Focus on your own gameplay, not your team

https ://imgur com/YC6087e

Spent some time smurfing in gold. It feels like half of the posts I see on here are “forced 50/50” and “games are rigged.” Not saying every game is winnable, I even lost one as you can see. even though I still managed to make it a close game my team was very very bad. Sometimes you just get bad luck, your teammates are playing poorly, etc… it is not the game’s fault. If you were genuinely carrying your games your win rate would look like this. I played tank for every game on there. Do not tell me you carry your games and still lose.


They will :slight_smile:


It is completely possible. Just stay away from the payload…

Want a cookie, a medal, or a chest to pin it on?


Smurfs are always eager to show us how smurfs aren’t a problem by smurfing


I would never claim smurfs aren’t a problem, you literally see it in every rank. Even top500s run into “smurfs” that are like 300-400 below their sr. The point I’m making is that the game is not against you, if you genuinely are better than your rank, you will do well.


Yes, I’m sure if I played like a Diamond, I would do well in an SR 1000 points below that.

Any other secrets of the universe you wish to impart, like maybe how water is wet?


The game is rigged the system is against me misconception.

Will you do well if your skilled yes? Of course!

Can you spot mistakes your team is doing? Yes! After a vod You should see and learn from EVERYONEs mistakes, enemies, teammates, and yourself. The more vods and coaching you see the more mistakes you will see.

Can I blame entire games on my teammates? Maybe after a vod analysis and you do deep dive.

Where rigged / systems against me comes in? It’s when when you get these games where your playing a different game than your teammates, it’s like you get a duo or a bigger stack that don’t enter vc and just trickle in like they never played the game before. Then… it continues to happen lol.

Edit : actually I don’t even make a good anti-rigged case. Because some aspect of it is bigger than just the game. It’s about fair play policies, transparency, gamers rights to at-least know what’s going on.

So yea systematically won streaks and loose streaks is where the system fails in some way. But if we’re players just let this happen without at least questioning, who knows where it will be 10 years from now.

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care to explain why blizzard is rigging games against you in particular


Maybe because of his icon? /s

actually I don’t even make a good anti-rigged case. Because some aspect of it is bigger than just the game. It’s about fair play policies, transparency, gamers rights to at-least know what’s going on.

So yea systematically won streaks and loose streaks is where the system fails in some way

Its more about being average. Being average means you just fly whatever direction wind blows (That being players with stronger skills). Same with real life - as average person, you just exist, experience crisis’s on annual basis and such without any power to affect it. You then can vote, but that vote in the end still belongs no to you but a richer dude who got your vote :smiley:

If system is actually rigged (And we have no idea), thats for good, you dont think so? Cause at least it gives you chance to do something better than have no impact on whatsoever happening in the match. It gives you chance to learn from a better players and become better yourself

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Only time its just me when people queue 5 stack. Maybe I’m just a friendly dude, people tell me I have a sexy voice.

It targets everyone all the time because:

“The framework may facilitate automatic determinations of an optimal mix of players and styles to produce the most satisfying user experiences” - intentions are good, but overrules skill.

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This is exactly it! You have 2k posts but for some reason haven’t seen the sheer number of people that believe it is impossible to climb out of certain ranks without playing 1000 matches. If you don’t think the game is rigged or forcing 50/50, then this post isn’t for you. However, there are people, majority of them being very low ranked, that whole heartedly believe that the game forces them to lose. My one loss was just unlucky. 1k sr gap can’t fix a duo stack playing the worst game they’ve played in a long time. They had good stats, the game didn’t know they would play poorly. There is no such thing as forced losses or forced wins, it is all a myth made up by people that want an excuse as to why their sr isn’t the number they want it to be.

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You do know the game sets up a win probability before the game starts. If it’s deemed to be a slaughter the game gets thrown away. So this is the basis of rigging.

Sunday the Phila Eagles beat Detroit Lions 44-6. If that game was thrown away before it started I think a lot of people would have A LOT of questions.

In chess I doubt if someone was higher ranked but was in a tournament they’d still have to play.

The point is, there are a hidden set of rules and transparency would be nice.

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No, I’ve seen them. Here’s the thing: I don’t care about them nearly as much as I care about people like you who distort the ladder and ruin game quality and balance for funsies. If you fell down a well, I’d cap it.

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And what if I am only a little bit below my “true” rank? Play 1000 games to rank up by luck?
Say I play like a plat while being hardstuck in gold?

Then you wouldn’t be in Gold


Game determines sr gain/loss based on winning probability. MMR when you’re below diamond as well. If you got slaughtered because the win percentage was just that low, you will not lose as much sr as a fair match.


But as a smurf, you already tricked the games MMR assumption.
As a LOT of people do.
You gave yourself literally a fake skill-rating, stomping other players calling them trash.

What did you expect?


Only took you 7 posts to see when competitive games are only matched together because of a hidden win probability- that means the match maker is rigging the games.

It’s not trying to force you to lose, but I have feeling if you start to get more on the 50%+ win side you start to get the 40% winning possibility side on the pre-probability.


It’s actually a myth that “bad” players think they deserve diamond or masters or even gm.

All they want is a stable and halfway predictable training ground in low elo, to get progessively better. As one would call it: “balanced matches”.

Smurfs and throwers deny that. This is the actual reason / problem.
Smurfs gatekeep you and throwers actively pull you down, with little to no counterplay (as a solo player) except for massively outskilling your opponents (basically also smurfing).