Forced 2-2-2 Will Set This Game On Fire

Exactly. I’m not a DPS main, and I don’t like forced 2-2-2 either. If they do this, I will stop playing or I will only play but forced modes, if they still exist (like No Limits or Mystery Heroes in Arcade, for example)

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This happens in all kinds of games that people pay for. When you join a team in NHL2018 you pick a position. You don’t get to play any other position at whim, you must wait until the next game to avoid blowing up your team with selfish decisions.

Goalie doesn’t rip his pads off and go try to score because the forwards are not popping off.

Leave what? after a comp match you always have to manually requeue…so you just pick “support” instead of “dps” this time. This is what you’re complaining about?

You can’t play a single role for a 15-20 minute game? It’s a team game I’m not sure what else to tell you.

The funny thing is I play low master/high diamond on ps4 and 90% of my matches are 2-2-2, but if someone is doing a bad job at dps for example, someone else will take his place as dps… maybe we need a sombra and he can play junkrat only etc.

Sometimes when you need to contest the point you’ll switch from zenyatta to tracer, sombra or even reaper,

Now with this forced 2-2-2 I believe it will be impossible.

Also, pro OW has always had a lot of metas not restricted to 2-2-2, like triple tank, goats, triple dps, junkertown quickplay meta, 4 dps (genji, tracer, soldier and sombra on volskaya), new 4 dps (with hammond).

What if we want to try any of those? Nope, 2-2-2 it is

And what happens if you queu with 2 or 3 friends? Do you all need to pick a role, making it very hard to find matches?

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It can work, on average it’s not an enjoyable experience. If you get groups that will work with you I agree. But more often than not this does not happen.

It’s already been covered in a previous post by developers - they know 1 tank 1 heal is not a fun experience. So we can drop this here and simply agree to disagree.

There is a heavy connection between coordination and team comp. Again we can agree to disagree but you making declarative statements is no more valid than if I do it.

Ping system would not work, apex is a different game with long range engagements and way less frantic action. You’d just end up with pings going everywhere constantly as everyone on the team pinged whatever was in front of them.

You may wish to note that I do not play NHL2018.

Fortunately, we are not playing professional ice hockey where positions are defined. No, we are playing Overwatch – a game where the primary mechanic is the ability to switch heroes on the fly in order to counter the enemy composition. So in Overwatch the Soldier does indeed rip off his tactical visor and grab a pair of in-line skates if needed.

The desire is to have this in Quick Play as well, yes? The freedom to do as you are told is not freedom.

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Cant wait to see how those “great matches” are happening, even more with OTPs.

2 Tanks (Roadhog and winston, or 2 Rein OTPS), 2 healers (2 mercy mains and one Brig), 2 DPS ( Sym onetrick and Torb ).

Boy i cant wait! :rofl:


It’s an example of a game where you can’t do whatever you want. OW used to allow you to pick all Dva’s when it first came out and they fixed that because they could not balance the game.

I’m talking about the competitive environment, something does not need to be professional in order to be competitive.

I’d be fine with it in QP, but I care much more about it being in comp. I think this game fails miserably to teach new players about team comps and why things are important.

If you want to do/play whatever you belong in Arcade.

The health/balance of the game > people wanting to do whatever they want.

You act like this is inferior to say 4 dps and one tank one healer or 5 dps one healer? Oh Please…

It’s also a great example of why I do not play that game. Surely you can see where this is going.

And I am talking about how your metaphor is poor because Overwatch does not have defined positions, and its mechanics make it deliberately so.

No I belong in Quick Play, and when Quick Play becomes a fascist simulator is when I will stop playing it.

k - we can agree to disagree. I’m not going to go back and forth with you any longer.

This all the more reason for character banning, and this coming from someone initially staunchly opposed to it. All the testing shows it would go far in terms of getting people to flex and try new things but still retain a sense of agency. You ban our use of Rein? Well, okay then, say good-bye to… I dunno, Brig this round… people seem to generally accept this.

2/2/2 may not be as rich in one sense, but it will be easier to balance and get some people to flex.

This system works wonderfully in many games, I am kind of stunned at the resistance here to any suggestion of it.

Yeah the problem is that scenario is hyperbolic and doesnt happen in comp as much as you want to make it seem so.

We can all take extreme scenarios to make an example and what i said … its really not hyperbolic at all. It already happens now, and its going to happen WAY MORE with the detriment of queue times for DPS.

Mark my words. You can quote me back when the system is on.

Dude that system literally prevents them from flexing roles in the first place :rofl:


Exactly,Thrillho. If I wanted to play one of these Force role games, I have plenty of titles to choose from. That’s why different games exist. But, Forced roles is not why I play OW. I play for the freedom to switch on the fly and such, like you said. If they get rid of that, then I have no reason to play OW. Plain and simple.


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Why? Youll never have to deal with solo healing/tanking again or trip dps.

Thank goodness. I was growing weary of dealing with the unreasonable.

I don’t know nothing about hockey, but I love football (soccer) and I know during the match players can (and should) change positions depending on what’s happening.

The other team is attacking too much from the left side? Put someone there to help the right-back, or put someone in the right side of attack to make the left-back of the other team attack less and defend more… stuff like this happens in overwatch too but will be more limited if 2-2-2 is forced


I love your little rolling laughing face.

As I said some people will flex, many won’t. I have no sympathy for the Genji one trick who has to wait twice as long to queue - he should pay a penalty for his unwillingness to say do tank or heal for a change.

If you have had any experience with this kind of system, you get a choice… go popular dps and wait, or go hey maybe my desire is great enough to play I do something else for once, and guess what, some people decide after a bit this tanking or healing thing, it’s better than I thought. Many will not, and that just a fact. Most people won’t flex now, I cannot imagine how you think a 2/2/2 is somehow worse…

I don’t mind solo tanking or solo healing. In fact, many of my best games – the ones where I had the most fun – were when I was doing just that.

I think that much of this role enforcement stems from people who have a hard time coming to terms with losing in a video game, and so they blame that loss on composition and the other players. They feel if that they can force the other 5 people on the team to do what they want them to do then everything will be right as rain. They’re going to be in for a shock.


I imagine with forced 2-2-2, we’d also see some drastic character changes. If we’re forced to only have 2 damage characters, there’s no way Zenyatta should do so much damage. Sombra’s hacked health packs shouldn’t regenerate faster either since she’s not a healer. DVa shouldn’t be capable of so much burst damage either, so that should nerfed as well. It’s only fair balance.

its not about losing, its about repeatedly watching the same name over and over and over playing one character, nothing but that, and destroying any hope of a win due to not flexing at all, and flexing doesn’t just mean, herp derp I play one other DPS… ffs, everyone should be able to competently play at a minimum one DPS, one healer and one tank, and be willing to in a team game. The pros often do it, why can’t the kiddies here do it too?

All this fuss shows is the root problem that many people are too darn selfish and I am guessing mediocre on top to play anything but one or two characters, and are scared to death to be asked to do more…

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