Flex Que needs to go

arcade is also good. No limits is good fun, and its flex roles, so if you need to learn something, do it there.

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You cant be possibly serious…

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you dont always need to play comp to practice lol.

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Couldn’t anyway. Still played and loved it.

I had a hog in comp that said at the start of a borderline plat/diamond game that he had a 30% hook rate and is practicing. He wanted a mercy to damage boost him to help him when he does manage to hook somebody. It was a quickly a GG go next type of game. Ruined it for 5 other people because he refused to switch and blamed his support for not helping him. He could clearly have practiced his hog in QP since he needed to get the mechanics down.


you dont always need to play qp to practice lol.

Thats not the kind of situation I am talking about. Indeed most people practicing in comp shut up about it cause they know that the team knowing does no good.

sounds like you take this game wayyyy to seriously. Having fun is best.

Theres sadly no arcade mode with overwatch comp rules.
You know… Attack and defense
How overwatch is played correctly


well total mayhem can go for a comp match. Comp no limits was also pretty chill because its not an actual comp rating.

This must be a joke right?

Might aswell play ana paintball, its basically the same as playing 6vs6 kings row

the entire game is not just about comp. go play low grav or total mayhem once in a while, its good fun.

I want to play 2cp attack and defense nothing else. looking at comp

You can’t deny that it is basically impossible besides actually custom 6vs6 lobbies and competetive, to play attack and defense

Honestly playing a heck ton of qp its in the end practice ofc yes. But i’m never actually playing a game of Overwatch unless i jump into competetive.

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Sounds like you want to practice comp not a specific character. I would recommend scrims in this situation so you don’t ruin the other 5 people on your teams game by playing the tryhard mode as practice.

Exactly, it’ll all settle down pretty fast when the new dps flexers reach their correct SR on the other roles. January will be a lot better.

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Correct. You won’t get the same rewards next season if you pass a rank this season, unless you stop throwing. So they’ll either accept lower rewards, or start trying their best after they see that they placed into a lower rank (where they ended this season) next season.

Came here to write the same thing.

Queue times are faster, but every game is cancerous and full of Mercies that don’t have a clue how to play the character, double Off-Tank DPS mains playing like REAPER. Players with literally no aim playing Soldier 76 because they queued flex and can’t play Winston or Reinhardt…

It should only be there for Quick Play, IMHO.

Wow. I just can’t believe how much the quality of games have dropped just form this being put in…

It’s even worse in QP, but at least there you aren’t getting your rank trashed by those people.

It isn’t even their fault. The game isn’t new. Blizzard should have known better.

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Thats the point I made before. Thanks pal.

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incentivizing trolling and throwing…what could possibly go wrong?

why didnt they just make it so you only get a pass if you win the match? or is that too much common sense?