Flanker Mains! Come chill here. :)

I don’t have much experience with Sombra, but my friendly Sombra’s seem to thrive in team and coordinated scenarios. Combos, focusing, strategic health pack hacking near Ana, opening space for the team with a tank hack… It takes a bit of talk during the match, but the results are worth it.

Haha, yeah, she’s tough. I think Genji is the hardest one for me, personally. I’m trying, but my god … I’m sooo bad at that hero. XD My Dragonblades are basically 99% luck and 1% knowing where their Mercy is. lol

Anyway, guess I’ll post my latest montage for whoever cares. Trigger warning: There is some Brigitte play in there since I flex in comp. So if you have small children, have them look away from the screen. :joy:


Genji was always an enigma for me. I can play every hero in a basic level, but not Genji. Honestly, i can’t do anything as him.

My shurikens feel weak, my deflects deflect small damage always, my swift strike is always on cooldown and my Dragonblade never achieves anything, no matter how ideal the circumstances are.

[quote=“Crepsly-1702, post:29, topic:207908”]
Nice! That makes me want to learn Sombra. XD[/quote]

I’d actually say Sombra counters Widowmaker more than she does Doomfist

When i’m on Orisa or Zen, and we’re getting pwned by a sniper, the thing going through my head is either “We could really use a Sombra” or “Where the hell is our Sombra?!”

You go to the enemy back line and play hide and seek with the last guy in their formation.

And be extra careful not to let Moira or D.va track you down when you teleport. The downside with this playstyle is that you need to rely on your team to hold the line while you’re messing around back there.

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not sure if i belong here… i’m a symm/torb player but i’m rarely ever with my team and i’m often just taking controll of the map behind enemy lines cutting off their escape routes when my team pushes through <.< soo i flank in a sense? i flank as moira too…

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I have been an Overwatch coach for well over a year now. I’m a Top 500 DPS player but I can coach just about any hero. I have two decently long AMAs here on the general forums and in competitive discussion where you can find some information about a large selection of heroes and questions.

With that said, I started to stream my VOD reviews last night at the request of students. They are publicly available on my Twitch and YouTube. I’ll link the most relevant one here for you guys to check out. I have an informal style so if you’re looking for concise thoughts on every talking point you should head to the AMAs as well.

Even though I coach I’m also open to constructive feedback if you feel there’s a way to improve the reviews or the threads.


I’ll just leave this here…it’s not the flankiest montage but it’s all i have edited together rn.


i dont think they like me.


Flankyatta passing through, experience tranquility!


First of all, that song is awesome. XD Second of all, nice! :smiley: I can’t get a handle on the new Sym, but it’s nice to watch awesome plays from people who have.

Hahaha, that Mercy stick was brilliant. XD


I play Lucio, does that count?

That mercy main used words that i even didnt knew existed.

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Ty and I’m looking forward to the QoL rework torbjorn is getting so i can be more fluid with flanking on torb too XD since his turret is turning into a tracer bomb projectile before it deploys… oh the places i can toss that <.<

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i have to many of these XD

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now i will have nightmares thanks.

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I flank with Mei. Super effective

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Damn dude. XD Widow’s another one I can’t play, nice 4k. lol

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Thank you :smiley: :blush:

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This thread is perfectly timed, I just started working on bringing my Tracer back up to scratch earlier today.


You’re welcome. :slight_smile: I really appreciate good Widow play. A huge reason why I can’t play her is because I’m legally blind (20/200 vision), and Widow is like … 95% vision-based. Hard to click heads when you can’t see them. XD (That and I’m also just bad at snipers, but shh. :rofl:)

Sometimes it works out to my advantage, though. Since I rely so much on sound I’m able to consistently do things like jebait this Doomfist’s Rocket Punch without seeing he was there.

Really cluttered fights suck, though. I just shoot chaotically at the color red. XD