Can you spot the cheaters?

DQP8ZC Hollywood

Hint: At least two in my team and one or two in the enemy team (harder to tell, with the enemy).

One of the many interesting games today (in Forced lose streak is a thing, stop denying it - #21 by WelshInvader-1994)

If true, then 4 incoming forum posts about being “banned for no reason” lol

Who do YOU think is cheating? Im interested to see but I just watched about a couple of minutes and saw nothing suspicious, i’m curious

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I am watching this game now.
Unless you are the one cheating (didn’t bother watching your PoV)… there is no one cheating in this lobby. I can only assume you called “cheat” because they rolled you on attack. Don’t do that.

Your Kirikos ult at the end of your attack though. That deserves an award.

On my team

The sig: The tell-tale giveaway is 3:47-48

It locks on the soldier behind the wall and tracks and predicts his movement and not the Zarya. You can see him fighting it at the end.

It’s a good quality lock.

The Genji/Cassidy: 12:51 he locks on to the Bap. Suspicious, even if he ignored the soldier (main reason it’s plausibly not). 13:07 to 11 is where locks on to the enemy several times from spawn.

Probably walls.

There are other tells but those just stood out.

There. There’s your free hack QA.

He doesn’t. He trys to throw his rock at the Zarya and misses. He’d just spent time chasing the Zarya round the map, he was blinkered at this point.

I assume you mean the soldier, he looks up to where he can hear the Bap shooting from (doesn’t lock on, doesn’t even get near to looking at him). Goes to the high ground and gets destroyed.

Zero cheating in this match.

Your team did struggle on the defence, I think this might of been due to playing double flex support in low elo games. I hate to say it, heal botting works better in lower ranks, so double flex is always going to be a gamble.

You’re violating forum rules. I thought of that but a slow replay shows otherwise

It’s a hack

If you think this game has any hacking in, there is no one who can convince you otherwise.

Sadly, you just got beaten fair and square.

As for forum rules… falsely accusing people of cheating, whilst indirectly naming and shaming… I think I am ok.

I never said cheaters on enemy were the reason we lost.

You can choose to deflect, but that soldier prediction is enough.

There weren’t any cheaters. So that is alright then.

Also, just 0.25x that Sigma in game, and recorded it to watch back at 0.10x… There is zero snap, zero hacking, just a missed shot.

I am not sure he’s locked on to the Soldier…
h ttps://

on the Bap?

The Bap is literally just healing from above, the soldier never even looks at him. Just hears him, looks vaguely at where the trail is coming from then tries to chase the kill

first image…
h ttps://
he watches the Bap jump up on to the high ground (so he already knows he is up there).

a few seconds later, the Bap is healing. The trail gives his position away
h ttps://

Bap heals, and throws Immo Lamp
h ttps://

this is the closest he gets to looking at the Bap, because he is searching for him (hes just rotated looking at the prison first.
h ttps://

he then goes and gets melted by the enemy soldier, who he didn’t know was there… If he was aim botting or walling, he wouldn’t of lost that.

You’re using low-quality hacks as the standard to decide it’s not a hack.

The hacks are there. The prediction is on the soldier behind the wall.

The funny—and the point of this—is just how bad the cheaters were and on tank.

Once his “aim” couldn’t carry him—because he was super charging the zarya—he was pretty lost.

I am not using any quality hacks to make a decision. I am watching the game in slow motion and determining based on what they do, and whether it looks natural or not.

The screen shot says other wise, if that was a “prediction”, its aiming in the wrong direction. He aimed at the Zarya, and the Zarya dodged it (purely by coincidence as they weren’t even paying attention to the rock)

he wasn’t cheating, both tanks were just low elo tanks. Proven by the Sigma getting both his supports killed by chasing down the Zarya for no valid reason.

he was playing Sigma, and isn’t the best tank player in the world… he was charging Zarya with poorly aimed spam.

If you are being genuine in accusing these players of cheating, I think that could be problematic.

Exactly. Your criteria on whether or not something is a hack is based only on signs of low quality hacks

There wasn’t anyone hacking in that game. All the screen shots prove that. The 0.25x and 0.10x rewatching of the game prove that.

I am not sure what has happened to break you to the point of believing there was. It is sad to see someone so certain of a totally fabricated accusation. Just accept that you were wrong, hold your hand up and move on. I am not the only person who saw nothing in that game. Just the only one stupid enough to waste more time on it, because I gave you the benefit of the doubt and wanted to check further.

This was not a high ranked lobby (I won’t guess the rank as that isn’t fair). Subtle hacks would be obvious based on the general gameplay.

I can only imagine what will happen if you come across a DPS player who can truly aim. You should of tried the Open Queue game I had the other day against a GM1 role queue DPS Widow one trick. They absolutely destroyed us. Even playing dive, we were just mechanically no where near their level. I can only begin to imagine how many cheats you would accuse them of using lol.

You stated what you were looking for, and what you stated aren’t the tells of high(er) quality hacks.

Denial or deliberately being obtuse, Roku? I do think it’s the latter.

Sorry, my fault, I missed the previous posts…

What I looked for, in great detail, was any signs of hacking. There was none.

The only person in denial here is you.

Is it a pride tying. You thought cheats, but are wrong. But you can’t back down now, so you use this “the cheat are just too good for you to see” nonsense, rather than just accept that you were wrong this time.

It’s that or you’re just hard trolling now.

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The problems that good quality hacks can’t fix are knowing the hacker’s intent and locking on to the wrong target (aim assists); and hacker mistakes (walls).

I also suspect the enemy Ana of using walls based on a couple of brief reactions, but it wasn’t definitive to make me sure.

I didn’t see anything odd tbh, but hey, report them and find out for yourself in a couple days, cheaters are banned pretty quick, I know, it happened to one of my ults when someone used it twice

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