Fitzy agreed, sombra is uncounterable

If a Sombra gets a hack off on you then she deserved it, a fly landing on her can cancel it. There are a number of ults in the game that can be the cause of a team wipe(junk tire, dragon arrow, dragon blade, rocket barrage, dva self destruct just to name a few).


No, she should counter backline a like a tracer, but it’s incrsdibly clear this busted ability is there for hammond and doom more than anyone. She’s a disgusting hardcounter

Yeah, well, personally I think both Dormfrisk and Wobbling Bowl are disgusting characters with their high mobility, and I get off on focusing them when they are in my matches and I happen to play Sombraro. :smirk:


Hey I agree

Nobody in overwatch deserves to not use their abilities for 6 seconds because someone pressed right click

And you should do a better job of hacking from obscure angles, you will get shot far less and notice how little counterplay there is

OH look another Doom player complaining about Sombra what a surprise.

Sorry bud but as long as Her stats are this bad in literlly ANY level of play a straight nerf will probably not happen.


What stats are bad? Please enlighten us on the stats

Is it her 50 percent win rate in gm that is conflated by anyone that plays sombra even poorly maybe for a first point defense? Or in your mind would you like us to believe it’s a bunch of sombras playing into the worlds greatest doomfists and still losing ? How would you like us to think when listening to these meaningless stats

I listened to this starting at that point - you added text here to fill in your feelings and made it sound like he said those things which he didn’t. Nice try.

It’s old news that Fitzy expects a Sombra nerf, we discussed this and its still being discussed, and its most likely a drop in hack duration.


Yes I added my own thought, but he literally admits, only bad sombra will get countered

That’s like saying any character if played badly is countered. I don’t buy that and only god-like Sombras might be that case which is true for almost any character.

95% of Sombras are easily counted by one simple thing: enemy team staying together.

Will she get some kind of nerf? Yeah, probably, but if you think they will gut the character to satisfy your feelings your out of luck most likely.


I can use that logic for pretty much any hero. “Only bad Doomfists will get countered”, “Only bad Tracers will get countered”, “Only bad Genjis will get countered”, “Only bad Widows will get countered”.


He also plays with sub 50 ping, 240hz monitor and surround sound headset, you are mechanically horrible at sombra by default if you don’t have any of these.

That’s completely untrue, sombra is an insane hard counter to doom and ball. Next

“Muh played heroes get countered by Somber, delet awful hero”. Next Sombra hating topic from you, please.


Pickrate in EVERY rank is if you really think positively mediocre.
Winrates are straight down the worst in almost every rank and OWL.

The only good stat about her is her OWL pickrate which just tells us that some teams are just to good at goats and Sombra if lucky can cheese a win (only 36% of the time tho lol)
And Her EMP teamfight winrate is also really good but since her winrate with EMP to all Teamfights dropps from 71% to 51% to a matchwinrate of 42-36% we see that EMP really is all that is keeping her alive…

I expect an nerf to only EMP (Not hack) and a buff to her base kit.


Maybe at Masters up, maybe… that is just not true otherwise…

What mechanics??? What isnso mechanically demanding? Holding right click?

Sombra will have a hard counter soon, not the Talon tank tho

They are straight down the worst AND are all negative winrates in every rank including OWL

So, when Doomfist holds right click, he’s not mechanically demanding, am I right?