Focus on your own gameplay, not your team

Objectively false. I’ve added exactly to this thread what I intended to: counterarguments to your arguments, exposed flaws in your logic, pointed out your inconsistencies, and pressed you for evidence.


All that had been previously answered or I did answer. Thank you for wasting my time, I am done with this thread unless someone else has legitimate things to add

To everyone who may be reading, if you are gold or lower and want help with your gameplay, send games my way and I will do thorough coaching. If the gameplay offers good content on Youtube, it will be going there with extra thorough coaching. Thank you

I’ve constantly had my DPS rank jump back and forth between 2500-3000+ because I climb myself out then go back to playing with my friends and well, rinse and repeat

I can’t for the life of me understand how people are adamant that the game is rigged against them, I play in Oceania so the playerpool is significantly smaller than America or Europe and still have had no issues climbing, in-fact I could climb at 2500 with insanely high win-rates playing heroes like Sombra and Mei who many believe to be “throw” characters, I won’t deny there are faults but if ELO-hell truly existed then I wouldn’t have climbed back to Diamond so many times

But please don’t smurf, honestly some people don’t care about rank and just want a balanced match, I know this is slightly hypocritical because I artificially deflated myself through playing with friends, but lower rank players aren’t lesser humans like many high rank players believe them to be and they have a right to a fair match

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“I had a streak of good games with a statistically insignificant sample size, therefore the problems don’t exist”

We’ve all had good streaks, even when we’re in our correct ranks.

One’s ability to have a meaningful impact on the game is heavily determined by lots of different factors, especially by role and which hero you play.

The devs try to balance the game for a 50%/hero, and that means there’re going to be plenty of heroes that require more skill to get the same value. That’s ignoring heroes like Hanzo which have so much inconsistency built into their kit that it takes many games to get a decent idea of the player’s skill.

Then there’re Supports, which largely lack any enabling ability like Mercy and Moira, and Lucio on some maps.

Then Tanks like Rein that just struggle without any ally presence and lack a consistent ability to get picks.

Then throwers and smurfs.

There’s plenty that is the game’s fault. Pretending like it isn’t and not understand it is exactly why the game is in this state.

It’s too varied to say “I did well in my situation, therefore all situations can get good results”.

Because it can be. It’s built really badly. I had a friend that needed a 72% winrate to maintain his rank in silver. Going up FAR less than he was going down per game, despite playing far above his rank, in 600SR higher games and getting constant golds and high-stats. The game just locked him there and didn’t budge until I took his account and won 30/34 games straight on his behalf. A 90% winrate should be what it takes to get out of silver, but here he was.

Then count the amount of smurfing and people that intentionally throw, which happens insanely common, it leaves people feeling like they have little control over the match. Not all of it justified, some of it is just frustration, but the game really can screw people over.


All ranks below diamond have skill based MMR that effect SR gains and losses. Your friend was not playing well in his matches. You cannot tell me he was playing well either, I know the skill based system works as intended. On my smurf I can’t even stay in a low rank for more than 10 games because I very quickly start earning 50-60 SR per match. I have experienced this multiple times across multiple accounts while trying to play games with my low ranked friends.

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You wouldn’t have a +3 in gold. Your “chances of winning” would be too high and all games would be thrown out. So the mmr bumps you up marginally. Again mmr doesn’t move that much and sr slowly follows it. If anything when in gold and your doing good it would bump you to the next std dev. But now your games are including those with that mmr.

I had a 10 game win streak mid way thru gold, soon I was in a plat only lobby while still in gold.

Point is whatever you were arguing didn’t make sense because the system was not being represented correctly. And all this time… that’s hilarious.

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How about you focus on yourself instead of focusing on what other people think about you? Did you seriously make this post just to brag? Ew!

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If thats what you got from this post your deduction skills are very poor. This post is for the thousands of posts on the forums claiming the game forces you to lose and its impossible to climb even if you carry every game. This post is living proof that if you are better than your rank you will climb. Its not like im a GM in bronze. Im a diamond in gold and even towards the end plat. thats a 1 rank difference.


Nothing says defeat like hurling insults. Welcome to ignore.

Objectively incorrect. Even when I jumped on his account (from GM down to silver), I had a ~90% winrate and still had the same SR ups and downs.

Don’t need to, I can tell you I was.

Same thing happened to me when I moved to PC, but, evidently, there’s a problem that is possible and it’s rather debilitating.

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You’re literally just lying right now. 100% straight up lying. I have been in throw groups on a ~30 lose streak with 0 ever medals or kills or anything, absolutely tanking my MMR and SR. I was losing over 50 SR a match. Within 3 games I was gaining 30 on wins, which is already above normal. You are lying for the sake of an argument and there is no point in discussing this with someone who cannot tell the truth.


While I don’t believe in the forced 50/50 nonsense, you’re basically contradicting your own point. No, the matchmaker isn’t rigged by design. But players like you literally cause said “rigged” games that players complain about. Almost no gold player is going to be able to hold their own against someone much more skilled than them. If they were in a game with no smurfs then yes, the problem would be entirely theirs. And if players weren’t going out of their way to cheat the matchmaker, then people calling out poor matchmaking would have no ground to stand on. Yet, you went out and rigged matches while insisting its not a problem.

If you want to make a point of focusing on gameplay, why not just provide an example of playing in your own rank? Show how to make plays on your own and how to work with teams that aren’t particularly strong. It would help players a lot more than just stomping on them when they’re trying to climb.


Good point. I guess my experience is not valid because of your personal incredulity.

You don’t have any break-down of the formula, and understand the system as well as anyone else. You’re just using your personal experience to try and invalidate mine without demonstrating why one cannot exist in the same place as the other.


Ok I’ll bite. First off, what do you mean by “50/50 nonsense” exactly? And what makes you say the matchmaker isn’t rigged? Third, how are you defining rigged?

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lol at all the players in here doubling down on the whole “it’s not me, it’s everyone else” mentality simply because OP mentioned setting up a smurf account :rofl:

You can lead a horse to water… etc etc


I am confused, so he went from GM to Silver???

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No, I was a GM who went on his account in Silver.

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I’m sorry but I call bs, if he actually had a 72% winrate he would climb, unless you got evidence my guy you’re making this up, if I won 72% of my games I would hit Masters in no time


Yeah, if he was going up anywhere near what he was going down. It was like 12 per win and -27 per loss. He was climbing, but at like 3/4 SR/10 games.

Same, I’ve never seen this outside of my friend. At least on this scale.

The only information I can give that I think is relevant is the fact that he was gold in season 2, didn’t play until 18, was placed silver and moved incredibly slowly.

See this is the important fact here you didn’t mention, he has uncertainty around his MMR, given enough time this would fade and essentially he would gain/lose “normal” amounts of SR and climb, I won’t deny that particular this part of the system isn’t great, but what most people don’t realise is that you do need to sink some time in to get to your “true rank”, and there isn’t really a system possible to get around that

Like if you have a 51% winrate, after 100 games you’ll only have a net gain of 50 SR give or take and that’s not taking into account PBSR for lower ranks

But if you are better than your rank you will climb given enough time, the system isn’t without its flaws but it does work well enough