Fitzyhere think sombra isnt viable anymore in 222

hack goes to 5s before 6
castime increased
12%ult charge decrease so the heroes who count the much on her ult is no doubt sombra so the emp bot is the most hurt by this general nerf

Sombra has the lowest winrate of all heroes
She will be hurt by 222 since she s good in a 3 dps comp since she doesnt do a lot of damage or vs 3 tanks comp since she can charge her powerful ult faster

so 222 was already a nerf for sombra( iddqd also said this in his last video on ow central)

but because she has been played in owl for 2 stage she gets nerf( some heroes are played since the release of this game but it s ok for them)

I am ok with the nerf as long as they buff the rest of her kit

Actually sombra has the worst winrate in all rank 46% she has a positive winrate only in grand master even master have a negative winrate with her

I think with thoses nerf we will see the first heroes under 45% winrate

she was f tier now a new tier has been created Z tier

fitzyhere one of the best sombra of the world think sombra isnt viable anymore in 222 without any buff to compensate


They actually nerf the worst heroes of the game with out any buff really?
she can be frustrating I get it
but you cant give multiple nerf to the worst heroes on ladder and called it " balance change"


im pretty sure theyre taking a step by step approach with sombra.
they are nerfing her hack/EMP first, to see how much of an individual impact that change has. THEN they will buff other parts, so that the differences are clearer.
i know its frustrating, but i think its the right way to go about it.
straight up buffing could easily put her in S+ tier accidentally.


She needs something to make her better on ladder without making her a tyrant in OWL. She has the esports curse.


if you think step by step is giving multiple nerf to sombra letting her for +6month before buffing her

I dont think this is the way to go

first if you have heroes with the worst winrate you dont even begin with nerf but with BUFF actually

yeah it s strange it s called balancing a game with out listening to tank mainstreamer

about esport and owl like iddqd said with out any nerf she will disapear of the meta because she s strong only against 3 tanks or with 2 other dps

and nerfing a heroes because he has been played in 2 stage ( and not even all the match like lucio dva rein) is way too much


okay youre not in the mood for a constructive discussion, i see.
alright then. have fun.


Sombra is the character you pull out to deal with Hammond and break bunkers. Even after those changes, she’s still the best option.


But that’s the Blizzard way!


My only issue is that the only people who will consistently feel the lack of power are higher ranked players, and Sombra players. It’ll still feel just as frustrating to be hacked, and only Sombra will really notice the ult charge thing.

It sucks but whatever. It’s a game.

even against bunker she s weaker because now zen can counter ult and save his bastion and her ult can be cancelled more easely


I expect certain heroes to go through some changes in the following weeks. Probably dive heroes, brig, and Baptiste specifically. Symmetra in another year since her pickrate is probably gonna drop even more. Sombra as well because I have a feeling a lot of dive heroes won’t be as viable as deathball/bunker.

i dont know if higher rank players will even feel the difference.
the old hack is 6s. going down to 5s should not be much more difficult for an actual pro to handle.

Yeah true. Okay, still the best counter to Hammond.

If the nerfs go live without any compensation buffs, then I’m out of here.


Higher ranked players on anyone else but Sombra* I should say. Because teams don’t capitalize on it at low ranks instantly. Whereas at higher ranks they do. So adjusting for reaction time from teammates.

But 1 second is kind of a big deal apparently.

I mean, he also said infinite stealth sombra wasn’t going to be good at first too. And she eventually became meta. So yeah.


I mean, they did it to Brig and called it a buff. So?


hmmm we will have to see.
my prediction is: it will make no difference (outside of game fun) for low ranks, and make no difference for pros.
i think the biggest noticeable difference will be in mid-higher ranks.
but we can never be sure.

The funny thing is that no Sombra main wanted those Infinite Stealth changes. And what really disappointed me is that they decided to push it live regardless, and now she’s heading the wrong direction.


The role q thing is legitimate and the ult thing does hurt her a lot. I mean, I’m not as down about it as others on here are, but She is going to be worse. It won’t matter to me, really. Because I’ll still have fun hacking everyone.

My original point is that the complaints weren’t addressed, because people will still hate being hacked and call for it to get nerfed. She’ll be worse. But people will still ask for her to be nerfed.