I’m tired, i am very tired of having play with players who are legit being placed in rank they’re not meant to be at. I just hit master and my god every game has gone down hill from there. There is no way half these players are of the same ranking.
My dps are struggling to reach anything about 6k, they’re constantly dead and not switching, while looking at their ow1 ranks some of these guys have never been above silver, yet their somehow in a masters game. I had one of my dps do like 20k damage while the other did like under 10k, the 10k guy was silver 1 peak.
I understand you’re gonna get bad players every so often, but my god i went 4-0 in wins and i haven’t managed to win a game in the last 5-6. I don’t want to have to hard carry every bloody game, i just wanted fair match’s where im not playing respawn simulator as a tank.
A company that hides the truth about matchmaking algs, displaying actual ranks, and forcing a progression to retain, churn, and monetize → is going to lie to you about engagement metrics and population numbers.
They’re going to whitelist some influencers and dazzle you with shadow marketing hype. Meanwhile the game is unplayable, or no-longer ‘mainable’ for a large % of the playerbase.
They claim 40 million or something? Then…how would the MM ever struggle shipping a match around gold? The eligible player pool would be 100k unique players in your region, queues would be nearly instant, your session would rarely have the same accounts, and things would feel crisp.
I suspect the MM issues we face aren’t just because of mmr rigging, they’re because of lowpop game and the way 5v5 (especially push) is just a trickle and respawn sim.
Totally agree, they’ve removed everything in ranked which would indicate what rank someone is, in the name of stopping toxicity. But it’s apparent who belongs and who doesn’t.
Which also helps them hide their terrible match making, all my game range between gold and gm and they think that stuff is balanced.
Also let’s not talk about groups trying to abuse the mm. playing with Lower ranked players trying to get easier games.
And if the version 2 of streamer-protect features go live, we might not even know who/what we’re up against. The nameplates will be reduced to “damage 1” and “damage 2” and you’ll be fodder for content influencers without having a chance to fight back.
Play nice, play fair → where fair isn’t about skill it’s about who’s turn it is to win
At this point they might as well remove rank and just call it QP+ because that’s what it is. Like my last game my healers were screaming at me for always being critical, while the enemy dps had free rein to shoot at me because they weren’t being contest by my dps.
I can’t hold, the front, flank and back on my own. It doesn’t work, it’s a team game for a reason.
since it takes picks to push, plus picks to stop a push, most aren’t in their correct rank until: devs pair players by elim ratio. good with good. bad with bad. decent with decent. simple math.
I just made a thread addressing why MM can’t be fixed with the current hidden MMR system.
Matches are unbalanced because you can’t simply match teams based on W/L records and expect an even game. Just because you are having better luck than another player and win more than them does not mean you are better than them. Not all players of the same rank are equals.
Is not the matchmaking is just the regular level of players of this game is horrible , sadly you can´t report people for being bad …
Tell whatever of toxicity but i prefer a good toxic player (because i can mute those) instead of useless mediocre players because they just don´t improve … Blizzard prefers to have a lot of mediocre players than not having players at all
Devs: “We want a budget to fix problems in overwatch.”
Corporate: “So how will this result in an immediate x20 return on budget?”
Devs:" W- No. No, we just want to fix a few… giant issues."
Corporate: “so you’re telling me if I give you this money it’ll just serve to improve the quality of our product?”
Devs: " Yes, you s-"
Corporate: “You have said enough. The answer is no.”
Devs: “Wait, wait … A… Are you serious?”
Corporate: “… I’ve docked your pay. Get out of my office, but before you go, let me tell you something. Don’t you ever, EVER try to stick up for those sub-human mongoloids ever again. You gouge them, and you shut up. That’s it. Got it?!?”
Exactly a lot of players are not flexible, so once they get hard countered there is nothing they can do. Like im Rein main, but i can at least multipool tanks to a decent level out side of Rein.
Switching is a part of the game like it or not, and is needed in most matches.
This game is trash - 6 years and they couldn’t do anything to change it
They “balance” the game by putting teams with “even MMR”. But as you know TANK/DPS is not the same as SUPPORT but blizzard doesn’t care
Exactly people think that tanks hold the power, when most game’s are decided by who has the better dps. Since dps has more choices which allows them to be more flexible it gives them more opportunity to pop of, and with a lot one-shot potential in the game it only takes a pick or 2 to win a team fight.
Chess and other ‘contests of skill’ do just fine matching based on W/L (or ability to win or lose, in a data-free manner). They don’t rank people by “accuracy of play” according to some engine lines. Even if, as one would expect, higher rated players tend to play with more “accuracy” in that sense.
If you win more, you are better. Winning is the only real thing that matters. Luck has little to do with it. This assumes no hidden rigging, only random sampling from a rank. A functioning system will have blowouts, it will have streaks and stomps, but winners will triumph, and winning is almost assuredly not about stats, it’s all the intangible elements. Tracking stats and assigning “skill” to that is measuring, scoring, and payout out on things that aren’t winning.
The universal measure for skill based competition is the outcome: did you win or lose against other people who win or lose in roughly the same capacity?
Wrong . If you win more it could be luck. You clearly don’t understand how this game works. I’ll tell you what’s it’s like in bronze. There is ELO Hell where if you win one or go on streak your immediate award is to get team mates who don’t cooperate / leavers / feeders etc. This game is not winnable when it’s 4v5.
The general rule of thumb is this. The less variance a team has between its team members, the better chance they have of winning. For Example a team of 5 plats will trump 1 masters , 1 gold, 1 plat , 1 silver, 1 diamond
Yes eventually you will win and get to the rank you “belong” but the run way is very very long compared to other games because of how one cannot carry and how you are awarded with bad team mates when you win. It’s easy to get stuck.