Fix the damn queues

Zen is insanely broken and tank is therefore agony to play

People don’t want to queue support? Personally season 9 doesn’t feel that much different on bap, now I can play Lucio more bc dive is more dominant

How to fix queues?

Make the popular role less popular and the others more!

So nerf DPS, right? Right?!



I placed Master 4 or 5 for all three roles (GM on all last season). My matches are full of T500/GM players from last season, since people haven’t ranked up yet, so I think that’s pretty indicative of high rank queues right now. It was the same the last couple of seasons with the very long support queues.

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What region or rank are you all on, I use to play in plat and diamond. And I’m seeing maybe a 2 minute wait for DPS in comp.

And in QP it’s all <1

Oddly enough DPS are also nerfed by these changes.

Torb/sym/mei are kind of just junk.

Rat and Pharah can’t head shot, so they have a hard cap on how much damage they can do. And don’t really benefit from doing damage over time especially up against Widow that can still 1 tap. And projectile users that have no issue headshoting at the moment.

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Cute seeing support players piggyback on tanks when support ques are still the longest LOL

Queue times will go down when that specific role becomes less conjested.

The reason why you dislike playing tank and support is the same reason why nobody else it. These new changes have created a miserable experience for them.