Fitzyhere says hero 31 is a 'she'

And he’d know the next hero, because?

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Why would this be awesome exactly?

Shi is short for SHImada! that means hero 31 is the 3rd long lost shimada brother that an edgy kid made up

Who is Fitzyhere and what kind of status do they have that it should be taken seriously?

edit: found my answer but that doesn’t give me any reason to take it seriously.

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Does he have any history of leaking or knowing stuff like this? I haven’t watched him ever but this seems like he just said she. Not as any leak, just that his brain needed to pick a pronoun and it picked she.

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Double plot twist. Its a shi and her name is Guy


I hope it’s mama hong

Jeff said specifically in a stream that Sojourn is in development but is not hero 31. When asked about The Queen of Junkertown, he said they have “big plans for her”. Make what you want of that.


i know right? if only brig, moira, ashe, ana, and sombra were female! :confused:

Time stamp and which stream?

It was his very last game from yesterday before he started playing Hearthstone. It was around the very last part of the match too on the hero gallery.

“heeey, nearly every hero isnt 90 % balanced, some are in a very poor state… but lets just produce more and more and more and more and more heros and maps or boring events instead of just trying to get rid of past due tasks”

good job? :smiley: sorry for sarcasm but tbh: why? just make this game balanced and playable for EVERY character that was designed before you produce more and implement even more fouts -.-

Considering we have wrecking ball, it is very much possible.

Dr Chao? Perhaps? :slight_smile:

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If 31 is a girl and a tank, I hope it is D.Mon


That would be good. It would also add another Tank to the roster.

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-If you hold the information, you hold all the cards.


Mama Hong? (Yeet this filler)

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White males are the second largest group, with there being one more white female to make them number one. But I guess white males are represented, right? And reaper could be considered white depending on your definition