Fitzyhere think sombra isnt viable anymore in 222

Guys i think you missed the point. This wasn’t a balance change, this was a nerf because nobody likes her in the game lol.

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Good. All she does is cause frustration. Let me play my hero kk thx

That or because she was getting picked quite often in the OWL. And apparently DVa was replaced by Sombra in GOATS after her DM nerfs. In other words, GOATS turned into Sombra GOATS.

Just because people find her oppressive and everything doesn’t mean she will be okay without compensation buffs. :confused:

Sombra goats cant be played anymore in 2-2-2. Any nerfs to Sombra to deal with that specific comp in pro play is redundant.

Ye ik. All I want is a good buff to her damage output or to the rest of her kit if they’re gonna tone down Hack & EMP. :smile:

I dont want any nerfs to a hero which dont need any nerfs.
How about buffing her first and in case she becomes too strong, then youre gonna nerf her?
No? Cant have that. But the reverse makes totally sense somehow.

Meta is most effective… She was not

Honestly 2-2-2 was always going to be the worst thing for her, nerfing her hack probably did very little overall.

The issue is she’s a utility character (support) who occupies a damage slot. They’ve buffed her damage in the past to try and bring her more in line with other DPS heroes, but honestly, for a character that’s designed around the ability to silence enemies, I’m surprised they don’t just rework her kit to put her in the Support role.

Yeah no, I wouldn’t want her to actually become a support. She’s a utility based DPS.

First off, Fitzy is a Sombra one trick player who occasionally plays Mei.

Of course he doesn’t want Sombra to be nerfed. Because he now he might have to learn other heroes and he won’t be able to carry as hard as Sombra.

No triple tank, no need of sombra.


But in all seriousness, good sombra will still make her work, like codey did since sombra release, she doesn’t need to be broken to work :slight_smile:

shes still viable. i think the word he was looking for is other heroes become viable which makes competition to where u do not need to run her. she countered goats which isnt in the game anymore. thats not a nerf imo. u play her the same way, it still works against bunker comp. 2-2-2 bunker. don’t trust what other people say. just think for yourself what u see in games.

hack=insta death still. nothing changed. emp still wins team fights.

Codey only made her work because he tracks like a god. You could give him a spoon and he would play well and get kills with it.


Picking Sombra means the other team has a lot more damage output than you do now, unless you run Reaper or Bastion alongside her, and they don’t synergize with her. 2/2/2 will eliminate most of the nontraditional damage heroes from serious play, but :welp:

Just came in here to say; agreed.

Sombra’s base kit is just too punny to justify using her in a 2-2-2 environment.

And with the 12% global ult nerf, there’s even less of a reason to pick Sombra if you’re not picking her for an EMP every 50 to 60 seconds.

Fitzy played all Sombra versions since launch. He played her at her worst and still got to top 500.

I would be afraid to face codey even if he would play battle Mercy.


Funny thing is … at the same time Wrecking Ball, one of the most OP and meta heroes right now gets an insane ult buff. I really have no Idea what goes into Blizzard devs minds. His ult is like a Reaper’s now, press Q = instant kill. Except he has 3x more HP, 50x the mobility. Seriously, WTF?

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dude sombra has 60 bullets and tracking a zen up close is not hard, work on ur tracking dont complain about sombra. looooool

codey made it work without permanent invis and translocator having a timer, i believe in you buddy, game doesnt need to be made easier you need to get better