Forced 2-2-2 Will Set This Game On Fire

As a Tank main, I hate the idea. Why? Because I’m an off-tank main and the role queue isn’t subtle enough to distinguish that. I also happily flex to DPS or Support during a match if it’s what’s needed. It’s insane to take that away.

What does that qualify me as in OWL parlance? A Flex Tank? 2-2-2 doesn’t work for that at all.


But it will create some problems too.

I for example can play off tank, I like playing, zarya, hog, but I can’t play main tank, I suck at rein and winston and I never played hammond ever.

Now imagine I queue as tank and we end up in a team with two off tanks that can’t play rein, but someone who mains healer can play a good rein too while I can play healers just fine… now we can’t switch roles because the forced queue. It creates more problems than solutions.

Again, 90% of my comp games have 2-2-2 already, but at least we have freedom

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it’s still better than 5 dps one healer any day.

Again, I think the real solution and the more interesting one for OWL and Comp (not QP) is character banning.

That’s a human/community problem not the system.

If people doesn’t want to wait X then cooperate or play another game simple as that.

Do you think for one second that the Torb main isn’t going to queue as DPS and instalock Torb? Oh boy are you going to be in for a surprise.

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I expect him too. What’s your point? He’s still going to pay a price by waiting for it, so good for him.

I have yet to hear a truly cogent argument how a 2/2/2 is worse than the weird rando junk comps people do now…

You speak like this is the norm when it’s not.

And we all know 3 tanks can work, 3 tanks 3 healers can work (current meta), 3 dps can work, solo healing can work… I’ve seen this all in professional play working and, obviously, in my diamong games too

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The point is that now you’re stuck with him in a rigid system of role enforcement where you’ve got less ability to compensate for said Torb main.

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it works those comps are just not good for the game over the long haul…

If people doesn’t want freedom to pick their comps the way they want they should play another game, simples as that.

They want freedom to decide what everyone else in the group plays.

I would still argue 9/10 that the better even mix of roles still results in better play more often than not.

2/2/2 is not perfect, and if we go down the path of just looking for faults I can think most of us with a straight face would say its clear that the current system is not working well either. Something has to change, so what is it?

Again, I favor per match bans over anything else, but I don’t think that is going to happen so this is the next alternative.

Why not? What makes a comp good for the game over the long haul?

And I’m not saying we should force 3-3 either, it’s not like we have these comps all the time… the majority of time we have 2-2-2 anyway (unless you’re talking qp, idc about qp)

What is good for the game is having the ability to change comps on the fly, to have the freedom to pick what works for the team at that match and not being stuck in a 2-2-2 comp when you know you could be adapting to the other team comp to win the game

I like the ban idea but struggle to figure out how you could make it work in a soloQ environment. Everyone is just going to want to ban whatever counters the hero they are playing.

Seems like it would work better in organized tournaments where you can get 6 people to agree on a goal

So you concede that this is not going to stop any one-trick. But rather than, say, you not playing Symmetra and swapping to a tank or support, you want to enforce roles so that you don’t have to have that responsibility.

I’m starting to suspect that this is less about one-tricks, and more about making sure that you don’t have to flex.


This is exactly right. There is actually countering and adapting, and simply switching just to switch.

Most of the potato ranks do the latter.

Everyone was saying the same crap and fearmongering the release of Dynamic Queue (role queue) in League of Legends, and years on, it’s the best decision they could’ve made IMO

a role queue would be handy - in overwatch, i see it working as in the pre-game phase, where you all pick heroes you must pick from your assigned role, however after like, 30 - 60 seconds, you get to choose whatever you want, however that may threaten the balance of the teamcomp, so it will encourage staying 222 without properly enforcing it.

League Shiz - relevant, but it's league shiz.

i embrace this change with open arms; Midlane is the DPS of LoL, as in, a lot of people wanna play it (and probably arent very good at it lmao) as such it takes the longest time to queue for, and yes it is longer than if you were to queue as fill or support, but it’s by no means unbearable.

Want to be rigid and only stay to one role? sure, enjoy longer queue times.
Want to learn an offrole that you’re comforatable on to a similar extent to your primary? enjoy shorter queue times.
Want to fill to get the shortest queue times? enjoy short queue times but an unprediactable role in game.

this system would have benifits and drawbacks, but i think the benifits outweigh the cons.

making people learn 2 roles instead of only sticking to one is benificial to the overall health of the game IMO.

if you can’t see that the current GOATs problem for instance is hurting the game, there is little possible dialog here. What makes you think we are having this question in the first place, because the freedom to make overbearing trash comps isn’t an issue in the first place?

You talk about freedom to adapt, but that is for the better part of the playerbase not what they do.

So, if not 2/2/2, or character banning what is the answer?

Yeah. But, you still can do that, if you want. They have this fancy mode called “No Limits” in Arcade, if you want to play that way. They didn’t completely remove hero stacking from the game.

Alright, I’ll bite. Even if Arcade is the only place where this game doesn’t have Forced 2-2-2, then fine. At least there will be a place for those who don’t want to play this way.

But, if they do this Forced 2-2-2 everywhere except Arcade, then they need to re-work Arcade. Right now, there are two versions of Elimination in Arcade, out of only 5 slots. And, at one point, during LNY, there was 3 out of 5 slots taken up Mystery modes. If Arcade becomes the only haven from Forced 2-2-2, then Arcade needs more slots or a better rotation system or something.

You know, I find this all a bit ironic. They said they didn’t add more slots/modes to Arcade, because it would split the player base up too much. But, Forced 2-2-2 will do just that. It will split the players into those who want it, and those who don’t. Those who don’t want it will leave or play Arcade only. And those who do, will have the rest of the game to themselves. But, make no mistake, the player base will decline for the Main game. Either due to leavers or former QP and such players flocking to Arcade and only playing there.

I hope you all are prepared for this. Because, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Just don’t come whining to me when OW becomes a dead game, because it alienated its own player base.

This has not proven good for the game, it’s 3 years in and the state of comp is not good; developers themselves admit it’s not and the faults in doing things like giving you 1 SR for 29 heroes.

Honestly you’re telling me the average person can play Widow, Rein and Zenyatta all at the same level? (random examples don’t get too stuck into the specifics).

If I’m a 3500 Reinhardt I might only be a 2200Widow; I shouldn’t be in a 3500 game on Widow.