If y’all feel like wasting 18 minutes on this…
0 sympathy for these people trying to punch downward. Setup a scrim or something.
I’d rather they banned 4 stacks and brought back 5 stacks.
Playing with a toxic 4 stack is the worst experience in gaming.
No. I don’t think I will.
Wait, did something happen to 5 stacking?
Don’t need to. It does suck that GM level players can’t stack beyond two. Although it’s kind of funny this was put in place to protect streamers, as they were getting decimated by full stacks of OWL players.
I say let them stack. At least if the matchmaker is fixed. A stack of top 500 players getting a bunch of plats as opponents doesn’t sound fun for anyone playing.
GMs can only play with one friend at a time in ranked.
How is Qing in GM with friends “punching Down”
Currently “Organized Play” with pre-made teams is an entirely different balancing discussion than competitive ladder. The moment OW2 starts allowing full teams to queue into GM/Top500 the lines will get blurred between organized play and the ladder, and the balancing discussion will move further up shifting around Contenders/OWL instead of Masters/GM (IMO: not a good thing).
I am too good for this game so I need 4 more people to carry me.
Why are people so toxic towards GMs and Top 500s? Why is our ability to play with friends a bad thing to you? How does this even affect you?
They want to 5 stack against of a bunch of solo queuers, that isnt cool.
I remember back in the day people complained that GM stacking and not having rank resets were gatekeeping people from being in GM. Funny thing is once both those things were implemented, the GM players stayed GM.
flats did mention on stream “do not do 4 stacks if the stack come back full it should be 2, 3 and 5.”
in the current system that wouldn’t happen. System will try to pair a gm 5 stack with another gm 5 stack. Flast said basically just give a warning like you have a high ranked 5 stack queue time will be longer than normal.
5 stacks should only face other 5 stacks.
It’s a team game, you should be able to play with friends regardless of what rank you are. But only that top few percent are in GM and they can always derank to play with friends so I don’t feel too bad
If you deserve to climb, you will (provided you play enough games). That is the harsh reality of the ranked ladder. Believing anything or anyone is holding you back is just cope.
I can, however, see the argument of “well GM players asked for this back in the day because they were sick of facing NYXL and some Top 500 6 stack at night gaming the system because nobody else was queuing, so they would end up facing some masters players or something”. To that I would say, why not at least let us 3 stack?
Would love to see queue times for a 5-stack of T500 players
So should it be removed from all ranks?