Focus on your own gameplay, not your team

You story is irrelevant the moment you don’t play by the rules. Even for eDuCaTiOnAl rEaSoNs :wink:

Thats… not… how matchmaking works, man.

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it is, actually.

Gold players can have MMR of +3.

Silver players can have MMR of +3.

Platinum players can have MMR of -3.

That’s how you can gain/lose more SR in the PBSR system.

I could go and smurf in gold for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and that would not stop a gold player who is developing skills and learning from ranking up. I could go against that gold player 5 times, which is an absolute unrealistic number with the amount of people in the playerbase, win every single one, and there is not one game where he became a worse player. If he is playing with a growth mindset, he is only getting better, and will easily surpass a 50% winrate, thus ranking up.

Playing with the mindset that you don’t determine the results of your games is asking to never be able to climb. Playing with the mindset that every game should be perfectly winnable and decided on by only yourself is narcissistic and will only cause you to tilt more at the game.

Do you actually think you are the only person smurfing in this current moment?
Do you really think nobody besides you plays on a fake account?


I made a post on the original forums with my console account, basically saying why doesn’t blizzard allow “REVERSE SMURFING”? Yip why not allow bronze players to buy accounts in the other tiers through blizzard? They could she how to position properly, learn the proper call outs, not have to play wrong just to compensate for other bad play, see if they really do belong in gm? I mean What could be the harm? If those GM players are not boosted then they should be able to cope with strange situations thrown at them, they should be able to carry. The matchmaker should quickly escort the bronze player back down to where they belong. Also the other team would likely also have their own Reverse smurf account as well, and blizzard gets extra revenue from alt accounts, no longer has to worry about smurf accounts damaging game integrity since bottom tiers would now also have a chance to play at the top.

Thing is then suddenly all these smug people with alt / smurf accounts suddenly sat up, took notice and heatedly complained. It’s easy to say the matchmaker works fine, smurfing alt accounts aren’t a problem when your sr isn’t on the line.


The original context was about climbing out of one’s current rank.

Based on what?

So you’re saying matches are fair the vast majority of the time. What are you basing this on? And how are you defining fair?

So matchmaking has never been the cause of a player losing a match? To clarify, is that what you’re saying?

Engagement over fairness?

Not an answer to the question.

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This situation only occurs for your first 30 matches or so on a new account.
If you are a true +3 MMR player, you will be placed in plat/diamond and easily hit masters/gm within a day of play.

In fact, there are no real +3 MMR players stuck in gold. And no one with a brain would claim such a thing.

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Actually, this happens a lot. In low masters especially, (because its cheap to buy a low masters account) you will run into someone who is clearly gold or below that bought their account every now and then. Ask any masters player and they have run into people who are just clearly very bad and bought their account for unknown reasons, probably because they thought they could play at that level.

No, they already said -3 is bronze and +3 is gm. Stored in std dev of .5. Which makes sr and mmr like a spectrum and sr ranges of +|-300 per mmr notch.

That’s why sr loosely follows your mmr.

Arguing with folks about mmr and doesn’t even know the system.


Yeah but boosting is deemed against terms of service, yet alt / smurf accounts are deemed acceptable? The same match maker should be able to adjust an account either way due to it’s perfomance and you could argue that people in masters and GM should be better equipped to carry / handle a player that doesn’t belong there.

I’d guess there are more smurf / alt accounts than boosted accounts cause an alt / smurf account you could set up yourself with a new account bought on regular ow sales if you were a higher lvl player. If you are a low lvl player you’d HAVE to buy a boosted account from someone.

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So you claim that you can identify, without a doubt, a smurf AND a thrower in low AND in high elo? What gives you this incredible amount of confidence and why do you think a person in gold can’t identify a smurf or a thrower?

Maybe your “reverse” smurf in masters is only a player with a bad day or YOU couldn’t carry enough.

Focus on your own gameplay, not your team!

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This doesn’t change anything though. Because if you have an MMR of +3 when you’re in gold, then you’re going to receive excessive SR boosts from PBSR to force you out of your rank faster. Which is why smurfs and boosters can climb aged accounts without dedicating the same amount of time as casual players.

Imagine liking your own post. Thats actually hilarious.

I think generally if there is a legitimate smurf or thrower, they can spot them. I have personally experienced gold players not recognizing I was a smurf on their team, but I simply do not think low ranked players pay attention to who is doing well on their team. I had someone tell me “swap off hog, you arent doing anything,” and then the game ended with me having a 40% of team damage card. Low ranked players are bad at knowing how their team is doing and that just comes with game knowledge.

The main thing, which I think you were most likely referring to, is low ranked people will get it wrong a lot of the time when it comes to smurfs. From my experience, all of this is obviously from my experience, low ranked players see someone who is low level and automatically assume that person is a smurf. They could be playing like an average gold player, but people lose confidence so fast when they think a game could possibly be out of their control, thus making this low level player look better than they are.

I see a major lack of confidence in low ranked play when the game isn’t going how they wanted it to. I see this a lot in my low ranked friends I play with, who will literally give up games and play 10x worse because we lost first team fight.

When people have bought accounts, everyone in the lobby knows in the higher ranked matches. There are certain fundamentals you need to know to get to that high rank, and if you don’t know them its obvious you bought your account. The difference is, we don’t blame our SR on these players, or at least the majority of us don’t. If I lose a game, I never let it effect me. I just try to learn from the game and get better so that I can be the deciding factor in games to come.

I’ll give you that point at least.

Noble, noble, but is the quantity of so-called “reverse smurfs” in high ranks comparable to regular smurfs in lower ranks? I don’t think that you can buy a masters account for 15 bucks?

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I’m confused. You say no matchmaker is perfect, but you also say that the matchmaker has never been the cause of a player losing. This is contradictory. A matchmaker that has never gotten in the way of an outcome DOES have a perfect matchmaking record. Also, you say that the game should ban smurfs and throwers, but wouldn’t this in itself be the cause of countless players losing matches due to matchmaking?

This is not how this works. It’s absurd for you to expect someone to literally read an entire thread, cross reference them with their own questions and statements, see what’s been answered, and what hasn’t, try to gauge the context of your statements – from multiple different conversations, then quote texts from several different prior conversations you’ve had, etc. Besides, there were several points I made that you didn’t address. Are you going to check back through all of yours posts to see which ones they are?

This is not how this works. If you want to have a conversation with several different people (and you do, because you posted to a forum read by hundreds of thousands of people), you’re going to have to repeat yourself. Otherwise I could say something ridiculous like, “I made a point earlier in this thread that you haven’t yet addressed, go and find it and respond to that.” Is that any more reasonable than what you’re suggesting I do?

This is not a good definition of rigging. A) it’s too specific and leaves out other scenarios in which rigging is useful and B) it implies that Blizzard rigs matches because it cares about individual outcomes or one set of individual players beating another set of individual players rather than how “rigging” affects profit or engagement, or how outcomes at a macro level fit into a broader strategy.

Here’s how I would define rigging: to arrange or influence something in a dishonest way in order to get the result that you want.

It is from the Oxford dictionary. Is that a reasonable definition for “rigging?”

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bit of generalization don’t you think, people are in gold for different reasons - some it’s aim and others it’s game sense. The game is over 5 years old now with tons of really gifted players streaming, vod reviews, you tube channels all showing high level play and often explaining top tier mechanics. You don’t HAVE to be able to have godlike aim / reflexes to spot out of the norm skills.

masters accounts are about 35-40, pretty cheap. I probably run into them less than people in low ranks run into smurfs, however I also run into smurfs in diamond and masters. Just because its towards the top doesnt mean there aren’t smurfs riddled in. I generally enjoy playing with and against smurfs though, because I get a taste of the REALLY good players and I try to learn from them. I try not to let the number my SR is at effect me, not saying i’ve never been a little down because I’ve lost a lot of games, but I just think that even if my SR is lower my skill is not.

So it’s way cheaper and more satisfying to actively stomp noobs instead of buying a somewhat expensive “revenge” account and just do nothing to annoy people.

That could explain why high ranked players don’t suffer that much from intentionally misplaced troublemakers.

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I have been endlessly typing for over an hour and some of my previous replies would be enough words to get an A on a high school paper. I’m not gonna reply to you anymore if you cant scroll up and see what I have to say, taking a couple minutes at most to read, and instead you expect me to take another 20 minutes rewriting everything I had already said or finely picking out quotes from myself that you have access to. You have added nothing to this thread except for repetitiveness.