My god does this need fixed. It takes a game that can be great and ruins it. Fighting 2 or 3 torbs or divas when you cant pic a counter makes it stupid. Im ok with normal rate but why pump it up just to ruin a mode.
Is this in Mystery Heroes?
Yeah MH has needed no hero stacking forever but they won’t listen
The rate isn’t pumped up. It actually is random, which is the whole point of the mode. Any changes to that would defeat the purpose of having it. Roll with what you get and try your best. That’s what makes it fun.
And they give the same lame excuse that they gave when Overwatch originally came out and there was no hero limits.
“It allows for some fun moments”
Okay, that’s what No Limits mode is for.
No Limits doesn’t make you change heroes when you die, though. Part of the strategy and fun of mystery heroes is knowing who’s trying really hard to protect their lives and going all in on that person. In MH it might be worth it to kamikaze the enemy Mercy, for example, because of how valuable she is in uncoordinated environments. Mystery Heroes has been my friends’ and my most-played mode for a long time because you can just play and not have to worry about what people are picking. It needs to be the way it is to warrant having it at all.
A lot of what you said is true, but when the enemy team has two mercies and you try so hard to kill one and the other rezzes her, it saps a bit of the fun. That might just be a problem with resurrection in MH though because it’s so much more powerful than in any other mode.
You can’t kill a mercy who is standing still rezing?
It is a normal rate. The hero selection is random. Most people don’t comprehend statistics well enough to know that though.
The occasional doubles I can understand, even a triple if it’s because some hero’s die and others don’t on the enemy team. Just because they have 3 Moira’s doesn’t mean they all got them at the same time.
What I find annoying however is when the game starts and you have 3 (or more) of the same hero. I mean there are what 28 hero’s now right, or is it up to 29? How out of all the hero’s randomly being selected can you get duplicates, triplicates etc so commonly? The odds against it are astronomical.
Yet starting a match off with 3 winston’s is almost common. I think it’s because the odds aren’t exactly random. We may never know how it works but it’s obvious it is not even odds for all hero’s. You also seem to be limited per match.
I know if I die a lot I can go through the same rotation of 3-4 hero’s all match, even if I die 15-20 times. Many a time I went from Doomfist to Roadhog, Genji and back to DF. With a pool of maybe 3-4 hero’s no matter how much you die.
The odds of it happening are exactly the frequency that it happens. Do the math and record every starting hero lineup for your next few hundred games. You’ll be amazed that it lines up.
If the other team is there supporting them? Or you died to kill the one Mercy? Things are a lot easier said than done.
this thread topic is my greatest gripe with this game so i welcome the discussion whenever it happens…
my detailed explanation why it needs addressing…including game logs…🤦🏻‍♂️ Mystery Heroes + No Limits makes ZERO sense
and to clarify…there is no rate…its completely random…the problem is that WHEN they actually happen they tend to stick around because of the issues it causes…you notice it more…
the rate NEEDS to be zero though…it shouldnt be happening period
I think you’ll find computers can’t actually do random, they can merely do their best to simulate it. Still the math is 1/28, meaning you have .03% odd chance of getting any specific hero once.
Repeating the results basically halves the chances. As the odds of getting that same hero twice is far less than any other combination. Much like a coin flip is supposed to be 50/50 or half the time. Flip two coins however you have four results, mixed heads/tails or tails/heads or double heads and double tails. So the end result is 1/4 instead of 1/2.
So you jump from .03 to about .015, and it only drops further for the 3rd or 4th duplicate. So no I wouldn’t really say the odds are working as intended in a perfectly fair and honest way.
Some kind of variable was entered into the system. My guess they divided hero’s into roles, and try to evenly pick from those roles. Thing is there are only 7 or so tanks/Support while there are 14 DPS. Then there also seems to be a limit on options per round.
The odds of 6 truly randomly selected heroes having 0 duplicates is 29/30 * 28/30 * 27/30 * 26/30 * 25/30. This is because the first cannot be a duplicate, the 2nd can be any hero but the first to not be a duplicate, the third any hero but the first or second, etc. That equals 58.64%. That means if you play 10 games, you expect to have the enemy team start with at least one duplicate in 4 of them. Record your next 30 games and see if duplicate or worse happens on the enemy team in around 12-13 of the games.
They do not divide into roles, it’s just random. Computers can approximate random just fine. That’s not the issue. Human biased memory and a misunderstanding of statistics is the issue. The fact that you seem to think the odds of a duplicate decrease the more “flips” you have means you should definitely enroll in a statistics class.