean, it’s not like the skill of the average player keeps improving each season, including diamond players.

how is that rigged? you cant blame blizzard for the toxicity of the community. matchmaker is fine its yall that need to check the attitude at the launch screen.

Weather the losing / winning streaks are rigged or not, I highly doubt it… but it is frustrating how many games you lose because of throwers and leavers. And to add insult to injury you typically lose a lot of SR in those losses. They need to cut your losses by 50% if you have a leaver. Like, I honestly couldn’t care less how bad the leaver is getting punished, I care more that he is hurting his teammates by causing them to lose 20-30SR! It’s so easy to lose all of your hard-earned SR over the course of several games because of leavers. Feels really bad.

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I have 60% Winrate on my two most played heroes and ive still dropped 400 ELO.

Almost every game i play, my teams SR is about 200 SR under mine. Its a lot of fun

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Yes, matchmaking has been rigged since beta.


I uninstalled the game this season. I cant anymore. Its so obius the lose streaks. Every- single- time i get my record after the placements i have a loose strike of 300 sr that i cant never reach again. Only on the next season placements i can recover a bit. Ita ridiculous… It obly feels like losing my time so… Yea… uninstaled this time. And well, this game feels like an alpha, not even a beta. The big lack of tanks, healers, lore… Its all just ridiculous… And they are forcing it to be an e- sport… Its all ridiculous. Season 13 i played i had 50,58% wins and i ended up with -250 sr xD its simply laughable.


You are correct…

If you want a more enjoyable matchmaker I recommend League of Legends, Paladins or Smite.

They still haven’t fixed them lol

Lol its easy to carry a gold match as a diamond, 3200 support main, its easy to do as support, dps or tank, the reason why you say we can’t is probably because of your ego and you think we aren’t that much better than you, honey we are