Footsteps are gone

i’ve noticed this too for a long time now. idk, when i play mercy i hear her heels clacking so loudly but a flanking doomfist doesn’t make a single sound


I’m sorry, but that sentence failed it’s grammatical checksum. :wink:

I don’t hear footsteps too

It’s weird af. Especially when there’s suddenly a huge scientist behind you that didn’t just jump there


This is beyond annoying

Mccree had too much time thinking of Genji, he became a Cowboy Ninja! :joy:


This issue has been around for like an entire year and just gets worse with each patch. People have brought it up in the bug report forum many times and it never gets acknowledged.

Edit: over a year it seems


Glad to know that this game functions perfectly.

Gotta crank out those new characters and maps, don’t you know. They are more important than fixing the bugs.


Fixed that for you…

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OK, I was being nice and not calling them out on specifics, but I can’t argue with your point. :slight_smile:


Same and idk if im reaaching with this but few times mccree ult went off and i didnt hear a single thing. naturally thats not normal as his ult is literally one of the loudest and most attention grabbing in the game

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I’ve had it happen with a number of different ults that the enemy cast them but me and my friends did not hear the voiceline at all.


I’ve seen that as well.
Died to it a couple times.

I sat there thinking “Wait… there’s no way i could have missed that”

And even in the replay he just lit up and shot, not a single word was spoken.

I forgot what McCree’s ult line is, I haven’t heard it in ages…

Alright cool… Dunno if I should be glad im not going deaf or upset about the bug lmfao but yep happened to me about 3 times I believe but never checked replay so dunno worst part is they all happened as flanks so i couldnt even see him

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Isn’t it “Ollie ollie oxen free”? :smile:

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I think its

Nah i’m sure that wasn’t it…

Ain’t yall thinkin of this?


I literally noticed this just now. This reaper didn’t have footstep sounds at all. I had no idea he was coming from behind me as I couldn’t hear him approaching. Even on the POTG he had, he didn’t make 1 footstep sound. I thought I was going crazy, but apparently this is actually a thing.

i agree
your game is broken