Flex or One-Trick?

I did that for a while. Then they deleted my hero and swapped her with a hero that became the most teamwork-reliant kit in the whole game.

(Seriously, Sym2 was amazing on ladder because her counterplay is coordination, and that rarely happened on ladder)

which was the sym 2? the auto lock beam or the new beam?
i honestly haven’t kept track with sym.

but i do enjoy playing with her now though as her portals are a really fun toy to use :slight_smile:

Sym1, OGSym, was the one from launch, with Photon Shield that gave teammates +25 HP.

Sym2 was the first rework, with Shield Generator and 6 turret stacks

Sym3 is current Sym.

well there you have it right from the horses mouth.
but what do you think about all this one tricking and flexing and maining?
which is the most healthiest for the game in your opinion?

I’m a 3 trick and it sucks. I wish I were more flexible because then I would have more to offer my team.

One tricks are not flexible at all so if their hero doesn’t work out they’re screwed.

It depends on the flex player tbh. If they’re decent at all of their heroes and good at a few then they’re alright but if they flex and are really bad then they should just play what they’re good at (unless hard countered).

One tricks are worse.

right, she had the shield generator and those shield barriers for a while, and before that she had those shield health things she gave to people.

honestly i think sym 3 is pretty awesome, and i understand why they got rid of the shield gen as it would be pretty ridiculous if both old torb, and old sym and brig would team up to just buff health, wasn’t there an overlap where that happened for a while btw?

The best composition. Orisa, Sym, Torbjorn. It was glorious and most of my time from all 3 heroes came from that forgotten timeline.

Play what you.

Flexing can hurt a team just as much as one tricking.

It’s a grey area.

While flexing is definitely healthier for the game, you’re splitting your resources. It’s very hard to be as polished at a certain hero when you’re flex-picking, whereas when you’re one-tricking it’s much easier to play to your full potential as that hero.

Overall, I think people should play what they want as long as they are good at it. I get flamed a lot for being a Mei one-trick obviously, even though there’s a very good reason that I’m GM and not struggling to climb through diamond and master.

it was interesting to play against as you had defenses you needed to break down systematically instead of brawling on the point, it felt more like you infiltrated an enemy stronghold during those times, good times hehe.

but the new bastion/orisa/sym combo feels kind of similar but much more crafty in a way.

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One trick except when your team is incompetent. Then flex to a designated throw hero so your winrate doesn’t go down

i heard it’s harder to go from 2900 to 3000, than 3100 to gm, any truth to that?
also i think you’re not wrong about your assumption that people should play what they feel, but what happens if no one plays atleast 1 tank or atleast 1 support?
still winnable?
i know it’s winnable in qp as i play qp usually as i don’t like sour and super serious people in ranked and can’t enjoy myself there as often.

how much do comps matter in ranked really?

Rally was seriously overtuned at launch because they gave it a 150 HP cap. Later they nerfed it to cap at 100, but Sym was already reworked when this happened.

IMO, Rally should had capped at 75, to match shield gen. The differential of Brigitte should had been that she “channel” extra armor if Rally was active mid-fight.

Yes, it was called a Pantheon comp. The main weakness was that it was vulnerable to chip damage because it broke the ult economy in favor of the other team: damage dealt to armor don’t feed healer ult, Symmetra can’t earn ult charge while Shield Gen is deployed, making her spam feed the other team support ult.

And that is before you count that you had to wait until Brigitte and Symmetra had their ults, and Torb was fed a good amount of scrap to stack all that together. Basically, if you win the first team fight, it snowball into a heavy tank comp, but if you lose, Torb lose access to the scrap, and it become increasingly harder for Sym to place her shield gen.

Pick 2 to 3 heros that you specialize in. But also know how to play 1 of each role.

Stick to your mains unless something else is needed.

So… Semi-Flex?

or just main your hero and flex when necessary, and don’t only play only one hero, maybe atleast 2, ofc 1 more than the other?

that’s what i’m kinda thinking right now so i’ve been limiting myself this last week to only 2 heroes i really enjoy more than the rest.

I can’t say for sure since it’s been a long time since then (Season 2 I think). My lowest SR ever was 2303 before I started the climb.

I can use one of my recent comp games as an example, I was playing Mei and my team ran Genji, Widowmaker, Hammond, Zarya, and solo heal Ana, and we won vs. the enemy team running full GOATS comp. (It just so happened that the Genji on my team was Necros and he was streaming his 1st game so you can find the match here lul)

Team composition is often of limited consequence in solo queue. This is because of the lack of basic coordination in these games. In stacked games, of course it’s of great importance, because you WILL be punished for not running a good team comp.

Let’s say I’m matched against a Pharah player. My team says to me “Mei they have a pharah onetrick you better play hitscan” - They’re missing the point. Yes Pharah has an advantage over Mei on paper, but the game is not won or lost from the hero select screen, it’s down to your exectuion. You can be playing against counterpicks but still win because you outplayed your opponent, that’s the whole idea behind soft counters.

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And so many games are won because it’s so easy to break the other teams moral by just getting a pick. I’d still rather ppl were less sucky to each other though.

that i get, or you simply just do better than their dps, for example running a reaper against pharah seems pretty reckless, but if you can kill the enemy team except pharah much quicker than pharah can kill your team, at that point aren’t you winning?

but i think in the terms of the necessity of tanks and supports.
for example could you have for example a brig as a solo healer and win?
or a roadhog as a solo tank and win?

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Average is gold. Plat is already at the upper part of the pyramid.

Technically yes you can. A general rule of thumb in solo queue games is that any outcome is possible.