Fix arcade or delete it

title theres no reason for it to be such cra

EDIT: 40 freaking attempts with various game modes and I get people on my team equal to my skill level

against diamonds and above this happens often for there to be literally no reason as there is more than enough to fight each other but nope gotta be idiots

arcade has it the worst on top of the stupidly limited selection of 4 game modes where one never changes and another just takes up to slots being a variant.

I made a post that gave some ideas on what can be fixed for arcade as well as the others

read it here: Can the next big patch be about fixing the godawful mathcmaking - #11 by Hotpocket-11222

Yes, Arcade is a total mess!

…how exactly again?

That could literally mean 3000 different things

I like arcade it’s very nice.


Welp, i was expeting something like “In ffa people who i kill spawn directly behind me and kill me before i even know they are back” or something. Sadly no one talk about those stuff.

Maybe you can…elaborate why, OP?

Y’all don’t have to play it

Apparently they wont

yeah 3000 reasons they can do to fix it but won’t

Here is a question if you hate arcade why play it


that and it’s pretty much like an addiction of masochism

I agree that it should be deleted. Such a waste of space.

When Blizz deletes arcade mode in the upcoming patch I will remember that it was Shadow426 that caused it.

But what does that say about them if I asked to fix it or delete it, if they won’t fix it it’s still their fault

I say rework it. Deathmatch is broken with unbalance maps and broken heroes like tracer and genji.

While I don’t agree with the tone of the OPs message, I do agree there can be made significant improvements in Arcade. It is seemingly at least a decently popular mode for players to play, so why not make QoL improvements to the mode?

  • Don’t backfill directly into a ‘Defeat’ screen
  • Add a slight balance to Mystery heroes. Having a fun fight with all kinds of heroes only to face 3 Orisas, a Zarya and 2 healers vs all DPS at the end, ruins the match. Maybe no duplicate heroes on a team or something (got ‘No limits’-mode for that)?
  • Stop allowing players to spawn on top of enemies in FFA
  • Bring back ‘All Brawls’ mode for more variety (Arcade modes are getting stale as hell by now)
  • Rotate holiday modes into Arcade for a week every few weeks, even outside of the event itself. It’s not like they’re anything new nor will there apparently be anything new in the coming event modes anyway besides some lackluster skins.
  • Better matchmaking. I’ve faced everything from bronze players to T500 in arcade modes. Neither facerolling nor being facerolled is fun. Matchmaking doesn’t have to be as tight as in comp, but at least a semblance of an even playing ground would be nice.

He’s talking about the horrible matchmaking of Arcade. If I search for a game (i’m in masters) the arcade matchmaking always pairs me with 2-3 golds against a team of a couple diamonds and mid-high platinum.

It sucks. If feels like the matchmaking is actively ruining your games. I can’t carry two golds in mystery heroes… Arcade is proof of how broken the matchmaking is.

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Thank you for your feedback

Matchmaking in arcade doesn’t matter in game modes like mystery heroes and total mayhem. People can never get the heroes they play well in that mode and be less great. While going to a defeat screen is annoying, it doesn’t effect your record and you get free xp. It doesn’t happen often enough to be a problem.

Also stop trying to balance mystery heroes. It’s meant to be an unbalanced game mode.


While you have a point on mystery heroes it still doesn’t explain the other issues (or heck why is mystery heroes the only mode that never changes) I only go to it as a last resort.