Flats tier list season 7

But she was supposed to be the best tank in high elo>:(
How could this happen?

wdym according to this forum she is the best tank ever when she is not melted by 3 beams.

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I can definitely see this. Iā€™ve actually seen Hogā€™s win by contributing nothing other than contesting the whole round because he just doesnā€™t die. :joy: Heā€™s not as bad as people think imo.

Flats and Samito tier lists are best viewed as a petition rather than actual guidance to Overwatch players


Iā€™m someone who went from a die hard mercy main, to playing Illari, Kiri and Lifeweaver simply because they actually have agency over a fight and have IMPACT. Mercy is just not fun, I never liked Valk, I always thought it was a bandage ult just so they could get rid of mass rez faster. They just need to give her an ult that does something NOT tied into dmg boost and rezzing becauze thatā€™s really the only viable things she can do in Valk. Iā€™d rather mercy have a fresh, new ult that has some form of skill expression and from their they can nerf the parts of her regular kit if need be. Valk is just truly the most unengaging ult which sucks for a hero who is already team dependant as is.

Honestly donā€™t have a problem with his list :man_shrugging:t2:

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Well im still getting diamond lobbys on my high master low gm account and stomping them so mm not working all that well

Did you see the clip. Because if a insane genji player can play perfectly and still get literally 0 kills with nano blade shoukd tell you have power creeped genji has gotten.

I honestly love all the big streamers/content creators we have. But my god I wish theyā€™d stop doing tier lists. Itā€™s like saying to 100,000 people this is how you play and this is how you win. And then they sit there and wonder why every level of play goes zarya against Dva or Orisa. Because you guys tell them to. Stop telling people the meta. please. :joy:

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Why is hog not good?

Ana exists.

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what if ana didnā€™t existed? :thinking:

Hes okay hes a wall of meat that rarly dies hes the mist tanky tank of any tank

na hog is fine-ish.

the only reason hog is bad is cuz a team has an ana, but with all the healing in game a hog can play passive and easily bully the enemy tank.

people dont play hog because they know theyā€™ll just swap ana on you and make it so you always die.

but if your playing into lets say lifeweaver+moira on the enemy team and they are hard one tricks, picking hog is fine because your ult can delete tanks and push people away from point in OT if needed.

plus the hook displaces people and it makes it easier for your team to kill them, yes hog on his own isnt good at one shotting people as easily but no tank is anymore.

tanks exist right now too keep the enemy tank off their team.

unless of course your playing in lower ranks and then anything goes.

Context matters for many of these and they frequently depend upon whatā€™s being played. Bap has continually been a pretty lackluster support in previous meta defining situations because of the state of dive.

You never pick Baptiste for dive situations. The thing is that right now dive is underpowered. The Illari/Bap combo gives you enough surviability/fire power to nuke DPS divers. Bastion is a phenomenal anti-dive tanks that while you can play around him still decimates many of the tanks. After this, you really just pick Orisa/Sigma. Something sturdy that doensā€™t require 100% attention all the time, but has very few directly weaknesses to abuse either.

If you didnā€™t have Illari, it would have been Brig/Baptiste trying to fend off dive tanks and DPS. However, Brig is a weakness against other spam comps. Ana/Brig are better for dive since you can defend and support divers better.

Right, but you deserve to lose in that case. And you donā€™t need to go Ana. Discord makes his life hell. Illari burst heals can make his hook useless. So can LW pull, and so many other things. Even high damage makes him dip for breather so often he becomes useless.

He works in games in QP where they refuse to swap, but itā€™s rare they donā€™t pull out Ana+Orisa even there and Hanzo is in most games too making Hog an easy kill for nade+storm arrow over and over. Often they go Ana+Zen and you canā€™t really do anything.

He is the most counterable hero in the game - even more than ball.

its not even zarya

healing is at its highest its ever been and the current supports can challenge him in 1v1s AND shut down his blade

All the while genji has the lowest numbers heā€™s ever had.
Itā€™s safe to say this is his worst season of all time

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And watch season 8 they make the new tank use lazer rifles that goes through deflect mateizmx and grasp

thatā€™d be silly but iā€™m pretty sure mauga has mini guns

Ok well that sounds like a you problem. On support and tank which are masters 4 and 3 I get masters 1-4 ish lobbies so :person_shrugging: donā€™t know what to tell you. You saying like itā€™s a different account maybe we know why youā€™re stomping those lobbies?

Its my support account (my oldest account) which is my main this is my dps account which is becoming my main becomes it has more event skins i like

I mean yeah it is what it is the matchmaker has a hard time with people that play on multiple accounts. I will say Im still very pessimistic about the midseason things they mentioned because they said it would be like the beginning of season patch whichā€¦ s7 patch was almost nonexistent ngl lmao

s7 patch had me going: wait, thatā€™s it?? Also why did brig get buffed lmao