Flats top 500 tank main balance changes

D.va ability ‘phone home’ and ‘emergency eject’ actually sounds interesting. And 400 damage earthshatter isn’t as bad as people think they’re. It makes sense given how predictable his ultimate is and d.va already has an ultimate as powerful as this, no why not?

Some of the buffs to these tanks might make them a bit too strong in low elos, espeically with two decent tanks. But I don’t see anything wrong with implementing these kind of buffs for OW2.

Not too sure about 2 second cool down on pull though with orisa. I think we can all agree that we don’t want even more CCs in this game :sweat_smile:

Just cutting this off really quickly.
OP left out a lot of changes, and didn’t update it in the slightest. There is a lot more, and a few tweaks here and there. I’m trying to compile an accurate, finished list right now.

Why do you keep stating your opinion is your opinion and clarifying it is in no way intended as harassment, did Blizzard say or did something new? Recently I’ve seen a lot of people AFRAID of expressing their own OPINION for that exact reason, which is really scary. At least they got the Halloween vibes right I guess.

Basically, his mains + emonggs maim gets buffed. While double sigma and orisa get nerfed? He soooooo biased. Mofo thinks zen is a problem when its brigs stun.

He complainea about double shield even though ball dva is the meta rn. AND its anti double shield, but he doesnt realise it because he doesnt play either of those heroes, emongg does. Hes losing his sr because his gamesense is biased. Not because rein is bad

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Because a lot of people on the forums and social media tend to deliver death threats and hate speech n’ such to people that they don’t like or disagree with partially, would be my guess. And they never much don’t want to be lumped in with that.

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Are you serious? In OW2 there is a good chance the other team will not have a shield - or at least not a rein shield which is the only one decent at blocking shatter. That means that most of the time Rein’s ult will go uncontested. In a game where half the enemy team is likely to be somewhere around the payload that’s a free kill on lots of DPS and supports.

And comparing it to DVa bomb makes no sense whatsoever. You have plenty of time with DVa to find cover. Rein gives you zero time to find any cover and the only real way to avoid it is to predict it and stay away (never happens in metal ranks) or have a Rein on your team.

Overall it’s a pretty bad idea but not surprising coming from a Rein main.

The OP’s changes aren’t finished, not even close to being finished.
It is also worth noting that this is not a case of “I want all of these changes for every Tank”, it is a brainstorming idea for Team 4 for presumably OW2.

This is ONE OR SOME changes per Tank, not all of them.

He probably was memeing because he just hates double shield. Monke Rein and Dva are probably the most fun tanks to him and he was just memeing.
All tanks will probably be kind of same power level in OW2, because there’s no way they make Roadhog the must pick while Monke and Rein are left to rot.
I’m trying to stay positive but knowing Blizz…

Idgaf if its one or all, flats is biased like hell. He also wants tankbuster heros removed reworked when every single ome of them can already be hard countered by another hero/tank

If tunnelvision were i person i would say its flats.


Eh, the idea of Orisa having Fortify on a resource meter and no shield would be at least an interesting experiment. Not necessarily a change that should go live but interesting nonetheless.

I was referring to Overwatch 1 for the first pharagraph. And this was just my opinion, don’t need to go crazy with your reaction.

I don’t follow? My reply was mild. The last sentence refers to Flats, not you. None of the rest seems crazy. Perhaps you thought the first sentence was too much? Just trying to understand so I can avoid it in future.

My bad then, it just sounded like you were angry at me lol.

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Rein and Winston would be so unbelievabley broken.

He’s really gonna be surprised when Brig and Reaper has to be picked against that monster Winston is

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He was trolling, right?

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  1. The suggestions were a mixture of his own and chats’
  2. They are not meant as a “do every change for every hero” but rather “try some that seem reasonable, sample them, see if they’re any good”
  3. The list was for brainstorming as many ideas as possible (see above)
  4. OP’s list is woefully inaccurate.

I am making a full, updated list right now - if you’re interested in that, stick around in the thread (as of tonight because this is something he’s also going to be working on tomorrow).

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Ok so make rein busted as hell? Those changes add even less counterplay to him and also add another stupid one shot into the game.

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Very outdated kinda sadge, but I’m doing the work of updating the list for you.

The list is meant for brainstorming ideas. Not all of them were from Flats, several were from chat, and Team 4 is meant to pick and choose to try what sounds good. NOT pick all of them.

THIS LIST HAS MOVED. Please use the link below.

EDIT 1: Formatting started, opened up work on HTML.
EDIT 2: Formatting continued, hero changelog started.
EDIT 3: Hero changelog completed. Added HTML Anchors for quick navigation. Fixed Edit numbers.
EDIT 4: Moved to my own thread with a clearer OP to encourage healthy discussion with the up-to-date guide. You can find it here:

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Some changes are interesting but the majority are soo biased and stupid (I don’t care if he’s top 500) , I say my opinion to Dev changes and to everyone as I like .
no compensations with the changes , just a lot of buffs and some big buffs .
If u play the game very well and u belong to the top , it doesn’t mean automatically that u know how to balance ur role , u can be the stupidest person ever regarding balance ideas .

Just pointing this out. If you reply to this or any of my other comments, I will not be responding as I need to focus on producing an accurate list.