For those who don't believe the stories of multiple throwers on both teams

Mode: Competitive
Rank: Bronze
Replay code:FCB6XK

I played a competitive match today that felt bad from the start, from how the other team was trashtalking while we got steamrolled but when I noticed an AFK player on my team and announced it in chat, they other team would say that player was carrying my team. Really strange.
We went from being steamrolled and 3 points capped, to somehow taking three points ourselves. All during round 3 and 4 it was less chat but I would see our Orisa not fighting, just wandering the map.

Now, we lost which since Iā€™m <500 bronze I canā€™t even see how much SR I lose (which is another topic itself) but Iā€™m not bummed about the SR, but of the quality of the match, which was not just subpar but abysmal. So I pin the match and start watching the review and was absolutely gobsmacked to see multiple players on both teams actively throwing.

You can say there is no proof, but my response is ā€˜watch this matchā€™ and go visit the Rein, or watch as the Orisaā€™s jump into the water, or shoot their shield into a wall; the Sigma shooting into the sky. At one point two players were in the other teams spawn just chillinā€™. Several times I saw two opposing players pass each other without fighting but instead share a ā€˜helloā€™ emote.

Is it possible to report a whole match? I reported the players I noticed but Blizzard has a bad reputation for not caring about quality of competitive matches, so Iā€™m posting this here as proof that this craziness is real.


Sounds like your average Bronze game

There is NO way you are >500LP when trying your absolute best.


I have GOT to see this. It sounds like comedy to anyone who didnā€™t have the misfortune to be in it.

I am sorry you had to play in it, but, thanks so much for sharing it.

Ok, Iā€™ve watched some of it, and I have an assessment - ā€œOh sweet gods what the hell is this? What a mess.ā€

okā€¦ rightā€¦ soā€¦

Your Ana and Zarya were functionally throwing, They MAY not have been trying to, but, they were. Their ball was obviously off texting people for a chunk of the map.

some low hanging fruit though - If you are going to Lucio, then, wall right back to the fight when the walls are there, because, hey, you move faster.

You had a Pharah, so personally, if I was support there, I would have been running Mercy. Yeah, your Pharah wasnā€™t great, but, even so, it MAY have helped.

But that game was pretty much lost before it even started. Like, Bronze is a tar pit BECAUSE of games like this.

Some games you canā€™t winā€¦ And, wellā€¦ that was one of them. You were basically 5v6 at LEAST the entire match.

That was just ugly - you and your 2 DPS took the match seriously, but, they were the only ones on your team.

Iā€™d say that was everything that is bad in bronze all at once, but, at least it wasnā€™t full of smurfs.

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using ā€œblizzardā€,ā€œjeffā€ or any other empoyees name isnt alllowed. edit your topics name to avoid it being removed

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Wait. Is it possible to go under 500?

No offense but Iā€™m at a loss here

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It is, and while kfrench581 is not what you would call peek overwatch playing, they donā€™t deserve that rank.

Bronze sure?, but, sub 500? Sure as hell not from that match.

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Guess Iā€™ll have to watch it. Iā€™ve seen matches in 1200 and above and to be below that by this much is quite the feat. Especially if heā€™s trying his best.

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Like, There is a lot going wrong there, but NOTHING like what was going wrong with the tanks or that Ana.

I had high hopes for the Ana after winning that widow duel.

The Ana / Zarya off spawn camping the other team, while their own team was losing, and the enemy team was only one member down was pretty special. Then their Rein goes joins themā€¦

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I am going to give you solid advice for getting out that cesspool (I have never been quite that low but it applies). What you need to do is go heroes who can have an impact on their own. Lucioā€™s impact is built around other people using him properly. You need to play something like Moira or Bap or Zen who can do things without needing help (Ana would work if you get about 1500 SR higher).

Theres just something so hype about Ana C L A P P I N G a widowmaker.

Right? You see it and you are full of hope.

I would definately, 100%, satisfaction guaranteed, batteries included, recommend Brig.

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Especially on console!!!

That too

i think that after you go under 500 its just <500 in your profile, not the actual number anymore

Ok, You COULD have won that, and more importantly, you CAN get out of Bronze.

That Pharah? on your team? She was doing work, she COULD have carried if she had a Mercy with her.

Friend her, join her, mercy for her, and both of you will be out of bronze within a few days, most likely an evening. She NEEDS a Mercy, and you my friend, need her.

But yeah, you lost because your team had more throwers than the other team in general, but, you could have turned it around IF you had spotted that your Pharah was actually pretty damn good.

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Blizzard isnā€™t an employee. Please tell me how Iā€™m supposed to avoid using the name of the publisher in a forum that publisher provides for the players of the game published by said publisher? Plus, this was an official request to the company for them to review the match and the players within. What is your problem?

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Itā€™s not NFIvo that has the problem, itā€™s Blizzard. NFIvo is just letting you know the rules so that the forum moderators donā€™t lock and/or unlist your thread.

The rules, in my opinion, are a bit heavy-handed, but they are the rules, and we have to abide by them whether we like them or not.

For the record, Blizzard will NOT review your video here, so asking them to do so is an exercise in futility.

Thanks for the response. I understand the prohibition against mentioning employee names, I do not understand it as applied to ā€˜Blizzardā€™. Is that specifically mentioned in ā€˜the rulesā€™ somewhere? I must have missed that.