Flats on 5V5 (trust me he's speaking the truth)

They either HAVE to rework the map to fit the new format.
It will need to be deleted.

And I doubt they delete maps like kings row

That’s life. Life in general is literally delaying an inevitable end for as long as humanly possible.

By your logic, why die of old age? Everybody should just end it now, since it makes no difference, right?

Again, strawmanning. There’s still a difference between not creating something new and taking away something that exists.

To point out how silly this logic is, if I walked into your house and take $1,000 you have, I can be charged for theft. But you can’t charge me for theft just because at this moment, I am not earning an extra $1,000 to give to you.

There is no way you can find someone that can play all the tanks at OWL level.

And there’ll be a lot of tank specialist, some that are known for being the best of the best at 1 single tank. And that’s ok.

Look at baseball. They have 1 at a time pitcher, but that pitcher can’t reliably throw every pitch available. So they have a bunch of other pitchers, waiting in the bullpen. Tanks will be the same.

Does that mean less tanks will be necessary, well sure. But it’s not like teams will run 1 tank player. I’m sure teams will have at least 2, and maybe have more just in case of injuries.

So let’s say no one can be good at all tanks like you said which seems fair.


If tanks can really counter each other that would mean that the more flexible players will have more of an advantage than one tricks in the long run.

A T500 ball running into a masters tank player that is flexible and can keep hooking them on hog will be in a tough spot if they can’t adapt

If OW2 flops, then everybody in OWL is losing their jobs.

That’s pretty obvious.

So isn’t solving queue times more important than if like 20 people don’t have a job?

Since if they don’t solve queue times, then the entire league would be out of a job.

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You’re not taking into account the dps and support heroes. They will probably have tools to counter specific tanks.

From what I can tell, the tanks won’t really counter each other, but more like a wash. They’ll cancel each other out, but the dps and support will force the opponent’s tank choice. So tank A can be countered by Dps ABC and support XYZ, tank B can be countered by dps EDF and support LMN…

This is all still theorycraft and neither one of us actually know

Queue times aren’t more important than the overall fun of the game. If it was than arcade and comp free pick would be what the game aims for. People wait in 2v2v2 because they think its a better experience.

  1. Queue times are very important of games like Valorant and Apex have 2 minute queue times, and it’s 15 minutes for Overwatch, and devs are trying to pull in players from games like Apex/Valorant.
  2. With compositions like DoubleBarrier or WannaBeGOATs with Rush, at high tier. Or “Pick Reinhardt or you are throwing” below Masters. I fail to see how the status quo is better by default.

The status quo at least lets you have 2 tanks, its not the pinacle of balance, but at least you can tank with a buddy, or matchs don’t depend on one tank not blowing.

I fail to see how the status quo is better by default.

Just saying 6 is a bigger number than 5 isn’t good enough.

Except 6 being a bigger number than 5 IS good enough. I prefer my games to have more people in them, not less. I hate vs pvp, the only pvp games I’ve eve gotten into are TF2 and OW. The only reason for that is because I felt like I was a part of a team.

That’s the thing though.

Everybody has preferences, but they gotta go with whatever choice gives them the largest playerbase.

They could have went with 7v7 and accomplished the same thing of lowering queue times but without making the game awful for tank players.

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What fraction of Tank players would you suspect deeply enjoys being a punching bag with legs, that rarely ever goes for kills?

What fraction of tank players want to tank alone?


I see it more like tank players actually get to dictate how tanking gets done, rather than losing because their offtank teammate is yoloing into the enemy backline.

Throw in having a much more narrow range of SR they get matched into, with much more equally matched games.

Which is cute if you main reinhardt, but how in the lords am I going to vs a reinhardt as Dva? Can’t block earth shatter nor have a usefull shield.

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