Fix for FPS issue after patch-related to "spatial sound"

sadly no :confused: think we have to wait Nempthys

If disabling this feature didn’t work for you, or you are using Windows 7/8.1 please review my thread Here. Our goal is to troubleshoot to see if we can find any other issues impacting the game’s FPS. If you have time please follow the steps and collect the data if the issue continues.

Thank you.

Thanks for this, but the issue you are investigating is not the issue we are experiencing.
Enabling Spatial Sounds FIXES the fps issues (see OP’s post), not vice versa. Win7 users have the same problem even without the option for Spatial Sounds.

I have Win7 on my pc, im stuck at 9fps unplayable (normally stable 120). Only Overwatch lags, nothing else.
I yoinked my gf’s pc, Win10, same fps problem. Followed OP’s instructions, and game runs perfecly fine.

Thanks for the update Meep that was my mistake.

So will Blizzard comp us a code for Dolby for headphones? because enabling it requires a purchase in the Windows Store

What if it says “Spatial sound is not available on this device”? Dealing with frame rate issues since the Ashe patch, and I’ve been unable to play on my PC account because of it :confused:

Maybe you could also make the support for “Spatial Sound” an optional setting in the sound settings. That way the sound can be created the old way (like it was before) for those who can’t enable or don’t have “Spatial Sound” in Windows. I am on Windows 10 and I don’t have the option too, because am using a 7.1 headset that is connected to an external USB sound card/amplifier that creates 7.1 sound for the headset which has an HDMI plug that goes into the external sound card.

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Good job, this worked for me.

Maybe try what I did in my post above. If you have and AMD/nVidia card and a monitor with speakers connected via HDMI, it should work.

I have arctis steelseries 7 headphones (2019 edition). I cannot enable dolby or windows sound without purchasing them from the store. any advice?

Windows Sonic works for me. I think the only one you can actually buy from the store is Dolby Atmos.

The fix work good, but I do not play with headphones, it sounds very bad in stereo. We need a good fix, we do not need that audio option, leave it as it was

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

This unfortunately made no difference for me. I was averaging around 250 FPS before the patch, and now I average around 200. Game is obviously still playable, but sometimes I’ll have random matches at 60-90 FPS with low GPU utilization (indicated by idle-like temps) until I restart the application, which produces noticeable stuttering on my 144Hz monitor. Since I can’t reproduce this easily, it’s hard to troubleshoot. Specs: Windows 10, stock i5-8600k, GTX 1080, 16GB RAM @ 3200MHz, installed on Samsung 970 EVO SSD.

This fixed my FPS problems. Thanks man! Hopefully Blizzard fixes this issue soon. I don’t want to switch between on/off constantly.

Uhh, How exactly is this supposed to be done? I enabled it, and literally nothing happened, The sound was better though lol

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All i have there is:

  • Off
  • Windows Sonic For Headphones
  • Dolby Atmos For Headphones

no option for “ON” what should i choose?

Game even crashed for me after this update and my PC restarted lol only on OW they managed to break it big time.

How about instead of trying to ‘workaround’ the situation you forward this up to the devs and tell them to REMOVE the spatial audio patch. TONIGHT.

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Yeah, “Windows Sonic for Headphones” is the spatial sound option available for me. If it sounds weird in game, you can try the suggestion in the main post or use an equivalent program if you have an audio manager.

Turn that on, hit apply, then off. hit apply. It fixes the FPS until the next time you start overwatch. However, don’t stop posting. Get the devs attention. This is the kind of bug they should not be allowing to stand.

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