For the love of God nerf Tracer already

Then what would even be the point of recall? It’s used 99% of the time for health restoration without that it’s just a poor mans translocator.


Even without any health restoration, Recall would still be one of the most powerful get-out-of-a-bad-situation abilities in the game. Think about it:

-Mercy can fly away but (1) needs a teammate and (2) spreads those PLZ TARGET ME NOW wings.
-DVa can rocket boost but doesn’t get any kind of invulnerability.
-Soldier can run but doesn’t get any kind of invulnerability. He can’t even shoot while running.
-Reaper can be easily followed when he goes into “shadow” mode.
-Moira darts a much shorter distance away than Tracer.

Etc. Tracer’s Recall ability is powerful enough as-is just warping her back. But again, the real problem I have with the health restoration isn’t so much that it’s OP as it is gimmicky.


Counters to Tracer’s pulse bomb or significantly reduce it’s effectiveness.

Zarya Bubble (Anyone), D.VA Defense Matrix (Anyone), Wraith Form, Fade, Transcendence (Zen only), Sound Barrier if timed extremely well (anyone in range), Primal Rage, Bastion’s Tank Configuration, Roadhog’s self heal, Orisa fortify, Sombra’s translocate, Tracer’s recall, Mei’s ice block, Torb’s ult, Doomfist’s ult. Am I missing any?

Pretty sure Zarya can do her thing even after Tracer’s stuck a target. No preemptive actions needed.

Things that can one shot Tracer.

Everything that can one shot 200 hp heroes. (D.VA bomb, scatter arrow, ect.)

Everything that can one shot only Tracer (Or… Pilot… I guess). Mei’s head shot, damage boosted Widowmaker/Hanzo body shots, damage boosted McCree headshots (no flashbang required!), damage boosted direct Junkrat grenades or mines, damage boosted direct Pharah rockets (make sure to dive down on her from above for maximum effectiveness and reduce projectile travel time!), Damage boosted Soldier: 76’s direct helix rockets. Torb’s alt fire (must land all pellets so get in close), Damage Boosted Torb primary headshots. Half charged Doomfist Rocket punch (Must have wall impact as well). Reaper landing 11 (one more than half the total amount) pellets as headshots or 16 pellets as body damage and 3 as headshots (that’s right he still doesn’t need to land all his pellets!), Roadhog landing all his pellets as body damage, or half as headshots. Damage boosted dragon blade. Remember no amount or mobility or Recalls will save you from getting one-shotted!

I’m sure there’s tons more via combining damage boosting, discord and nano boost in various ways. Such as Reinhardt’s melee (needs all three), or Fire Strike (just damage boost and discord.)

Nail in the coffin is a successful Sombra hack can take away her defenses to avoid all of this. If the buffs go through for Sombra it’s GG Tracer.

Biggest thing I can say is Overwatch is a team game. Not 1v1 death match in a vacuum Fox only, no items, final destination. Tracer’s mobility DOES NOT make her immune to damage at all or even abilities as I have been hooked and flash banged mid blink countless times. People like to argue that she can just blink and avoid damage acting like it somehow makes her immune to everything and that’s all they need to argue. That’s way too simplistic. That’s not how it works in real game play, trust me.

Incidentally both Zarya and D.VA can stop Tracer from one clipping anyone.

She can’t recall or blink out of flash bang/hook as an escape, she can only avoid it.

Neither her average 2.61 competitive kdr, 3.80% pick rate or 49.27% win rate suggests that she needs either counters or nerfs.

The average is 34% competitive accuracy on Tracer. She doesn’t one clip people nearly as often as people thinks she does. Cut that 240 down to around 81.6 and you have a more accurate number. This is why people think Tracer is op is they assume 100% accuracy all the time. That’s just not the case.

Hope this helps.


AKA: I’m bad and can’t be bothered to aim or predict, so clearly that means this character with nearly every factor stacked against them is OP!

Honestly. Her kit consists of move in a straight line and go back to 3 seconds ago. Not exactly game-changing stuff. Her health is already 25% less than the vast majority of the cast and even less than the rest except for Baby She gets one-shotted by more stuff in the game than anybody but baby Her ult is one of the easiest ones to get absolutely 0 benefit out of because it requires you to get right up close to an enemy and really remind yourself just how squishy you are, and even then it’s incredibly easy to whiff as it has a tiny range.

The ONLY thing she has going for her is high damage, purely because without it all that would happen is “Oh, I’m being shot by a Tracer, glad I have plenty of time to react and exploit her health disadvantage.” Boom, dead Tracer every fight

Shutup and learn to play. Play on a higher sensitivity or learn some counters if she’s giving you that much trouble, otherwise, accept that you’ve been outplayed.


You vastly overestimate Recalls effectiveness in any real combat situation… If you get into a fight and get shot down to the point you need to recall fast enough that it actually takes you far enough away from the fight to not be in danger, you’re just bad.


McCree can 1 shot her in the head. He also has an ability that can stop players from moving for 0.7 seconds. On top of that, with the recent changes to Sombra, she’s actually a viable counter to Tracer. Her time to hack people has been decreased and now it’s easier for Sombra to pull off a hack on Tracer, making her an easy target at 150 HP with no abilities to escape with.


Soldier literally has an aimbot ult, and a pocket healthpack to replenish his health whenever he wants as well. Roadhog sucks some gas and replenishes his already stacked health. Sombra can drop a teleporter on a healthpack and teleport to it whenever she’s gotten in over her head and is near death. Which is basically like a Tracer recall. The game is full of gimmicks if you look at it that way. Removing one from one hero but leaving the others is not really fair.


Most of the people here saying she’s fine need to understand that for 95-99% of players, she is. She seems fine because you’re not fighting high level Tracers.
But once you pass about 4k-4.2k SR every single game is almost entirely decided by which Tracer is better and can chain one-clips on people better, without anyone really being able to do anything because she does not have any counters.

This is not an issue that most experience, but for those that are affected by it, it’s an enormous issue. It’s like how Sym is OP in Silver and the like, except much worse, because they can improve, but for players already in like the Top 0.8% to 0.3% (or better), that’s not really a viable option.
Once you pass around 4.2k, Tracer literally becomes the game. Most every match is grounded in which Tracer is better.

This is what happens when you have a hero with monstrous potential DPS, insane burst, almost zero counterplay, no real counters and limited viable counters, and a very hard to predict ult.


Tracer is fine lol I don’t think she needs a nerf tbh


Well I haven’t really experienced this myself but I can definitely see how this is an issue. What do you think they should do to Tracer then?

Have you considered that it’s less of a Tracer problem. and more of a YOU problem ?


She’s not OP. She just has a lack of counters other than Moira, and even a relatively okay Tracer can eat Sym up.


My dude she can literally be killed with 1 mei icicle


Not sure.
It’s tricky, but ultimately we don’t want to nerf her in lower ranks.
Instead, we just want to prevent her from being 99% unstoppable god at higher ranks.
We also don’t want to introduce counters, because we need a lot of them and that would be hard to manage and complicate things.
Instead what we want is more counterplay that most heroes can invoke, such as backpeddling to increase damage falloff.

So the most immediate ideas are a slight damage decrease, or a spread increase. But those still punish lower ranks by making her harder to play so they don’t really work.

The best answer I’ve got is to reduce the curve of Potential versus Skill by lowering her headshot multiplier. But to make things just right it would have to be a weird number like 1.90x instead of 2x. So it would be even stranger than Widow’s unique headshot multiplier.
The number would have to be extremely specific since you want one-clips to be reasonably possible where you don’t have to be Sinatraa to pull them off, but still more difficult, punishing headshot misses.
On top of that, aiming for the head decreases overall accuracy, creating an innate DPS loss.
This would also amplify the limited counterplay (juking to get crit less) already available.

Prolly not the best idea but that’s all I’ve got.


This is the worst excuse ever. In a fighting game, if a skillcap allows one character to perform way better than the rest of the roster, it’s nerfed for being overpowered. In Overwatch, you people want to drop the discussion there and act like that’s okay.


. . .

Okay, so can that consistently counter Tracer? Let’s get Tracer to fight Mei in a 1v1, get a large sample size from all ranks. What would that data look like? Would Mei really be evenly matched? Of course not.

Just because something can kill a hero (with slim odds because of the projectile speed, animation, reloading…) doesn’t mean we drop this discussion there.


Do you forget about Meis walls, self healing capability being better than Tracers and the fact if you ambush her then she can be frozen?

Yeah when you get higher up a Tracer will be able to kill the Mei and it’s an even fight for the most part.

But that’s just it,
Of course the high rank tracers are going to beat the high rank Meis and the low ranks Meis can beat the low rank Tracers.

But if you get two people who play those classes decently it can be very fair for a fight.

Also I’d like to add this guy, Vendamar, plays:
And Winston as his top 5

Now, I’m not gonna presume but I think this guy just doesn’t like small hitbox fast characters…


I agree lets “Nerf” tracer
and by that i mean give her more revealing skins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

1 Like
  1. You said it yourself, Tac Visor is an ult. Recall is an E ability.

  2. Hog isn’t invulnerable when he takes a breather.

  3. Better point about Sombra, but her enemies can see her translocator.


I mean i think a part of it is what character you are playing and how you are able to deal with the kind of combat your enemy requires to kill you.
For a example: if you’re really bad at any kind of close combat like i am you might not be able to deal with characters like tracer and genji that well (or anyone that gets too close for comfort for you)

I don’t think she needs a nerf and I’m not trying to say you’re bad, I would just like to put in my 2 cents.