For those: "Mercy was weak before her Rework"

How do you explain this?

This is from a day before the 1.15 patch, with the Mercy rework.

Mercy was top picked healer in every skill tier:


she was just boring. i never played her, i can’t stand her entire kit, but having your mercy hide, just to get off a big rezz… you should be encouraged to play, not hide.


you should include that this is when her SR bug was known and she was an easy hero to earn SR on.


She was, she was picked lots cause she’s a popular hero

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She was weak before Season 6. Invulnerability was a buff too far.

If she was so good, why would she even have received that series of buffs every season to that point?


she was weak,but she was still popular

easiest healer to play,solid gameplay

Lots of people went into overwatch BECAUSE of Mercy and the particular playstyle she has.

The only other main healer is ana,and ana is HARD.
Besides that at that time she almost had her rework?
So it was Mercy with invincibility.

Before invincibility mercy was more trash cause she died all the time during ult
and the meta was lucio and ana and zen in high tiers,IIRC

invincibility was too much tho
i think damage reduction would have been perfect


You made the same topic last night and it was merged on the mega thread… don’t try to bypass moderation action pal.


Mercy has never not been used, even at the high tiers… though if you ask the pro’s, if they could have one character just gone, the vast majority of them say mercy… because she allows for bad gameplay. In that, someone can be stupid, make big mistakes constantly, and just get rezzed back up like nothing happened.


the huge amount of rezzes mercy had,and actually undoing mistakes easily is because of the rework ,where the amount of rezzes shot through the roof.

Rez is free and you dont need to do anything to get it.

That’s worse then an ult you need to build and can get maybe once or twice a match.

Since then the nerfs have normalized it somewhat.

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To be fair, all I got was 1 meme post before it got locked in 2 minutes. And technically this is not even discussing the patch with Valkyrie Mercy.

It’s discussing the patch just prior to it.

Did you just conveniently forget to factor in that Ana was heavily nerfed that year and Lucio was reworked and nerfed ?


you need to look before this. look before the ana nerfs. Because thats actually what happened-they killed Ana with heavy, heavy nerfs and significantly changed lucio, if i remember correctly- made his AOE MUCH smaller, made it less viable for him to have good synergy with zenyatta, as had become meta.

If you go back to their first report available, you’ll see that they literally say the bastion buffs started making Mercy more popular, after ages of languishing in F tier because Ana really was just the better pick. That report comes after the initial ana nerfs too, and as you’ll see, her pick rate just keeps going down, down, down…because she started being bad, bad, bad.

tl;dr you’re using the fact that ana became Trash to justify mercy being not-trash and anyone who actually played support could tell you that mercy really wasn’t always very good, it just depended on whether or not you were solo healing primarily if you’d go Mercy or Lucio/zen.


The only viable main healer with a huge fan-base being a popular pick never ceases to amaze me.


Yeah, you talk about the time when Ana was overnerfed and Lucio reworked?
With that i think It’s normal that Mercy was the only main Healer left, the game had only 4 healers in total in that time.
And yet, If you Can see, the pick-rate on GM is Much less than in other ranks.
Mercy before the rework was Balanced, She was a bit meta only because they nerfed Ana and lucio


You do realize GM is less than 1% of the playerbase right?

And I’m impressed with the rhetorical gymnastics that a hero can be 1st place in every rank “but balanced and only a little bit meta”.

You can’t really Say that She was meta because the other healers were nerfed hard. It’s more like She was meta because She was the only Healer left.
Like, If they Nerf into oblivion Ana and Nerf lucio, what you should play? Of course you play Mercy, She is the only main Healer left.
She was meta only because Ana was useless and Lucio nerfed. The game had only 4 healers in that time, making the choice limited. If you Nerf 2 healers, of course the other 2 became more used


he’s not wrong. This was season 4. Ana dominated the scene, Lucio saw picks rates similar to mercy, though he was more picked in diamond/Masters/GM than in lower ranks. This was after the first ana nerf. Mercy’s usage only starts to climb following the ana nerfs.

Prior to the ana nerfs that made her horrible, no one ever questioned if resurrect as an ultimate was too strong or not. the ana nerfs came around the same time as the mercy buff to her resurrect anyways, that was a QOL change to mercy anyways.

The other thing you’re ignoring is the introduction of dive meta. Mercy and zenyatta were both rising in popularity for one, crucial reason: They could heal through barriers. Though I suppose zenyatta’s rise to power isnt nearly as hotly debated, given he’s an off-heal.


You do realize that:
“Best” And “Better than all the rest”
Have the same meaning, right?

How inconceivable that the only viable main healer when the other got dumpstered would also be the most played healer because 2 offhealers don’t provide enough hps for average, uncoordinated ladder players… :thinking::thinking::thinking:

She must’ve been super OP. Yea, that’s most definitely the reason lol.

How funny that the healer numbers were balanced when moira was added to the roster tho all the way to season 9 after mercy rework was nerfed to current state and are only now out of whack due to OHKO meta dominating everyone.


The only other option, Ana, was extremely weak.

The average support player does not want to be shoehorned into Zenyatta/Lucio 24/7, and Mercy was the only viable alternative.