My side doesn’t contain the same level of speculation that yours does, though. That’s mostly the issue in play here. I have an all-star witness in a courtroom that is an expert in a necessary field providing a breakdown of what is likely to be happening, and you’re the guy/gal outside the courthouse claiming the witnesses have been tampered with.
I think everyone here understands that it could all be fraudulent. There exists a possibility that they’ve done research that indicates streaks keep people more invested while playing, and so they’re going to do everything they can to make that happen. That tin-foil hat theory isn’t basis enough to go around and present that idea as though there is an actual likelihood that sort of thing is going on, and although you are free to believe whatever you want, some of the people around here spend a great deal of time tracking down sources and data to make sense of what is actually going on that fits with what we’ve been told. Making click-baity thread titles that come across as definitive claims only serves to hurt legitimate discussions on matchmaking topics, because even if you don’t buy into what you’ve presented here hook, line, and sinker (meaning you simply wanted to drum up talking points on things that could be going on under the hood), there are dozens of people that read your post and have.
I wouldn’t waste my time arguing against conspiracy theorists.
Though, I wonder if they believe that Blizzard make win/loss streaks only for this person, or all people? If they do this, what is the purpose?
It would be incredible technology if you could put people with the same overall Skill Rating, but ensure a loss or a win.
Another great step for humanity.
Please don’t go outside today btw, a heavier than normal amount of Contrails will be in the sky. Don’t question this btw, this thread proves we don’t need evidence to support any claim.
You didn’t answer the question. The question was, “Did you trust Mark Zuckerburg when he said he wasn’t selling your information”. The answer is surely no.
Understandable, but a majority of people already believe this. Even those who I come across in games (who don’t think loss streaks are forced) believe they have no control in games. I think that’s the overall Overwatch player mindset, now that you mention it. Me making a forum post where, as you say, very few people visit, I don’t think that will change the fact that a news article just came out speaking about the downed state of Overwatch.
I’d feel bad to waste $40.
Ah, I see what you mean by feelings now. Not emotion, more like a prediction. Gotcha.
I still believe that my theory is logical. I gave reasoning that Blizzard might have to do things like this, plus the amount of times other companies have done it, not just including gaming companies. My theory isn’t just a shot in the dark; if Blizzard could pull something like this off, it would have serious rewards and implications for any future games.
If you’re speaking as though Blizzard is your expert witness, then the witness would also be the judge, and such a judicial system would be completely flawed.
Click-baity titles are the only way to get conversations. Like I said before, no one on here wants to contribute to make competitive better, they want to rant and say, “Fix this now Blizzard!” I tried to do this in a constructive manner, but it got no attention at all.
If this post could never have existed, and instead the other post have gotten the views it did, I would be much happier. But this was done in order to bring light to the facts that:
No one truly knows how the competitive system works.
Blue text does not mean complete truth.
Something is 100% wrong with the system, whatever it may be.
We are all on the same guessing field.
If you’re not going to read the post, don’t comment.
There is are multiple dates in the OP, and I’m not even going to address the fact and evidence part because that has been spoken about beyond belief.
I’ve commented on like, three other posts.
No one is arguing with you about this.
That was mostly done by others. All I’ve done is show my games.
No. If you disagree with Blizzard, they don’t give you trust levels.
I respect that.
You can’t tell me what my own experience was.
The creator of a product from a company is almost always lying.
Right, they feel that there games are uncontrollable because of the people they get on their team. That was the original point.
We don’t discuss flaws with the matchmaker. It literally goes like this:
Game loads. People join team chat.
Someone: “How y’all doing?”
Someone else: “Just got out of three games in a row with three Symmetra mains each time.”
Someone else (2): “Same.”
Someone else (3): “Yeah, me too.”
Every game, it seems like my teammates are depressed from the matches they’re getting.
Again, the point wasn’t forced loss streaks. It was people who felt that they had very little control over their games. The reason I added “people on this forum” was because it just shows my point more.
Blizzard wanting money is a feeling I have? I guess Blizzard is just doing all of this for fun and to make the players have fun.
I can show you many more streaks if you’d like. One day, almost all wins, the next day, almost all losses. Did I suddenly get worse the next day and cause losses for everyone?
I don’t need to re-explain this.
I don’t need to re-explain this.
This was just a straight up statement. Whatever it is, there is a problem with the matchmaker. But we can’t say that, because we might hurt someone’s feelings.
This post has devolved into you guys just saying, “we have facts, you have emotions.” It’s honestly sad if you can’t pause for a second and see that:
You have no idea if your “facts” are “facts” or not.
You didn’t experience my games, yet seem to think you know that I performed underneath my teammates.
We’re all in the dark.
I’ll be opening up a new thread soon so I hopefully get comments from people who want to have a conversation.
First comment:
Just again to clarify, you said this:
Definitly shows a topic where you want a discussion about the matchmaking problems, and not talk about forced loss streaks.
No your original point was that blizzard is forcing loss streaks.
I can tell on the other hand that your feelings aren’t the experience. You played a game, that is the experience. During the game and after finishing it, you have a feeling about it.
Blizzard is a company, a company only wants to make profit. Not sure why you bring this up because it gets nowhere near the context of the topic.
Dude that is not how it works, the evidence provided says that it is not happening.
Your feeling that it happens doesn’t make it so that it actually happenend.
There is a difference between realstic and capable of having a normal view. And being a complete complot theorist and questioning every single piece of evidence provided to you because it doesn’t fit your idea.
Just to clarify again:
Entire first post was based on forced loss streaks being real.
Don’t say you want to start a discussion about the matchmaker and it’s flaws, when you clearly state what this topic is about
They aren’t real. Why would they be??? There is no reason for blizzard to intentionally make you lose. If you are losing at your rank it is because you really can’t pull your own weight for your team. That simple. Stop BabyRageing and start reviewing your own vods. The less time you spend complaining the more time you have to grind. I went from silver in s3 to masters now. It was a grind, and I still got work to do. You need to start working at climbing or go play a non competitive game.
Couldn’t have said it better myself I think that would work great lose less if you have a leaver and maybe even double the loss for the leaver I’ve never left a rank personally but have been dced due to power issues and still feel like I should get worse of an SR loss then my team
Would loss streaks not be flaws in the matchmaking?
No, my original point from like, a conversation ago with OzoneOOO. He said:
When people believe, en masse, that they have no control over the win or loss of the match that’s a very bad state for the game.
And I said:
And that’s what you responded to.
I feel like I really shouldn’t have to repeat this.
Because Blizzard wanting money was one piece of reasoning I was talking about. You said the reasonings I presented were feelings, but I don’t feel that Blizzard wants money. They obviously do.
Oof x 4
Except we are having a discussion about the matchmaker and it’s flaws. Most specifically, loss streaks.
I’ve already given reasoning.
If pulling your own weight for your team means pulling the weight of your teammates too, then I guess you’re right. Not to mention pulling the weight that leavers and throwers leave behind.
Wut lol.
I do.
People seem to think commenting on the forums takes hours or something. It’s like, ten minutes. I practice a lot.
And yet you say:
Lol. That’s a big oof, son.
YES. EXACTLY. And yet you still don’t understand that your guess is as good as mine?
Ah, I get it now, thanks.
Despite being insignificant, this 4 vs 5 streaks frequency “seems” connected with autocorellation function bumps at 6 games. I know, there is no place for solid conclusions, but still.
I wonder, how many games are required to make all data even more consistent with itself.
Having to play so many games (to determine one’s sr range correctly) during a season seems insane.
Even more so, if I would’ve stopped playing after 30 games into the season and leave it as it was, I would be able tomstart season 10 higher. Oh well…
I have faced loss streaks and dropped from Plat 2800 to Gold 2200 where most matches felt unwinnable and no matter how well I played we still lost.
Then the forced win streaks started where every match felt very easy to win until I got back up to Plat 2800 where I had some draws and a couple of losses but I am still winning more than losing.
At one point I had about 15 more losses than wins and now I have 15 more wins than losses on record and climbing.
So if you consistently play at a higher level than where you currently are then the system will balance out and you will be able to climb back fair quickly and its possible to reach a new Season and Career high by doing that.
I find that after I play games really well, the loss streaks start coming. Not the other way around, as you’re describing. When I play badly, my next game (or two) are really, really easy. I’ll crush those games, but then directly after, more losses. There is rarely ever an in-between where both sides fought and it was an even match.
through my experience yes there are forced streaks. like when I get 6 straight wins I know 6 L’s are waiting around the bend and it never fails. and once it knocks me back down to where it “thinks” I should be I wait for the owed back winning streak. it’s weird but that’s how it works least for me. right now on this account it is keeping me from plat even though I’ve touched plat my other account however has different luck it is in 2400+ sr.
I’ve always noted the opposite. 2 bad games in a row and then a massive streak of losses.
This season I had a 13 game and 8 game loss streak. Dropped 600 SR from last season. As I had worse team mates, I did worse, so my mmr tanked and match maker set me up to fall again. And so on, in a death spiral of sr losses.
I’ve now raised my mmr up via improving my kd ratio and abandoning certain heroes that don’t work at low ELO, and I am now on an 80% win rate streak, up 300 SR in 20 games.
Hey Prophet, has been a little while since I have commented on this thread but just had to comment on this part:
If you can’t differentiate between something and random chance, doesn’t that essentially mean it is random chance? (it couldn’t be proved either way right?)
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Guess this last statement could be interpreted either way. Sometimes the simplest solution is the solution.
Just keep in mind your couldn’t be differentiated statement starts to make your argument look like a conspiracy theory, so try and avoid making statements like that.
Just because you can’t differentiate from something, does not mean it is that thing. The reason I said this was because, as many people have said, winning and losing streaks are natural in any competitive environment. Due to this, his mathematical analysis is just a facade to say, “See! You’re not losing unfairly!”, when in reality, he’s showing you exactly what you would be seeing even if the matchmaker was truly fair.
The main telltale sign is that your first few wins are super easy, and you feel like you’re a god in those games. But soon, you get multiple games in a row of leavers and throwers. When looking at your win/loss ratios from these games, it looks pretty normal, because the win/loss ratio is still pretty natural compared to a fair environment. However, when looking at how you lost/won games and the pattern at which it happens, it’s more evident.
Yeah I can tell I mean, people have been saying I’m a certified troll on these forums and yet this is like, my third or fourth post?
Thanks for formatting your answer in a non-destructive, rude way.
Blizzard decided it was a good idea to put a guy doing his placement matches on my team near the end of the season… Guy barely reached 2800 in every season he played, insta locked hanzo, completely sucked at him, and wouldn’t switch, but was put on my team above 3200 rank matches? It doesn’t get clearer than that, that something is wrong. Force loses is a thing.