For the love of God nerf Tracer already

I mean i think a part of it is what character you are playing and how you are able to deal with the kind of combat your enemy requires to kill you.
For a example: if you’re really bad at any kind of close combat like i am you might not be able to deal with characters like tracer and genji that well (or anyone that gets too close for comfort for you)

I don’t think she needs a nerf and I’m not trying to say you’re bad, I would just like to put in my 2 cents.

Yeah, Nah. Let’s not nerf high skill heroes. Nerf Low skill ones like Moira.

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I main Tracer. And I can tell you she’s got plenty of counters. If Sym plays her cards right, Tracer is cooked. If McCree flashbangs her, she’s dead. If Pharah is good at shotleading, Tracer is useless. Torb makes it impossible for Tracer to be fully mobile. If Sombra hacks her, she is dead.


tracer needs to be nerfed and badly, it’s the most broken hero in the game and pulse bomb has no counters


It’s players like you op who ruin this game. Instead of learning counters and how to beat a particular hero you whine about it. Just because you die to one hero doesn’t mean that they are op.

Do some research on how to counter and practice more instead of whining. I’m low silver now but I know I won’t always be. Everyday I’m trying to improve and work on areas that I’m lacking in. Try that approach in this game and in life and I’ll bet you make so ething of yourself. Everything in life can’t be easy. You either become resilient and determined or a lil b*.


Whether or not they can see the translocator doesn’t make it any different than recall, some might see it, some might not. It all depends where she puts it and who was around at the time. Similarly, if you happen to be in the same area as a Tracer, you can see where she was prior to recalling and predict where she’ll be. Even her blinks show the direction travelled. Compare that to Moira or Sombra who you have no idea what direction they teleport to unless you’ve seen the translocator or happened to be facing in the same general direction Moira teleports to. The point is its still not fair to say recall is gimmicky when so many other abilities can be thought of in the same manner.

Zarya bubble? Defense Matrix? Literally any shield? McCree flashbang? Roadhog hook?


also Moira fade, Mei Iceblock, Genji deflect, Reaper wraithform, Sombra translocate.


As a tracer main I can tell you she is not OP.

Oh masquito landed on your arm? dead.

Oh you missed a single shot when trying to kill someone? Killed while reloading.

Oh your team can’t push? Well you are basically useless cannon fodder.

Oh moria is on the other team? Run away from her all day long.

Junk rat threw an explosive in your general direction? dead.

Seriously Tracer has to basically ride your leg like an untrained dog to do any damage. Meaning she’s more than susceptible to be killed by most other characters. Hell if there is a decent Phara on the other team I switch to soldier almost immediately.

If anything I’m not a fan of Moria having so much utility that she can dive into the front lines and escape with full health. Let’s talk about Supports and healers going toe to toe with DPS alone and having no issues before nerfing an extremely difficult character.


Too bad every ability that’s supposed to counter her like flashbang never work properly because they were programmed by an actual donkey.


so what u are saying is, make tracer balance to highest tier 1% population which will also cause other 99% population she useless?


Well theoretically you could do something that would affect her at higher and lower Elo’s differently.

Not saying this is THE solution. But giving her a larger magazine with a touch more range but less damage would make her more viable for less accurate players but most likely less viable for pro players.

Something along those lines. But I couldn’t say because I’m not a pro tracer player.

Exactly the kind of nerf thread Blizzard should never listen to. No objective, rational arguments. Tracer is fine. It’s other heroes that need better balancing around her.


ITT: tracer mains with “just click on her head” tier responses.


As tracer main let me correct you, moira easier to kill then mercy, larger hitbox and 1 escape abilty which used only to run away or confuse on 5 sec cooldown unlike mercy who can go far distances with only 2 sec cooldown.
Also tracer dmg much higher so u should be killing her b4 she kill u as long as u have ur recall.
Ur team cant push? So make a good open for the push, pick a target and kill the mercy as she res it, that a good start i like to do as tracer to push


Funny, I don’t remember them over buffing her at one point.
It’s as if it the world around her that’s the issue.


She is fine. Leave her alone


Sombra now can hack her really fast and a hack tracer is a dead tracer


1% of the playerbase is gm

It’s players like you op who ruin this game. Instead of learning counters and how to beat a particular hero you whine about it. Just because you die to one hero doesn’t mean that they are op.

I never complain about any other hero in the game, not even Genji, but Tracer? shes just bs, im sorry it’s just the truth, even pro gamers said that Tracer needs to be nerfed, do they need to learn how to counter?? She has 70% pick rate in the OWL for obvious reasons, she is OP, has no counters and there is no reason not to pick her, even the casters kinda slipped and say that matches are often decided by whos the best Tracer.

I’ve tried everything, McCree? doesn’t work, is super easy for Tracer to bait FB or simply avoid it, Winston? nope, Tracer will always go away and even kill you sometimes. When Moira came out i was happy because i though maybe finally we would have a good counter for Tracer but, nope, not at all, at most you can kinda annoy her but Tracer still has the advatange and has too much going on for her.

For those who say to elaborate, please… theres been many post about Tracer already, shes a problematic hero and has always been, in the words of coolmatt a pro gamer “shes never been touched and has always been dominant since the start”, other pros said when asked who needs nerf: “obviously Tracer”, “definitely Tracer”, “Mercy… shes being nerfed? oh then definitely Tracer”. Add the constant threads about nerfing Tracer/Genji, and you still defend her? please…

Also i think it’s pathethic how many nerf Moira threads are in the forums, it just Genji and Tracer players complaining most of the times, and then when others say nerf Genji/Tracer you all go “LEARN TO PLAY” “LEARN TO COUNTER” “SHES FINE DONT TOUCH HER”, please… if there is a single hero that has all the facts against her in terms of being overpowered is Tracer, that is a fact.